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Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xigzr7qi2qldh00/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S7xE07%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aiaqovesx7uqm1m/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S7xE07%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0




Damon was Stefan's only parent growing up and no one can tell me otherwise. We've really seen it this season (and a bit of last) that he was basically the one raising him. Like that flashback last season with Lily's funeral, we saw him giving Stefan his tie instead of their Father's because he knew Giuseppe wouldn't react well, he told Stefan it was okay for him to cry when Stefan told him their Father told him he wasn't allowed to. Then this season we've got a lot of hints that he had to protect him from their parents, until this episode where it was literally stated that he did that. That he took the blame for something he didn't do, out of fear that Stefan would be punished for it. That moment always gets me. You can see it on his face right before he confesses, when he looks over at Stefan he just gets this look on his face of absolute concern and fear and then resigns himself to his fate as he tells their Father he did it. To me, it was clear he didn't do it, just the way he looked over at Stefan confirmed it for me. Damon said he was 12 there, so that makes Stefan 5. Damon was legitimately afraid that his Father would hurt a 5 year old, so much so that he took the blame in order to keep him from doing so. That says a lot... Also, during Damon's speech to Stefan near the end, when he said about how Stefan is never gonna stop looking for redemption in Lily, he also said that he was just gonna keep getting disappointed. I think that was a part of why he wanted to just kill Lily. So that she'd stop disappointing Stefan. Idk, just the way he tacked that in there made it seem like it was something he was genuinely worried about. We saw it back when he first brought Lily back, when she was getting his humanity back and Damon was watching, he was upset because he knew that Stefan was gonna end up disappointed. He's done a lot of shit to Stefan, I'm not gonna deny that and he wouldn't either, but he cares about him more than anything (Elena is up there, but imo she's just under Stefan...) and so knowing that one of their parents is gonna hurt him AGAIN, just destroys him. And on that note, I feel awful for Stefan. It's weird, I used to really not like Stefan and just not give a shit about him. Same with Elena. I just found them both incredibly boring and didn't care for them. But lately I love them and hate seeing people hate on them... But he's really going through it. He's just found out he almost had a kid, who he lost because his Mum's boyfriend killed it before it was born. He still has hope for Lily and he keeps getting disappointed like Damon said (although it does seem she's coming around...) and he's just going through it. Another thing about what Damon said to Stefan about how Lily's gonna keep disappointing him. Did you see the look on his face after he turned away from Stefan. I think that partly rings true for him too. Part of him wants Lily to love him. He's still got love for her, he still craves the love of his Mother. But he also hates her because of all she's done. But even he keeps getting disappointed by her. It's sad really...

Jay zay

Not making any excuses for lily. But when she first turned she couldn’t control her blood lust. So she feared she was going to hurt Damon and Stefan which is why she left. And she said by the time she finally got a her ripper side under control it was because of her “New family “.


If you think about it Damon kept doing a lot of things for his little brother, all his life. Even though he was in love with Elena (the love of his life) he always tried to patch them up when they had rough patches; he let his brother live his life without him, even when he needed him, (in the 40s); he never burden him with his traumas, like when he was tortured and was waiting for Stefan to save him and he never did and even when he switch his humanity off and was waiting for Stefan to bring him back, Stefan send Lexi....Damon instead brought Stefan back from is humanity switch, twice. All his life he got screwed over and over again by his family, big time (Stefan included), by Katherine, by Emily, by the witch in New Orleans. So if he acted out sometimes, out of resentment, frustration and desperation, it is perfectly understandable., because as he said in season two "there is only so much a man can take".


Exactly. Like, I'm not gonna deny that Damon has hurt Stefan a lot, or that he's hurt a lot of other people too, because he has. He's hurt a lot of people. But under it all he just cares way too much and that's the reason for everything. He cares so much about people that he's willing to not be in their lives as he thinks it's for the better (especially as he's been told this multiple times...) and destroy himself in the process. He really has been screwed over so many times and it's really sad... :(

I Am Not Chamari

Honestly, we really needed this episode so Lily wouldn’t become a completely irredeemable character. At the end of the day, she was a victim of constant abuse, in a time that was horrible for a lot of women to live through. To even try to leave her husband in that time was a heavy burden and undertaking, and very dangerous as well. So, it wouldn’t really have been that simple, and we saw how Giuseppe reacted to her attempting to get away from him. Abusers often seek out people who they can manipulate and abuse, and stomp the light out of. So, I’m a bit annoyed it was framed as a pattern of Lily’s rather than the pattern of abusers. However, the thing that still bothers me about Lily is that she feels she is owed undue respect and consideration when her sons have every right to hate her and want to see her dead. What Lily has done to both Damon and Stefan is unforgivable in my eyes, but she at least can become soft towards Stefan. She’s treated Damon like absolute trash since the moment she arrived and she’s the reason that he can’t be with the love of his life for another 60-something years. So, while I do sympathize for Lily, I still do really kind of hate her. And regarding the pregnancy, I actually think the writers did a good job here, after being dealt a rough hand with Candice being pregnant. I think they handled the improbability of it all quite well. Sure, the lore isn’t quite there, but this is not the first, nor will it be the last time, that the writers re-work the lore to fit their immediate needs. It bothers me less now than it need before haha


It’s about time someone was pregnant lol. With Damon, he feels rage and pain because he loved his mother either way. And she was the first woman who abandoned him, it explains his loyalty to katherine and then his pain for her too, also explaining why he loves Elena so much- she never abandoned him