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Again it's the watch along version so bring your own copy to watch with me.Enjoy!!

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k2hchog82gln8ob/GOT%201x07%20encoder.mp4?dl=0

Ps: The next episode is gonna take some time before it's up. 




The animal that Tywin Lannister was skinning in that scene was a stag which is the sigil of House Baratheon. Love the symbolism!

Tommy Smith

This was a great episode imo its when the show really gets going. From here on out its gonna be crazy! Also did you notice the symbolism of Tywin skinning a stag (the symbol of house Baratheon) shortly before Robert dies? There are so many great small details like that.


You will notice that when someone really means what they are saying, they 'swear to the old gods and the new'. The old gods are the gods of the North, The seven are the gods of the other houses.


Yeah the religions of Westeros is very complicated. It tells you more of the history of it and their beliefs in the season 1 lore video I think. The "old gods of the forest" used to be the dominant religion of Westeros however now it is only in the majority in the North (although a few southern houses keep it). "The Faith of the Seven" or the "new gods" is now the dominant religion in Westeros. The Stark children were raised in an inter-faith household because Ned and the stark family traditionally worship the old gods however, Catelyn follows the faith of the seven. That is why you sometimes hear them swear "by the old gods and the new." The old gods of the forest is kinda a form of animism. They believe in many unamed nature gods. There is no specific deity. While The Seven worships the seven-faced god, a single deity with seven aspects or faces. Overall, the old gods way is less structured. It is less like organized religion. It is more personal while the seven has holy texts, temples or "septs", way more rules, etc.


Jorah is called "Jorah the Andal". To explain, "Andal" is a race/ethnic group. They are the dominant racial/ethnic/cultural group in Westeros. Thousands of years ago, they conquered Westeros (it is they who brought the religion of "the seven"). However, the first inhabitants of Westeros were "The First Men" (they held the religion of the "old gods". The North is the only area where the Andals did not conquer. So, the majority of the North today, including the Starks and Jorah Mormont are of the "first men" race. Not the Andal race. However, because Westeros is predominantly of the Andal race, it is often called "the land of the Andals" by those in other parts of the world which is why the kid who gave the pardon to Jorah assumes he is an Andal when he is probably not given that he is from the North. Additionally, this also explains why the King of Westeros is often described with the title "King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men". The Rhoynar are another ethnic group predominant in Dorne (the southern most kingdom).


Loving these reactions. I think the first scene with Tywin is one of the best introductory scenes to any character in TV. Instantly you see how commanding and dominating a character he is. Charles Dance, the actor who plays him, is fantastic in the role.