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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7630a4wgy6hmvik/The%20vampire%20diaries%207x18encoder.mp4?dl=0




She is mad so mad at damon


Don't worry in TVD style nothing will be left unseen .


I’d just like to take this time to appreciate the amazing character Valerie has been, although there has been plenty of people who dislike her and blamed her for Stefan getting trapped in the hell stone the second time I do believe she chose to keep the choice of transferring the mark to Damon from him for stefans own happiness, I agree she was influenced by spending time with him and I find it unfair people called her out as selfish for it, like anyone in this show she didn’t live a happy life. She was abandoned by her true family, then adopted to a new one with an abusive parental figure like Julian, was stripped of her baby by violent force and then got trapped into a prison world for a long time, just to come out and find not only her true love but father to her once child still alive, living happily with someone else without knowing the truth to something that ate at her for all that time as she had to face it alone. everyone in this show has done things for selfish reasons, Damon, Stefan, Elena, Tyler, matt etc. But even in this selfish act she acted upon it to consider Stefan’s happiness which is something VERY few people do for him and even fewer moments in which this actually happens in, all in all she was one of my favorite characters in the whole series and think she deserved a happy ending like any other character in the show