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First of all, sorry guys I'm late I had some technical problems.

But what a great ending for an amazing season, It came full circle. It all started in the RiverCourt and this exactly how it ended.

Am I the only one that think this episode feels like a series finale.

Anyway I can't wait to see how they're gonna start their new chapter.

Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k9ya27bgxseqkir/One%20tree%20hill%20S4xE21%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jtexc6fhikko55i/One%20tree%20hill%20S4xE21%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0




Iv'e said it multiple times on reactions, but this is like an end to the show....It does come full circle totally...If you were to watch just those first 4 seasons it could be a complete show, this last episode is just above and beyond, the very last moments say it all, there is so much fellowship and complicity and love for all the characters and the final words of the brothers who were ennemies on the river court in the first episode and are now playing together as brothers... there is really three periods to one tree hill roughly cut at Season 1-4 then period season 5 and 6 and then 7-9, this is the end of the first period of one tree hill which remains my favorite although many many GREAT things are yet to come especially season 5 has a strong place in my heart. This is the end of the high school years, other period will start looking at them in their young adult lives and how they evolved. All I will tell you is we definitely do start at a very difference place, I can't wait for you to discover it all there is a lot of feelings involved


Great reaction! I can't believe season 4 is finished. It's truly the end of an era! Def one of the best seasons. Although, season 5 is close for me! Totally different vibe. Can't wait to see your reactions for it :)


This was a great season and a great conclusion to the season. I'm gonna be honest, I'm looking forward to watching your reactions to the seasons to come but this episode was where the show ended for me. There are some good moments ahead but I don't like any of the upcoming seasons like I loved the first 4. As I said though, I look forward to your reactions and breakdowns.


I love this season so much! This could definitely be the series finale, but I’m so glad it wasn’t! I think the later seasons are great too, but S3&4 are my favs of the show. This is the end of an era- high school is over, but there’s still so much story to tell!


Love your OTH reactions! Excited for the next chapter! The high school seasons are great, but I really love all the later seasons so much as well!

Jasmine Reigns

I loved this season so much 🥺 I’m sad the high school era is over but mannn the upcoming seasons are truly amazing 🥴 Can’t wait for season 5 it’s close to my heart 😊


I love the scenes between Nathan and Lucas this episode so much! I mean, first we've got the hug at the Hospital. Then the scene on the roof which was just one of my favourite scenes ever! I love them exchanging baby pictures, and Nathan apologising for not believing Lucas about Dan, and Lucas apologising for being right because he knows how hard it is for Nathan that Dan is a murderer. And then the one b the river where they decide to never go see Dan, and Lucas tells Nathan he's gonna be his Coach, and how he tells him to play well against Skills because they can't let him beat them. And then the final scene on the River Court with their rematch. I love the whole rematch thing so much, because it's so different to the first game they played. For one, they're friends (brothers!) now, and so it's a lot more lighthearted and fun, but there's also no stakes or anything like that, and it's just their friends watching. The game in the Pilot episode had basically the whole School there, it was this huge thing, but this time it was just their friends. (Also, Haley was totally cheering for Nathan this time and Peyton was definitely cheering for Lucas out loud this time. I say out loud because we all know that in the Pilot episode at least part of her was hoping Lucas would win... Haha) Nathan and Haley being the best parents ever! I love them! And them both calling Deb multiple times to check in on the baby was hilarious. I love that reveal that Nathan had called 6 times so much! And it's really refreshing to see a show actually have both parents be like that rather than just the one. Showing that both parents love their child and are worried about him. And of course Deb's joke about having them bring her home some drugs. Love that she's at a place where she can joke about that... Haha And Haley's scenes with Lucas and Brooke, asking them to be the Godparents! BEST GODPARENTS EVER! Just saying. I love them so much. And they were the perfect people to choose. Some people are confused as to why they asked Brooke instead of Peyton, but it makes a lot of sense. Haley got a lot closer to Brooke after she got back from Tour, and Brooke was the first to know about the pregnancy and she was there for her through it all. Haley and Peyton are close, but the relationship between her and Brooke is definitely the one more likely to make a Godmother. And I love that becoming a Godfather was what told Lucas what he wanted to do. It wasn't anything with Peyton, it was his nephew. Don't get me wrong, Leyton is cute and all, but I love that his big epiphany moment wasn't romantic, it was familial. (I also love that they named him after Lucas...) You're right that Nathan showing everyone a picture of his son is adorable and hilarious. He's so proud and it's just amazing! So glad Karen is all right too. But honestly, the moment where she almost dies and Lucas yells out her name, that moment is one that makes me so unable to ever really forgive Dan for what he did. Because of him, Lucas had that fear that he was about to lose his only remaining parent. If he hadn't killed Keith, then yes Lucas still would've been terrified of losing Karen, but he'd have had Keith there for him. But in that moment, he was all alone and that fear of being an Orphan was prominent. (There are of course other reasons for my hatred of Dan... But for some reason that really sticks out to me...) I just love this episode so much! It's so good! And it definitely does feel like a series finale...

Mariella Nilsson

With the exeption of mouth kissing brooke, this episode is perfect!

I Am Not Chamari

I roll my eyes every time because it's so obvious that Mouth is a self-insert from the creator himself and that moment just makes me cringe every single time.

I Am Not Chamari

And thus brings the end to my favorite season! The amount of times, I laughed and cried this season... ugh. I know that Season 3 is super popular, but Season 4 will always be the best to me because it has that special place in my heart.