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This episode is painfully beautiful

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x4mln8iancg6j6d/One%20tree%20hill%20S6xE03%20%20encoder.mp4?dl=0




The last quote 💔💔


Yes that's what I would say, painfully beutiful. No matter what I think as you implied a lot of us would give anything to have such a tight knit circle of amazing friends and great people in our lives that care SO MUCH for one another no matter what.


This episode breaks my heart. Q deserved so much better. Seeing Dre go and join the Ravens at the Funeral was just so sad. And seeing him and Jamie together. Gah, I wish we could've seen Q, Jamie and Dre all hanging out together. We get very little Nathan and Brooke moments in the show, but I absolutely LOVE the ones we get. They really are so alike and can understand each other in a way the others just can't. I just wish we could get more of their friendship because it just makes me so happy. On that note, Nathan and Haley totally suspected there was more to what happened to Brooke than she was saying. I think Peyton and Lucas did too. But they all know her well enough to know that they can't just confront her about it, they have to let her talk to them in her own time. But Haley giving her the number for a Therapist, Nathan coming by to check on her. I love the friendship between the three of them. I love the friendship between all of them. But there's just something about Brooke's friendship with Naley that makes me smile. It might be the whole love triangle mess from the earlier seasons with her and Leyton, so it just makes her friendship with Naley different because they didn't hurt her like that. (Not saying her friendship with Leyton isn't great too of course! It's just different...) They all just make me so happy (and sad... They break my heart too...) and I love them... I wish Jamie got to actually give Q his cape. He would've loved it! :'(

Zeph 802

Every single time I see Jamie bring that cape out it gets to me! What a brilliant and painful episode to send off an amazing character

Nebulous Shooter

Probably my favorite episode of the series. The one I never manage to go through without at least tearing up, no matter how many times I have rewatched it.


Also i noticed...And don't want to be the one to throw blame, but Brooke asking Peyton for the keys to the house to quote "to feel safer in her home"....come on girl you should have guessed that there's something she's not admitting....If my friend had all these bruises and told me he needs to feel safer in his home I would seriously question what's really going on


the moment when Brooke finally breaks down, cries and feels everything that she has been repressing was so well done! Loved how she stayed back with Jamie and Jamie held her hand (their relationship is so nice)


Agree, my fav out of the entire series, I still cry when I see it. This episode truly touch my soul..the acting was great


Umm everyone one saw that there was more to what Brooke was telling them however they all know her so well and confronting her about it isn’t the right way to go about so I’m sure they wanted to allow Brooke to talk about it on her own time. They can clearly see she’s not herself but rather than force her and upset her even more they respected her space and knew she’ll open up eventually! Y’all be singling Peyton out and that’s not cool. She’s a great friend to Brooke. Sometimes you gotto give people their space!

Mariella Nilsson

this show is so good and the acting is fantastic!