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''......And then everything went wrong"😭

Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0kbse8knxvz8ojo/One%20tree%20hill%20S5xE01%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uw86ygexl50l6s9/One%20tree%20hill%20S5xE01%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0




Oooh im sooo ready for the next btvs ep 😜


As always great reaction sofie ❤️


here we go!!

Bec van til

Omg I’m so excited for season 5 🥰

I Am Not Chamari

The way Season 4 ended so perfectly and then all hell breaks loose in the Season 5 premiere... can't wait to see your reaction lmao

Mariella Nilsson

Perfect opening episode and great reaction!


ahh so happy we're on season five. I honestly love the fact that they skipped the college years. I think it allows the show to refresh itself. They can also explore more adult issues. College, in some ways, would have been a rehash of high school. They still would have been going to school, playing school basketball, etc. So excited for this season!


Also Haley's dramatic hair change from long and blonde to short and dark is amazing! It also really sells the time jump. She looks more mature. Even Brooke's more subtle hair change is gorgeous.

I Am Not Chamari

Your reaction to Lucas/Lindsey is 100% me.

Jasmine Reigns

The emotional rollercoaster that is season 5 🥴 I’m beyond excited to see your reaction to this season 😊 Also isn’t Jamie the cutest Scott boy 🥺🥺


The time jump is crazy! I love it though, because it seems that it would have been tricky to follow everyone going to different schools and locations. Following them in their post college years brings a new vibe, but still the same heart that is this show. So much ahead! Also, Jamie is the most adorable! ☺️


i’m glad that they choose to do a time jump! most shows that follow the kids through high school then college don’t seem to do it well. this season is definitely much darker and a wild ride. when i first watched i was so mad that leyton broke up, how could they build them up in s4 just for this😭😭 brooke is a queen ofc! and i feel so bad for haley :( nathan is really going through it. jamie is the cutest!


Yeah the time jump is what immediately turn me off from season 5. I find it lazy and uninspiring when shows do that. It's just 1 of the things that make me wish the show ended with season 4.


One of the best seasons! I cant wait for you to see Brooke and Jamie's interactions, too cute :D Also, the development of the characters into adults


I thought Klaus finished off lindsey but nope......She gotta break from the werwolf pack and come bother One Tree Hill LMAO


Even if it's sad a lot of what Nathan goes through this season is just so freaking inspiring man....It's not how you fall but how you get back up, things like this happens to great people everyday, the scene where he stands to hug his son is one of my all time favorites personally

Zeph 802

Yes her hair changes throughout the show are good. And I see this style get a lot of hate, but I absolutely love it. It has strong teacher vibes

Zeph 802

What don't you like about time jumps? I personally love them because it allows for you to introduce so many fresh storylines and mysteries, also I find it so fun to know where the characters end up

Daniel Larson

the premise of the time jump is some character's struggle while others succeed