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Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c4wwr729ogynl41/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S7xE13%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e73uiyp1osysjv9/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S7xE13%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0



Jay zay

Wish u were watching both tvd and the originals at the same time


lowkey excited to watch it after cus its so nostalgic when they mention anything from tvd😭😩


It's crazy, like for one who was their enemy for so long....At the end of the day, when all shit breaks loose, there is nothing you can do...You can still fall bak on Klaus, hahaha i find it so freaking awesome that he's like their trump card to take care of any big dodgy situation you just go there and you're safe even if he's really just a frenemy, coz in your hear to hearts you know he will take care of any situation especially if it concerns Caroline's safety, the idea that the fallback is 'We are driving to New Orleans' is just so awesome lmao


I loved this episode too, so much. Believe me there are so many great episodes in this seasons. We are getting close to another one I love so much....


AND SO MY FAVORITE CHARACTER IN THE ENTIRE TVDU, JOSIE SALTZMAN, IS BORN. (might be a surprise to hear me say that about a baby but she's so fantastic in Legacies, I love her with my entire heart.) genuinely got super emotional during that scene. also I agree--I love steroline so much and they're genuinely so great in this ep, his feelings for her are so strong and pure. Valerie's great too, and has become such a good and nuanced character, I want only good things for her.....I just don't want Stefan with anyone other than Caroline lmao. But yeah this episode is so good, and this was a fantastic reaction.


The way Stefan constantly sacrifices his happiness is a real madness . This is my biggest question after watching all 8 seasons. Why do writers hate him so much? Did he deserve it? Can't he just be happy? He is so much in love with Caroline, but the writers have separated them for some reason. It 's the same with Elena . Stefan sacrificed himself so that Klaus could cure Damon. And at this time Elena fell in love with Damon. I love Delena, but the fact remains. We'll talk about the events in season 8 later


It is the same with Damon if not even more. Damon protect Stefan from his abusive father all his childhood, teenagers and young adult life, taking the full blow of their father violent behavior, sacrifysing his childhood for him. Even though he was forced to a life he didn't choose, alone, resenting is brother he never acted on it, on the contrary he left his brother to live his life without burden him with his trumas and his misery, even when he need him; he took the hatred for turning Bonnie's mom, thing that shoul have been done by Stefan , but to protect his brother, again he did it; and with Elena as well, Damon meet her first, and she was set on the path to get all she wanted in life, which was Damon, ha he compell her to forget, she would have never go for Stefan, the closest thing to Damon, an imagine Damon enduring having to wait for the woman he loves, to realise that and in the mean time suffer seen her going out with Stefan your brother, not only for the love he had for his brother even patch them up when they had a rough patch. Stefan went with Klaus to save his brother , from an horible death, but Damon would the situation be reverse would have done exactly the same. I don't think the writers hate Stefan because he had few bump on the road, but he lived a faily happy childhood and young life, never went to war, he was very much loved by every woman he ever encounter, Lexi was always there to help him, he had many friends lived a very care free life, even a little too care free for which he was never count accauntable. I think te writers loved him a lot more then Damon that made him endure every possible hard life, unloved, alone, abused, tortured, abandoned, and even when he finally got the love of his life made it so difficult, with every possible obstacles to get separated from her twice, and the second time by the will of his oun mother, and he get blamed and hold accountable for every single thing he made way too much and way too long, compare with Stefan that never did, so far. The writer make Stefan gesture of self sacrifice a huge deal, on the contrary Damon's one, that are so overlooked, and constantly denied and forgot. So to me the writers were totally partial to Stefan. You have to put some bump on the road, otherwise the character have it too easy, and feels boring. Stefan season one apart from the manipulation he pulled on Elena that made him interesting would have been boring, Stefan season three, fantastic, interesting, layered, wicked, twisted. So in Stefan's case the bump on the road are a goog thing.


I wish people woulda voted for the orginals to be watched at the same time as the TVD, i don’t know why people voted for after but it makes it slightly difficult remembering certain things in TVD that help connects stuff in the orginals, Sophie actually has very good memory but still think she would’ve enjoyed watching them at the same time more than separately, great reaction tho one of my favorites thus far!

I Am Not Chamari

I think Rayna actually does look similar to Nina/Elena/Katherine/Amara lol And yeah Stefan does always sacrifice his happiness for others. It sucks. I think there are a couple of things missing from why Enzo did what he did and I honestly, I don't remember if it ever gets resolved haha And that ending... very good.