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 I was feeling Buffy today.

Anyway does this mean I'm not going to see Graham again ? 🥺

part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tspe7zvm911xb44/Buffy%20S5xE10%20part1encoder.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/89ntbb8otwvisac/Buffy%20S5xE10%20part2encoder.mp4?dl=0

Part3: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2ydx5non2cf88cq/Buffy%20S5xE10%20part3encoder.mp4?dl=0



Alexis Cardarella

I'm just going to copy verbatim what I commented on Alley's reaction recently: Riley felt hurt by her distancing herself from him emotionally for months. But the thing is, he never ever took the opportunity to directly address it with her. He only at one point said something like, "if you decide you want to let me in on things, I'll come running." It was so passive aggressive. Then Buffy's mother got really sick, and naturally she became very mentally preoccupied. So there may be validity to how he feels but wow, the way he went about it was fucking terrible. Even just the timing, like, she didn't get any space and he fucking ambushed her, in a super confrontational way no less. Like he needed to address her, delicately/with empathy and sensitivity-but directly, or seek fucking therapy to evaluate his next move. Buffy's mom could have died, and what then?? He would have resented her even further and blew up on an even more traumatized Buffy.

Flora Smith

Starting the reaction now but have to say you look stunning with darker hair 🔥


Just started the reaction but I LOVE the hair! It really suits you!

Alexis Cardarella

Oh wow, yes, you pull off both brown and black! 😍

Rey Gallogo

Did she even gave him the opportunity to open about it. Fact is, she didn't really love him the way Riley was hoping. Wasn't he waiting for her to say "I love you" back? Not sure if she ever did. Xander was speaking facts .

Darrell Palmer

Thank you so much for the early post and love the hair!!!


First of all, the black hair’s really working for you! You look like a character called “Prue” from the show ‘Charmed’. Anyway, THIS is why I absolutely love your reactions, you’re so introspective being able to see both sides of the equation and not be bias despite Buffy being your favourite. Buffy and Riley’s relationship has been on the brink of a breakup long before this because they both fail at doing the same thing, communication! They might hint what they mean with a passive aggressive comment (usually Riley) but that’s not the same as being direct! While Buffy’s completely and absolutely valid in putting her sick mother first before her boyfriend like you said, this has been ongoing even before that, it might be subtle but trust me, it’s there. I understand I’m the minority when I say I like Riley, he’s not perfect, but no one is. He wanted to feel needed, provide and take care of his girlfriend but she did that all on her own which kinda made him feel obsolete (which is not her fault whatsoever). I’m sure some of us have been in relationships where we feel like the other person isn’t giving back 100%. Everyone has a different love language. Because of Buffy’s somewhat defiant, independent, and at times, commanding personality she’s just not the person Riley wants her to be and she lays out flat in this episode. Sad to see him go. Xander’s professing his love for Anya is one of my favourite moments of him and showcases his maturity and growth throughout the show. He saw what happened with his best friend’s relationship, recognised the cracks and decided to amend his own. I just realised all of Xander’s male friends were formed mutually because they were dating one of his friends at some point(?). There was Jesse in S1 I guess. Graham, Sophie’s husband in some universe… I’m so glad your enjoying this season, can’t wait for more! 😃

Bud Haven

Buffy was right, their relationship was doomed from the start. Buffy just isn't Riley's type. A big hint came before they were dating. When Buffy asked, "So you think men can take care of themselves but girls need help?" Riley,"Yes." Protector is a large part of Riley's self indentity, coming from a military background." Buffy didn't need him the way he needed to be needed. He says he wants the entire package but it leaves him insecure. Buffy may have felt Riley's unhappiness with the relationship, and that would explain her hesitancy to commit fully to it. No amount of I love you's were going to keep them together. When Buffy got herself staked in FFL, Riley didn't wait for help. He could fufill the protector role for once and he wasn't about to share that with anyone. Riley needs Buffy to lean on him in difficult times. But Buffy has been trained to be self-reliant.


obsessed with the quality of your insights, as usual. you are such a gem Sofie 💎 i am grateful that you do what you do 🥰

Flora Smith

TBH the ‘not the right type’ thing goes both ways. In Something Blue when discussing going out with Riley she admits that there’s ‘something’s missing’ for her in their connection. Ultimately she was settling for something safe and normal which isn’t fair either. She’s oblivious to his issues (besides the fact he hasn’t verbalized them to her, yes) because she *does* take him for granted. Her investment is more in the idea of a being in the normal relationship she’d always wanted than it is in Riley himself. Neither of them are blameless, neither of them are villains, they’re just not right for each other

Mattisen Walter

I LOVE your hair!! Also, I have to disagree with Riley's argument, Xander's talk, and Buffy running after him to beg for him back. Riley did kind of push some blame on to Buffy where I feel it wasn't meant to go. Buffy showed him her love in her own way because everyone has their own way of expressing their love. She didn't tell him she loved him but she did expect him to know that she did for a reason. I think she has shown him that she loves him through touch a lot. I know relationships come with compromise but that also happens through communication and time. Riley just so happens to start communicating when he's done something wrong and has an easy out. She certainly does have a lot of trauma regarding her relationship with Angel. We all see it in her sex life at first with her lack of confidence through Angelous the first time and Parker the second. She also expressed how much she loved him often and he still broke her heart. Once again, if only Riley brought up a conversation healthily with plenty of time to work it out. He sensed it all along it seems. I think it was incredibly cowardly of him to put his decision on Buffy that has mainly to do with his life and it was selfish of him to give her what seems to span 40 min to an hour to make a decision. I am honestly jealous of her ability to have initially seen that for what is was and as clearly heartbroken as she was, she wasn't having any of it. I know this is just a show but she was putting her self worth in front of a romantic-based decision. Xander not only butted in forcefully and without context (totally not his place or decision) but also told her to forget what's good for her honestly. She doesn't need a man to be happy or fulfill her and it was never that healthy a relationship. And Riley is his own man who will hopefully find the right girl one day, but GOD Buffy can do so much better and it would have been nice for her friend and the writers to see it that way too. It was really disappointing to me how the writers of a show like this would choose to have Buffy run after him begging. Anyways, sorry for my ramble. I still loved your reaction <333 You definitely brought out things I hadn't realized before and I always love seeing your face!!!

Bud Haven

Xande'rs talk with Buffy. Yuck. I feel that Xander talked Buffy into doing something she wouldn't have done if he hadn't pushed her. Hard. Something IMO wouldn't have worked but for a little longer anyway. I often wish someone would tell Xander to mind his own business.

Martin Waits

Xander is awful in that scene. An unfortunate return to his terrible S1/S2 behavior.

Martin Waits

I cannot stand Riley - a bland, insecure dude who also has controlling and patriarchal tendencies - being described as "the one that comes along once in a lifetime." Buffy and Xander are 20 in this season. Buffy has tons of time to meet guys who are better suited to her. It's ridiculous.

Flora Smith

I don’t like Riley either but it’s Marti’s episode and he was her pet character so a degree of hyperbole is to be expected 🤣


Haven't watched yet but yay, thanks so much for the unexpected, early upload sofie! 😃


What a nice surprise, after a long day of work! Thank you, you really brightened my day!


Also, love the hair! I haven't even pressed play, but I had to tell you.


I love you hair, I need to get used to too, but you look gorgeous as usual!


Relationships shouldn't be so difficult, they clearly need different things and they aren't on the same page, moving at the same pace. Being in love should be enough, but in some cases isn't if you are travelling on two different trains running parallel but going at different speed, one of you is bound to be left behind before or after.


I'd never even thought about Giles getting his blood sucked in his Ripper days, but now you mention it, yes I think it could indicate that, especially the way he says "the hazards of the underworld can become addictive to.........some people." Though he could've just been referring to his dark magic obsession and not specifically him taking part in the vampire brothel stuff Also I havent finished watching yet, so sorry if you change your opinion in this later on, but i think the links to riley's habit being almost like cheating, not just like a durg addiciton, is because vampire biting has been sexualised throughout the show. So it is quite relevant that Buffy sees it like cheating, especially as she knows what it feels like to be bitten. When Angel drained her the scene was very sexual. In dreams when Angel bit her, it was during sex, and dracula biting her was him basically sexualising her


/sarc Oh good. The episode Xander haters look forward to is here.

Syed Hasnain

Even though I was looking forward to Buffy and Riley breaking up, I really think Riley is one of the most overhated characters in the fandom. He's disliked when he's Joe Perfect and he's disliked when he has flaws and insecurities. This particular arc painted him pretty rough and it was definitely time for them to part ways, but I think his issues were developed well enough for him to not be perceived as the exclusively awful character that many cast him as. There's always this discrepancy I notice between how some of the favorites are forgiven more easily for some pretty awful (and worse) shit throughout the course of the show, and in the next breath they'll completely condemn Riley as a whole. I also had to come here and see the reactions I knew you were going to get for seeing the same thing I saw in the Buffy and Xander conversation lol. This is like the creme brulee of Xander haters, right up there with "kick his ass" and the season 3 Willow affair (both of which are better reasons to dislike Xander than this). I think people are overlooking that he did not tell Buffy to go chase after Riley. He told her that IF she thinks Riley is worth it, then losing him over this isn't worth it. The decision was entirely her own. All Xander's input did was make it so that she wasn't making the decision solely out of anger. Because in most relationships, ignoring someone out of anger can be rectified the next day usually, but in this case Riley was leaving forever forever.


I don't approve of everything Riley did but I think he was "right" in how he feels and his assumptions about Buffy. As a guy I can 100% relate to Riley. I have more than once been with a girl who regardless of their proclamations of love treat the relationship as a technicality and "you" as an accessory. It's a shitty feeling and Riley put up with it a lot better, and a lot longer than most of (self aware guys) would. He is going to be better off now....Props to Xander also, it's easy to disregard him because he is goofy and doesn't have any superpowers or whatever, but I won't ever forget that he is the "Heart" of the scoobies.


"Yes, I went black-haired" in Ohio we say raven-haired ... And you look Gorgeous!

Thom Purdy

Let's face it, the scoobies in general are not great at personal communication. Riley and Buffy could have worked out better if they had talked regularly. But that's something neither one has much experience with. Buffy is almost conditioned to keep secrets by being the Slayer, and Riley the same from being in the Initiative. We know that he's not used to asking questions. He waits for "instructions".

Thom Purdy

By the way, the black hair and your complexion looks beautiful together! But then, your beautiful anyway.