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This was a WTF moment that slaps you in the freaking face 😱

Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3v7y96tj2f5oxc0/Angel%20S2xE09%20part1encoder.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/daa99q5i47d28mv/Angel%20S2xE09%20part2encoder.mp4?dl=0

Part3: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8n3bexoic8hgs6g/Angel%20S2xE09%20part3encoder.mp4?dl=0




Oh here we go! I love this episode! Cant wait to watch!

Roy Ben-Ami

One of my favorite episodes of the entire show. Can't wait to watch your reaction.


Ooooooo one of my fav scenes too! Drusilla just floats in like she's part of her own little reality... But is it better than the scene with Faith and Angel in the rainy alleyway? Idkkkkkkkk When you were saying to Angel "you reap what you sow!" I was thinking 'but what about poor darla?'... but then I remembered she's the reason Angel was the monster he was in the first place, and at this point everything the 3 of them do to each other is deserved lmao.

Phoenix Dawn

One of my favourite endings in the entire Buffyverse!

Jessica George

I can’t wait until Episode 15. Also I loved your reaction to this episode!


Juliet (Drusilla) is absolutely electric in that role. I remember watching this episode thinking, “No! NO, no… but yeah…, yes, YESSS!” 🤣 Always love your reactions, can’t wait for the next one specifically!

Martin Waits

I watched Buffy all the way through and then watched all of Angel. The scene with Dru at the end here was the first time I was just wowed by her character. She's genuinely chilling (or as you put it so well, "majestically horrifying") and more than just a kooky villain. It made me like her a lot more on rewatches of Buffy.


From the flashback a couple of episodes ago, just before Dru made Spike. Drusilla : No. His head's too full of you, Grandmother. Darla : Stop calling me that. Drusilla : Don't be cross. I could be your mummy... Love the foreshadowing through Dru's foresight!


Oh yes that scene too. Hahah yes also Darla is the one who initiated the whole idea of turning Dru.


The way Dru just glides into frame though...

Wisdom of the Sphynx

SoFie’s discipline to not binge watch these episodes. I had the coffee working overtime when I first watched the series 😄

Dennis Bryant

I think that your perception of his feelings for her is in the wording: He says that "I wasn't capable of feeling love". He had no soul then, but he still has all of the memories, though now he does have a soul, and she does mean a lot to him.


Tel me about it. Normally I’m a binge watch type of person. If it’s not for recording and editing i would’ve finished the show ages ago.

Joanne Garcia

Watching reactors freak out during that last scene - one of my all time favorites. Great reaction!!

Teresa Schultz

I found it using the Angel tag, and you did not disappoint! Amazing insights and reaction as always!