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link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2fbjcfg7clwfrdd/GOT%20S2xE04%20encoder.mp4?dl=0




When you said, "Just... Give him to me... GIVE him to me..." about Joffrey, I really wish I could have. I would LOVE to see what you would do to him. Of course the later scene with Ros and Daisy made you even angrier and, "This is making me sick," is a perfectly good reaction. It SHOULD, as should a lot of things that happen on GoT - and they will, I just haven't seen you react to them quite yet. Although I am years late, I am thoroughly enjoying your reactions, every one!

Tommy Smith

The guy Rob was talking to was Roose Bolton, the head of house bolton which is the second most powerful house in the north. The Boltons banner is a flayed man because they are well known for flaying their enemies alive and (allegedly) sometimes even wearing their enemies skins as cloaks.