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WTH! Are they serious?!

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iev5e4z0wwm7cx9/GOT%20S1XE09%20encoder.mp4?dl=0

It's the watch along version so bring your own copy to watch with me. Enjoy!!




Yeah this was a rough week of episodes for you. I had every single emotion and thought you had when I first saw this episode. This is the “main character”… who kills off the main character in the first season?! What will the show be like after without Ned? How horrible that he had to lie at the end trying to save his daughters before being killed in front of them. I, like you, was screaming that someone would intervene. The only reason I felt I kept watching after Baelor was I *had* to see if someone would get revenge on the Lannisters (mainly Joffrey) because I was so angry.


Yeah you can see that even Cersei thought Joffery's order was crazy and tried to stop him. He did it out of spite and cruelty. It was a horrible political move to execute a major lord and warden of the North. You are just going to give them more of a reason to fight you. Also, I love how Ned will sacrifice his honor for his family (honestly, in the modern world that is what is truly honorable )


yeah, Aemon Targyayen said that he abdicated the throne of his own choice. When his older brother died, it fell to him however, he refused it, so it passed to his younger brother Aegon V and when Aegon V died it passed to his son, Aerys II (The mad king) who was Rhaegar, Viserys, and Dany's father. The slaughtered children he is referring to are Rhaegar's children. In episode 8, Catelyn says to Robb that it was "on the orders of Tywin Lannister"

Tommy Smith

It was mentioned last episode that Tywin Lannister ordered the deaths of the targaryen children. Robert was completely fine with it if not outright happy, as it helped him secure the throne. Ned was quite upset about it though.


I think that Robb is 17 in the tv show. Also, I think that Robb is so good on the battlefield and such because as Ned said: in the North you are raised as a soldier. I think that is why Catelyn said to Robb in episode 8 that "our only hope is if you can defeat them in the field"


Now you are watching Game of Thrones. We were all waiting for this episode in morbid anticipation that you would share our pain.


You're not a sweet summer child anymore, welcome to Game of Thrones! Always a hard episode to watch


Also, others can chime in to correct me, but I think they did not show the battle because the show had a low budget the first season as they didn't know how it would be received.


Well Robb's capturing of Jaime didn't get shown in the books either, but yes the battle Tyrion was in was in the books and they cut it for budgetary reasons. That all said I was tempted to say 'careful what you wish for' about being disappointed about missing the battle. I'd be perfectly happy to never have had a battle scene in the whole show and have to rely instead purely on the 'juicy dialogue' to keep people watching.

Jay zay

This show along with attack on Titan(Anime) are one of the most unpredictable shows I have ever watched😭😭. After this episode I realised no one is safe.


This show is very unpredictable and the writers are not afraid to make you sad and mad 😩