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What a beautiful episode!

Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j0xn9hcwr3r55u2/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S7xE17%20part1encoder.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dsf9igim725dn2m/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S7xE17%20part2encoder.mp4?dl=0



Jasmine Reigns

Paul was amazing this episode ✨ the irony of him being in an addict body was hilariously depressing 😂 Everything about this episode was phenomenal. The scene of Stefan and Damon on the phone is one of my favorite scenes of TVD this is where the show really shines DEFAN ❤️


Season seven keeps giving. We had a Damon centric episode and now we had a Stefan one. Both Ian and Paul had the chance to show off their acting skills and both of them are so brilliant. The writers are giving us some powerful dialogues, the directors of the episodes are fantastic, (this particular one was Julie Plec, kudos to her), everybody’s acting, the scenography, the music score, the editing, the lighting, everything is so beautifully done. The phoenix stone is keeping messing with Stefan up until the end, putting him in a human body of an addict. Stefan of all people that has past all his vampire life missing, longing for his lost humanity, gets a taste of the reality of it and it’s not what he remembers to be. How ironic! Nostalgia is a bitch, makes you forget the bad parts and long for a romanticized reality that is not real. In the phone calls there is so much of Damon and Stefan tender love for each other. I don’t believe for a second that Damon is selfish or that before meeting Elena he didn’t care for anybody, his brother included. Damon is using his tactic, to go to any lent to save his beloved brother even make him hate him, make him mad, to getting him move not to freeze to death, that is love; “....are you mad? Come and kick my ass!!... Are you moving?”. His relieve to Stefan finding the strength to walk, and Damon trying to keep him to talk and move. Before Elena, Damon never had the chance to have anybody around him, giving him any credit for all the good deeds he’s done in his life, like giving Stefan a childhood, protecting him from their father, let him live his life, never burden him with the troubles he had in his terrible deeply alone life he lived, sacrificing his life to give Stefan the chance be the good brother, by letting everybody hate him, starting with their parents. That is the extent of Damon’s love for his brother, more like a parent love, that would do and say anything to shelter his little brother. Even if Stefan doesn’t realise how much his brother always truly loved for him, because Damon never talks about his good deeds, Stefan has this visceral relationship with him, he needs him, he long for him desperately, he can’t live without Damon and he resented him for leaving him alone, because Damon to him is the everything. The love story between the brothers is so tender and poignant. To me is the best love story of TVD and one of the most compelling and well written brotherly love story I seen so far in any show.


I always start tearing up at the "You're never going to find me" line....It's such a beautiful scene between the brothers......This season truly has some of the best moments with in my opinion the worst structure and organization, we've come to a point where for good or ill we are making up plot points and arcs as we go along, it's all messy but gives rise to some great scenes it's just a weird relationship I have with this season personally


I love this episode. Beautiful scenes between Stefan and Damon. The best episode of the season for me . By the way, even in this episode it can already be said that Caroline is still in love with Stefan. As we remember, she destroyed a photo of Tyler and a drawing of Klaus when she didnt want to continue her relationship with them. But she keeps Stefan's photo even after 3 years.