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First, I apologize for how long this video is and for all the squealing '' I couldn't help it'' and myy bad audio gear was not helping but like how I told you I'm working on a better gear I'm just late because after I bought the audio interface I found that it has a hardware problem so I had to return it and I'm waiting for a new one.

Anyway back to this episode. it was everything I wanted in more. I can't tell you how much I love it. 

It's such a gem 💎. Dare I say my favorite episode of BTVS so far!! ❤️


Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/upte6wqp5ceamsg/Buffy%20S5xE07%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0

Part3: https://www.dropbox.com/s/offi0ao3s1ztmm7/Buffy%20S5xE07%20part3encode.mp4?dl=0

Part4: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4fwt78msj9ffmv4/Buffy%20S5xE07%20part4encode.mp4?dl=0




Ooooh I can’t watch right now but I’m so excited to see your reaction! It’s top 5 episode of the series for me too


yasssss queeeenn ofc its your fave 💎💎💎

The Witch Hawk

NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR A FOUR-PARTER! We love it! Can’t wait for your first five-parter!

Martin Waits

Don't apologize for squealing at this episode! Easily one of absolute favorites. 😊 I've been looking forward to you getting to this one since last season. I love your reaction to the scene in the alley - it's my favorite scene in the Buffyverse.


You know the episode is fire when Sofie uploads 4 parts😂😂 So many more favorites to come I can’t wait


Bit of a retcon about Dru siring Spike, but they added the explanation that 'sire' can mean anyone in the line that made you or something like that. I definitely prefer Dru siring him!


Omg, I knew your reaction to this episode would be so good!


Angel turned Drusilla and Dru turned Spike so he's is techinally part of Angel's sire line. Sire can mean anyone in your line that made you. So techinally Darla is also Spike's sire

Jessica George

I was so happy to see another reaction. I was so excited for you to get to this episode. You will definitely see growth with his character and I’m excited for you to see it. Spike has such an awesome character arc in a tv series. The flash backs are my favorite as well. And he just kills me. You just can’t help but love him.

Raven Dark

Wow! A FOUR-PARTER? Heehee, this is gonna be epic.


The Spike sire thing is a bit of a retcon. His character was never supposed to stick around this long but due to the huge positive fan reaction after his debut they kept bringing him back. Presumably once they decided to flesh out his backstory that's when the decision was made to switch some of his history around a bit.


Spike is my favorite character so I'm obsessed with this episode. First thing, about Spike confusing love, sex, violence, and death. I think it started when he was murdered while he was heartbroken, and then became the lover of the person who murdered him. Another thing I've noticed that no one has ever brought up before was the similarity between Buffy in the final scene and Spike when he was transformed into a vampire. They were both sitting by themselves, crying, and wanting to be "left alone". So even though Spike might might have gone to Buffy's house wanting to take revenge on her and Cecily and every girl who thought he was beneath him what he found was himself when he was at his lowest.


Great reaction as always, ive underestimate how good this episode is. About the boxer rebellion it is a part of the history about the decline of western imperialism, and the chinese people wanting to liberate themself from european influence. I dont know if i explain it good, but its a big historical event so its make some sense that they will be there under the cirumstance i guess.

Wisdom of the Sphynx

Loved your reaction as always SoFie. For fun I’d recommend going back to the episode where Willow made Buffy and Spike get engaged 😃. Puts their chemistry in a whole new perspective. 😆


And I believe it was slyly put in that Dru was pleasuring him when she killed him. Spike literally was created in sex and death.


One thing we know about Spike's character from season 2 is that he has at least some humanity that has rubbed off on him. That is why the Judge couldn't/wouldn't touch him. That is how he can love Dru.

Raven Dark

Sofie, I gotta say, I love your style in this episode is gorgeous. That hat and that jacket... *Chef's kiss* This episode is top tier, I agree. Season five is a huge fan favorite. Now, you're starting to see why.


Eeeee one of my absolute fave episodes. And a 4 parter?? *dies* ok gotta watch now :D


damn you just gotta wonder how amazing the foursomes between Dru, Darla, Spike and Angel must have been

Land Howard Johnston

So I just wanted to comment and say, what an absolutely incredible experience this reaction was. I've followed you for quite a while on YouTube but hadn't subscribed to your Patreon yet. But I heard you were going to do Fool for Love and I had to see it immediately and sign up. Fool for Love is one of my absolute favorite episodes of the entire series. For all the reasons you mention it's simply breathtaking. Everything about this episode is epic from the flashbacks to the alley scene - just mind blowing stuff. And then we get the final scene in the backyard which, I think is not only one of my favorite scenes in the Buffyverse (definitely Top 5) but it should be taught in acting school. SMG and James do such an amazing job in the entire episode and they just drip with raw, innate chemistry together that's honestly shocking and makes you gasp. It's part of why the Spuffy ship is still so popular 20 years later. You touched on so many of James's incredible facial expressions but I also want to mention how stunning SMG's eye movements were after he asked if there was anything he could do and when he patted her back. She was utterly shocked and bewildered as you were watching the episode. Just incredible. You could spend an entire semester class breaking down the nuances and callbacks of this episode alone. Buffy has been one of my all time favorite TV shows since watching it when it originally aired and this episode is exactly why. I'm so happy to hear that you think so too!

Shaun Houghton

Well I'm just shattered, here I was thinking the season 1 episode, with the praying-mantis, would be your all time favourite. I just don't know what to do with myself. Gotta admit the show has evolved, in such a fantastic way.


it has evolved and grown *so much* along with Buffy's character, which is poetically perfect for a show that is literally about growing up


Studious Buffy has come a long way from Season 1. It kind of started when Angel came back from a hell dimension and her wanting to learn more about Hell dimensions to now where she's frustrated by the watcher's records lack of detail :) Fantastic reaction! It's fun seeing your appreciation for the show increase over the seasons.


Blown away by your reaction! So glad you love this episode. Did you notice that as well as getting his coat from the 2nd slayer, he got his scar above his eye from the first? Like sort of...trophies for his kills. And yes, this show just gets better and better as it develops. Also there's no shame in being a spuffy shipper *chants* "one of us! One of us!" Spike was written as still somehow having some humanity and empathy even as a vampire, which makes him so unique. Probably a remnant of the tortured artist he was in life. Hearing you say this has become your favourite show is so wonderful. When someone new sees what us other fans see, it's like music to our ears. Have a great week sofie xx


Finally was able to watch it! I loved your reaction to this SoFie! It’s your moment of realization for how good this show is that’s makes all the fans all spit out the “it gets better!” comments about the first season. No one can believe the silly show about a teenage girl fighting bad CGI or Costume monsters would develop to have so much depth. You are catching so much on your first time through the show but it really shines on repeat viewing. I’m so happy you are seeing the reason this show still has such a loyal fan base 20+ years later. I love this episode to pieces too. Depending on my mood it might be my top episode but there are so many others that I love just as much. I do think the storytelling in this episode is really masterful but I’ll save that discussion for later.


Can you believe Spike was meant to only last about 5-10 episodes and meant to die in season 2? He was so popular among fans that they decided not to kill him. That's why he sat in the wheelchair in the later half of season 2, because they had not written Spike to be part of the storyline anymore, and they were figuring out what to do with him! Thank GOD the fans loved him so much! Anyway, I was waiting for your reaction to this episode ever since you started season 5. It's one of the favorite episodes among fans, so I was excited to see your reaction, especially knowing you're a Spike fan! And it didn't disappoint. Also, don't feel bad about shipping Spuffy! It's not the healthies ship in the show (I mean, does it have to be?? It's a vampire fantasy show, it's fiction and not real life, so it's okay), and it's the most popular ship in the fandom for a reason! Spike is special, who even without a soul is able to have real feelings for those he cares about. He's a fascinating and complex character, and can't wait for you to watch the rest of the show. AND YOU SAID IT'S THE BEST SHOW YOU HAVE EVER WATCHED?? YAY <3


One of my favorite James Marsters scenes is to watch all the emotions cross his face when he sees Buffy crying on her porch before asking, "What's wrong?" It's soooo good.

Bud Haven

This is my favorite episode of the entire series. Spike when he was talking to Buffy about how Slayers die mentioned three ways. First, Slayers are in deep if they don't have a weapon. Drop your stake, drop your life. In school hard when Buffy asked Spike if they might fight unarmed, Spike was quick to agree. He felt it gave him a big advantage. Second is pure RNG. Keep fighting long enough eventually something is going to get you. Third was the darkest. Eventually Slayers get to the point where they've had enough. When Buffy says, "Say it's true. Say I do want to." I don't think she was about making out with vampires. I think it was about that third way. Spike would never be the vampire that takes her out. But Spike was trying to get a physical realtionship going, and that is how he took her rejection. The final scene where they are sitting together like two old warriors. Spike in reality and Buffy just for a Slayer. Screw Bangel. Those two sitting on the porch could be the main image for the show.

Bud Haven

My favorite episode of the entire series. The last scene of the two on the porch, one of favorites too.

Bud Haven

"Suppose I do. Suppose I do want to" . Buffy tells Spike he would never be the vampire to take her out. But he hears he would never be someone to get near to.


Thank you for the backstory. It sheds some lights on why they chose to be there at that time.

Bud Haven

In School Hard Spike was quick to agree to fight unarmed. He felt it gave him a big advantage. It was how he defeated the first slayer. Sorry about the multiple posts.

Idun V

Knowing that Spike was in New York at the same time as emotionless Damon was, makes me love the idea that they just hung out in punk bars having fun.

Idun V

Well, Angelus is his grandsire but he was also his mentor. I feel more like he called Angelus a sire because he was the one who taught him everything.


I can't really tell with this scene to be honest. I mean I understand what Spike was saying by ''I know you wanna dance'' but I don't know if Buffy got it or not''. He was trying to kiss her and Buffy caught it and this is why she pushed him a way. But then she said ''...Suppose I do want to?....But it's never gonna be you...'' did she mean the possibility of him taking her out or did she say that in response of him trying to kiss her??? I don't think she doesn't have a clue of what he really means since he practically tried to kiss her.

Roy Ben-Ami

That last scene in this episode might be my favorite moment in the show.. (top 5 for sure). Overall, this is a masterpiece of an episode - everything about it is just pure genius.

Phoenix Dawn

One of the best Buffy episodes and so brilliantly edited too! I love it!

Alexis Cardarella

I think there may be validity to what Spike was saying, which is that a part of her subconsciously yearns for all the hardship to stop, and that in that near death moment, a slayer feels a sense relief perhaps. But yes, I agree, she definitely overall values life and wants to live it, just as she expressed earlier in the episode to Giles and her whole point in seeking out Spike.

Enas Bassiony

Buffy having a death wish doesn't mean she wants to die As Spike said, it just means that she sometimes wonder how it would feel like to let go and finally rest, to surrender and stop carrying yhe weight of the world on her shoulders She wants to live of course, but this nere moments of wondering might actually cause her to slip and that shall be the end About Spike being able to feel stuff .. Here is my theory and it's not spoilery cause it's just me .. nothing really mentioned on the show. know how in TVD they say when you become a vampire everything about you is heightened?!! Well I think this works here as well.. Angel as liam was such an asshole .. when he became a vampire "Angelus" he became the epitome of assholes Later when he was cursed with the soul he was overwhelmed with guilt and pain that it kinda softened him a little, made him feel unworthy of anything and that what caused him to be "nicer" as Angel Don't use Angel as an example of how a vampire should be because I believe every vampire is different according to their real personality before they turn, thier deeply impeded qualities are magnified as Vampires Angelus is the same asshole with super powers.. and Angel is the same but broken and hurt Spike is sensetive and sentimental william only with super powers as well Also, Dru sired Spike, Angel sired Dru So Angel is Spike's grandsire

Holy Stregas

"He can't tell the difference anymore. When did that start?" Remember how he was turned into a vampire. He was heartbroken, very aroused, and in great physical pain. Add that to the fact that vampires in this show don't tend to draw clear boundaries between pain and pleasure in general and you can kind of see how his conception of love became what it is.

Enas Bassiony

Ah, also.. I think you better think of the soul as the "conscious" rather than the heart ... Vampires do feel .. Angelus still hated his father ..and he enjoys stuff.. Dru cares about Spike and Angelus . Darla loved Angelus as well .. they also get angry, scared, disappointed ...etc They feel every emotion only feel those things in a twisted way because they no longer have concious Like they don't have the moral compass that tells them what they can or can't do when they feel that emotion One of the reasons why I never shipped Bangel tbh.. he should have been in love with her as Angelus even if in a twisted way... like he could have tried to turn her or something but to just not care at all makes me question the depth of Angel's feelings and weather it's really love or more of an attachment to the girl who accepted and loved him unconditionally after living alone for so many years Along with the fact that he was almost 30 and fell in love with her when she 15 sucking a lollipop on the stairs of her middle school .. uugh


The Thing with vampires in TVD is that they're portrayed as these super emotional beings. Every emotions that they felt as humans gets heightened even their personality traits. They're not portrayed as '' demons'' right off the bat. They can feel guilt, they have conscience until they turn the switch anyway. With BTVS, vampires are portrayed as evil demons. When they turn they lose the thing that makes them humans a soul as in a conscious. Yeah they also have feelings and they are driven by the things that they felt when they were humans in an evil toxic way. But '' there's no humanity switch like in TVD'' They are all evil with no humanity well except for Spike anyway who clearly is showing some humanity traits which is interesting and it raises the question '' what makes him different from other vampires in the show''?

Rey Gallogo

Conscience and having emotions are different things. Conscience and soul/heart is the same. In my opinion, they kind of blurred that I didn't care for.


Also very interesting how Angel and Spike more or less switched personalities after their transformations. Angel starts out as basically a drunken lout always starting fights and getting into trouble while Spike was the demur artist. After they're turned Angel is the artist (of death) while Spike basically turns into a drunken lout who gets into fights and starts trouble

Collete L

Sofie lost it! I loved this reaction so much.

Robin Davies

I don't know why William's audience were so critical of the word "effulgent". As you said, it's a perfectly good poetic word. It's the "bulge in it" bit that makes it a bloody awful poem!

Janel Davis

You're English is great Sofie! Effulgent is a very obscure word. I'm a native English speaker, and I had never heard it before either. I've still never heard it outside of Buffy circles :)

Ava Sinclair

Another one of the examples of Spike being unusually compassionate as a vampire was the scene where he attacks Willow in the dorm room. Don't get me wrong; that was a terrifying scene - I likened it to a r*pe scene almost when he turned the radio on so no one could hear her scream. I was scared to death watching it, at least until the comedic turn. Then what does he do when Willow expresses her insecurities? He tries to reassure her! That right there convinced me that Spike didn't need a soul to care about others, as twisted as he might be.

Rio de Tanana

The reactor was much more upset about Spike crying than the fact he’s wearing the coat of the Black woman he killed. And was drooling over him as he was killing her. And is an adult who has never heard of the “Boxer Rebellion”?