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This episode was so heartbreaking 😭

Next episode and Buffy are for tomorrow.

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/86qwkyp342hc7bd/One%20tree%20hill%20S6xE17%201.mp4?dl=0




Now that this episode is watched. I'd like to point out the foreshadow lucas dream episode had. Yes people say to skip it but has much as it was a filler episode, it was also a foreshadow episode of lucas fear of losing peyton, then you got naley in that episode which shows nathan trying to pursue his dream and haley will always follow him and support him. Brooke dealing with her company is kinda like her struggling w herself and her name like in lucas dream although she was broke, she was still putting on makeup and a beautiful dress she designed to keep her name to her reputation and trying to find herself. Dan being the villian ofc, mouth keeping his mouth shut is like when nathan or lucas go through something that mouth the reporter has witness, he would never snitch on them or use footage to gain a better position in his job. I like that episode cuz although its dramatic and its a different "universe" but they are still the same in a way but in a different time and place.


sawyer scott (peytons last name) Jamie scott (james is haley's last name) It's a common tree hill thing lol


I love how both Brooke and Julian can relate to each other because they have both been hurt by Peyton/Lucas. As Brooke said, "It sucks always being the footnote in someone else's love story." Just like Brooke has been hurt and made wary of love because of Lucas, Julian is also scarred from his relationship with Peyton. I think that is why he was scared off. Both Brooke and Julian have their problems b/c of the past. Like with Julian saying if Booke has more than one copy of Lucas's book he is "out of here" and then being scared off by the photo. We obvi know that Brooke is over it, but he doesn't. Peyton said the same thing to him and it wasn't true. Anyway, yeah the timelines def seems rushed. Sometimes the timeline of the show is confusing. I have no idea how much time has passed since they met. But I do think that even if a more reasonable time had passed, Brooke would still have this wall up and it would become a problem until she worked through it.


Yea well i'm just going to say it...The fact that some mothers like Peyton are ready to die to have a child that they perceive as living strongly is current-day topic when there is some much outrage in the name of convenience to end those would be lives

Mariella Nilsson

Yeah I think it is crazy for peyton to risk her baby growing up without a mother after all she has been through, for that child to know that she died because of him/ her would be traumatic for the child. And to leave Lukas and risk her life when her whole thing is complaining over people always leaving.. but the show does like making peyton and brooke martyrs in the later seasons.