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He we go!! Another season of One Tree hill And what a start. This episode was amazing.

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cxflxzhc0tcn2ci/One%20tree%20hill%20S6xE01%20encodder.mp4?dl=0



Elsa Reinsch

I believe that Carrie was always obsessed with Jamie. It was never really about getting with Nathan.... in a way it was but only as a means to get Jamie as her child. Nathan was plan A. At first she wanted to steal Nathan and become Jamie's stepmother. When that plan failed then she went to plan B which was just straight up kidnap Jamie and try to kill anyone who got in her way. That's one of the reasons i'm so easy on Nathan during those early days of S5. Yeah, I wish he had told Haley what was going on in the beginning but Carrie is a psycho and as a result I don't want to give her any space. And giving Nathan any culpability in that situation feels like i'm taking culpability away from Carrie. Now if Nathan had straight up led on an affair with Carrie then that would be different but he didn't, he just let her flirt with him. I view Jamie, Nathan, and Haley all as victims of Carrie all throughout her arc in this show. Also I don't believe that if Nathan had done anything differently that there would be a different outcome. Even if they had fired Carrie earlier, the only difference is Jamie would have been kidnapped much sooner and Dan would not have been out of jail to save Jamie. So in a way everything turned out in a way that was ultimately better in my opinion. Best case scenario is that Carrie wouldn't be a psycho bitch but unfortunately that would not be the case.


You know so many people are mad at the inclusion of Brooke in this choice debacle...But I for one am not. I understand how people see it as a cheap thing to build tension and it is but it's also more nuanced than that in my opinion....The thing is it's a nod and solidifies Brooke and Lucas in my mind to tell you that what they had was very real, even given the way it ended it was not a high school fling or something like this, moreover Lucas is someone that never made up his mind about what he truly wanted perhaps until now....But the main thing it tells us is that they were very much in love and under slightly different circumstances it very well might have been Brooke, even Hayley who knows Lucas hinted at it inserting her in a choice of three saying 'even if it's Brooke great, make up your mind' ...And as a Brukas fan even if I accept that it wasn't her in this point in time in that choice Lucas made I appreciate the WTF of giving a scene of Brukas to make us doubt for a few moments lol


ahh season 6 yay! That ending with Brooke....


One of the most disturbing episodes of one tree hill cause Brooke is such a great person. Chilling ending


I actually really like the Carrie storyline. I find her to be a great villain.


I am not sure it has to be interpreted like this, but I agree, the inclusion of Brooke means something (even though it is mainly for the drama because it doesn't add something significant to the story) First of all, I do think Lucas made up his mind about what he wanted. It is the story of S1 - S4. But S5 is about finding the courage to get back what you want after you lost it. Lucas is in a heart vs head struggle. He says that he wants Lindsey but he doesn't really fight for her, meanwhile, he spends time with Brooke and Angie because it reminds him the family he wanted to have. That's the head part. Head wants safety and it tricks you. It is even more obvious after the "I hate you" (hate is safer than love). For the heart part, the Comet explains everything but Lucas doesn't have the courage to admit it yet or the faith to believe in it again. Hayley was only trying to push Lucas but she did know Peyton was the one. She told him before the wedding and she told Peyton many times in last episodes. Each dream in 6x01 has meaning. It confirms that a relationship with Brooke is not good, they don't fit (it doesn't mean their relationship was fake in high school but it ended in S4). And it shows that Lindsey is the easy path but not the right one.


Love how happy you are at Lucas and Peyton finally being together. And I think you’re right… Lucas just wants to marry someone at this point. 😂😂 Skills and Deb is so wierd to me. No. No. Lol.


Peyton and lucas...finally finally finally! Soulmate and endgame in my book lol


My opinion in my first scene is, Brooke isn't really an option, it's more of a "we have an amazing friendship and we understand each other" kind of thing, it would mean Lucas taking another shot and path to someone he can talk to and be there for and have an amazing friendship that could "turn to something" kind way, I didn't think Lucas was actually gonna pick Brooke, he was just thinking a different path. Peyton's part was obviously the right one, Lindseys part was ofc the "safe option" like no history, no high school, no drama with it, it's just the easy and safe option but that would be Lucas not following his heart. Glad he finally did.

Sean Stuart

First episode I saw of this show. Gf was like who would you choose of the 3. Im like I don’t know but I would say Peyton because the other two aren’t what marriage is supposed to be. I did remember later in the episode I had seen the Ravens winning the state championship scene and the big kiss. We watched most of season 6 together and I caught up slowly on the show with her or by myself. I have enjoyed rewatching the show with you.

Steven Harper

I remember finding out my Christian aunt who raised me from 13 on, with no television or secular music, watched this show. I think that’s when I finally figured out she was a closet lesbian. No, not that you have to be a lesbian to enjoy this show, but I know she watched it for the hot moms lol

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

Okay, I'm just gonna say it, I HATE the way Leyton got together. He spent the entire 5th season swearing up and down he was in love with Lindsey. OTHER people kept insisting he's in denial. We all know where Peyton stood but Lucas kept insisting until the last episode that it was all about Lindsey. If they had focused more on the meaning behind the book or given Lucas a gradual but obvious epiphany about Peyton, I could have bought it, but they didn't. He was literally all about Lindsey, even knowing Peyton was in love with him didn't sway him. They added the Brooke option which cheapened their beautiful friendship, which is the best those 2 have ever been, for no good reason. And as much as I wanted Leyton to happen, this felt so rushed and out of the blue for Lucas that it felt like he wanted so badly to be married to a devoted wife and out of the 3, Peyton was a sure thing because he KNEW she's in love with him. It was supposed to be that Lindsey was the 2nd choice but the way it was written felt like Peyton was the 2nd choice for Lucas. It's just bad writing, I'm sorry. I could never get excited about their season 6 reunion and I still can't.