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In another alternative reality....

Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kmxum0n7anir56y/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S7xE08%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/evlorp0lwtf65cz/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S7xE08%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0




And now we finally came to the realisation of who Damon Salvatore has always been in all his life. A really good brother, a really good person. Damon as a child got the blame for everything that went on in that house and the full extent of Giuseppe abuse. He was not only shielding his brother from abuse, but his mother too. Of course he knew that she took the money, “It wasn’t us”. She let Damon get abused to protect herself. She might have attempt to escape with her children, but the point is that when she had the chance to escape, she took it and never looked back, leaving his 17 years old son, Damon, in charge of protecting his brother from an abusive father. She could have come back anytime, she never did. So all her good intentions when she was trapped, when out of the window when she finally had the power to save his sons, because she never did. Stefan was too young to realise fully, what was going on, and psychologically grow up brained washed thinking his brother was trouble, witnessing what displeasing his father meant. So as he grow up compliant with very with a co-dependent personality, and at the same time thinking he was the good brother and Damon the bad brother and that is where his self-righteousness come from. On the other hand, Damon as any abused child, grow up thinking that the abuse he suffered was his own fault, he wasn’t worth of the love of his parents no matter what he did. He went to war to please his father, experiencing the horror of war to get an hint of affection from his father, up to the point he gave up, raise a wall to protect himself and hide his good deeds, because “when people see good expect good, and I don’t want to live to anybody expectations”, he didn’t wanted to be bitterly disappointed anymore. His parents crushed him; his mother was the first woman that broke his heart. And then Katherine arrived and was the first woman that showed him love, even we know it wasn’t real. But at that time he was blinded by his desperation for any sign of love and affection, exposing him to be easily manipulated. And we know how that went again. Now as an adult, to his eyes, his mother is all the cause for his horrible childhood, for the misery he went throw as young adult abandon him and his brother to an abusive father, for telling him on his face that she didn’t care for him and his brother, but only for her new family, for taking Elena away from him, for kicking him out of his own house, and never showed him an hint of remorse, regret, only told him “I’m sorry on her death bed”. How can he be blamed for being so bitter and resentful, the depth of his hurt is tremendous and wonderfully expresses in episode 7, with a broken voice “She toss us aside without any concern of what happen to us”. That long hungry speech with this sentence at the end was a masterpiece of acting, from Ian and Paul, but Ian was spectacular. Also in this episode, when Damon tell his mother “you made your bed have a nice nap” in the attempt to make her feel the same amount of hurtful coldness he experienced from her, Stefan knew what this would do to him, how badly it would hurt him, because Damon is not Lily, Damon is a good person, and behind that cold cynical unfeeling facade he put up to protect himself, there is a deeply broken but beautiful heart. I love season 7, I love the brothers psychological reveals, I love the heretic storyline, I love how the 3 years from now story leave you completely clueless about what is going on and the consequences of Caroline being pregnant will make so much sense, once the present will catch up with the future thanks (or not) to stabbypants...

I Am Not Chamari

Matt’s holier than thou attitude is actually quite irritating and I would much rather him be dead. Enzo has never been the worst of his problems, but to target and capture Enzo was honestly just easy bait and I kind of hate Matt for it.


Whats better though is the story still shows the connection a mother has, because even though he needed time to heal and didn’t do so in time to forgive her, the season later shows he loved and needed his mother and the only reason he hates her so deeply was because he loved her that much more.


No it wouldn’t make a difference, Damon’s pain isn’t based off of that moment. It was about the abandonment. Not even about his abuse because she suffered it too- but the fact she left and she wasn’t his mother when he wanted her to be. Damon’s thing is he is impulsive and he needs time to get certain things. He has a right to be angry, but it wasn’t about forgiving her it was about reaching out in that one moment and letting her go with peace.