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Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/w0se2nf3du9fkdy/Buffy%20S5xE04%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kblthqcdzc73360/Buffy%20S5xE04%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0

Part3: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v8ljvsf4kn5ftkx/Buffy%20S5xE04%20part3encode.mp4?dl=0


Part1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12EPtq5ii-ChM4X_fYNunrN_ahVombStm/view?usp=sharing

Part2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jHjTOQdly1cHL1TAelN71hg33IjaVjhj/view?usp=sharing

Part3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X6pn0TPLZZDW14ysZKXThQGT3qt-ZFsh/view?usp=sharing




Spuffy rights!!!!!

Flora Smith

Ha! Cannot wait to see what the last two minutes of the ep does to you 😆❤️


I needa control myself to not just skip to the end 😂

The Witch Hawk

This whole season is great, and it's about to get even crazier!!! The momentum is picking up!!!


Lol, when Sofie posts a 3-parter you know it's gonna be a fun reaction!


Your face when Spike and Buffy started kissing was priceless. As for Spike's feelings towards Buffy I'd say the old saying "Hatred isn't the opposite of love, apathy is. Love and Hatred are just different sides of the same coin." Spike is an evil, violent demon so when he starts having feelings for Buffy it would make sense that he would first interpret and express them through Hate. That's the passion he is naturally more familiar and comfortable with. Remember when he said he was going to try and get Drusilla back by torturing her. I got some more to say on it but I'll save it for a little later in the season because I know how sensitive everybody is about spoilers even though what I have to say isn't really a spoiler. :P

Raven Dark

Heehee! What a great reaction! You had me in stitches with your reaction at the end. That'll never get old. Also, Joyce. Yeah, oof, I forgot about that part. God, I love you season five, let me count the ways.

Bud Haven

Angel knows who she was. And even then their relationship was all romance, no substance. First she was a girl going through her first love. Then they were on again off again for 8-9 months. Then he left. I think they both have idealized views of each other. Riley had a chance to really be with her. I think he's totally wrong for her, but likely got to kow her well. If Buffy wanted super powers she would be dating Spike. I wonder what Angel would think about that? lol I liked what you said about Buffy showing Riley she loves him through actions rather than words. Buffy went out of her way to assure Riley that she is committed to this relationship. However she couldn't tell Riley what he needs to hear. There were two moments where he was hurt by stubs he perceived. First, Riley wanted to spar with Buffy in the new training room and says "Do you think you can take me?" Buffy just gives him a look and walks away. Second when Buffy askes Riley ,"Are you going to be OK? Because I really should go check on my mom. Riley says "Yeah go ahead, I'll be fine." You can see he meant it physically, emotionally he wanted her to stay with him, and was hurt that she didn't. But he puts more importance on those moments then they deserve due to his insecurity about the relationship

Flora Smith

Agreed. Buffy and Angel have a very idealized picture of who the other is. Based on what we’ve seen of Angel on his own show so far, I’d venture to suggest she really doesn’t know him very well at all. And as Buffy seems to compartmentalize herself in both of these relationships I can see that going both ways.

Pumpkin 3.14

The moment I realized that a girlfriend of mine didn't love me. I talked to her. Who would want to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't feel the same about you.

Bud Haven

Angel and Buffy's relationship was all romance and no substance. First Buffy was a girl going through her first love. Then they were on again off again for 8-9 months. Then he left. I think they both have idealized views of each other. Riley and Buffy have a more normal relationship. I think they're totally wrong for each other, but he probably got to know her well. "If I wanted to date someone with super powers I'd be dating Spike." I wonder what Angel would think about that? lol I liked what you said about Buffy showing Riley she loved him with actions rather than words. Buffy went out of her way to assure Riley that she is committed to this relationship. However once again she couldn't tell Riley what he needs to hear. There were two moments where he was hurt by stubs he perceived. First, Riley wanted to spar with Buffy in the new training room and says "Do you think you can take me?" Buffy just gives him a look and walks away. Second when Buffy askes Riley ,"Are you going to be OK? Because I really should go check on my mom. Riley says "Yeah go ahead, I'll be fine." You can see he meant it physically, emotionally he wanted her to stay with him, and was hurt that she didn't. But he puts more importance on those moments then they deserve due to his insecurity about the relationship.

Bud Haven

Angel and Buffy's relationship was all romance and no substance. First Buffy was a girl going through her first love. Then they were on again off again for 8-9 months. Then he left. I think they both have idealized views of each other. Riley and Buffy have a more normal relationship. I think they're totally wrong for each other, but he probably got to know her well. "If I wanted to date someone with superpowers I'd be dating Spike." I wonder what Angel would think about that? lol I liked what you said about Buffy showing Riley she loved him with actions rather than words. Buffy went out of her way to assure Riley that she is committed to this relationship. However once again she couldn't tell Riley what he needs to hear. There were two moments where he was hurt by stubs he perceived. First, Riley wanted to spar with Buffy in the new training room and says "Do you think you can take me?" Buffy just gives him a look and walks away. Second when Buffy askes Riley ,"Are you going to be OK? Because I really should go check on my mom. Riley says "Yeah go ahead, I'll be fine." You can see he meant it physically, emotionally he wanted her to stay with him, and was hurt that she didn't. But he puts more importance on those moments then they deserve due to his insecurity about the relationship.

Bud Haven

Angel and Buffy's relationship was all romance and no substance. First Buffy was a girl going through her first love. Then they were on again off again for 8-9 months. Then he left. I think they both have idealized views of each other. Riley and Buffy have a more normal relationship. I think they're totally wrong for each other, but he probably got to know her well. "If I wanted to date someone with superpowers I'd be dating Spike." I wonder what Angel would think about that? lol I liked what you said about Buffy showing Riley she loved him with actions rather than words. Buffy went out of her way to assure Riley that she is committed to this relationship. However once again she couldn't tell Riley what he needs to hear. There were two moments where he was hurt by stubs he perceived. First, Riley wanted to spar with Buffy in the new training room and says "Do you think you can take me?" Buffy just gives him a look and walks away. Second when Buffy askes Riley ,"Are you going to be OK? Because I really should go check on my mom. Riley says "Yeah go ahead, I'll be fine." You can see he meant it physically, emotionally he wanted her to stay with him, and was hurt that she didn't. But he puts more importance on those moments then they deserve due to his insecurity about the relationship.

Bud Haven

Angel and Buffy's relationship was all romance and no substance. First Buffy was a girl going through her first love. Then they were on again off again for 8-9 months. Then he left. I think they both have idealized views of each other. Riley and Buffy have a more normal relationship. I think they're totally wrong for each other, but he probably got to know her well. "If I wanted to date someone with superpowers I'd be dating Spike." I wonder what Angel would think about that? lol I liked what you said about Buffy showing Riley she loved him with actions rather than words. Buffy went out of her way to assure Riley that she is committed to this relationship. However once again she couldn't tell Riley what he needs to hear. There were two moments where he was hurt by stubs he perceived. First, Riley wanted to spar with Buffy in the new training room and says "Do you think you can take me?" Buffy just gives him a look and walks away. Second when Buffy askes Riley ,"Are you going to be OK? Because I really should go check on my mom. Riley says "Yeah go ahead, I'll be fine." You can see he meant it physically, emotionally he wanted her to stay with him, and was hurt that she didn't. But he puts more importance on those moments then they deserve due to his insecurity about the relationship.

Bud Haven

Angel and Buffy's relationship was all romance and no substance. First Buffy was a girl going through her first love. Then they were on again off again for 8-9 months. Then he left. I think they both have idealized views of each other. Riley and Buffy have a more normal relationship. I think they're totally wrong for each other, but he probably got to know her well. "If I wanted to date someone with superpowers I'd be dating Spike." I wonder what Angel would think about that? lol I liked what you said about Buffy showing Riley she loved him with actions rather than words. Buffy went out of her way to assure Riley that she is committed to this relationship. However once again she couldn't tell Riley what he needs to hear. There were two moments where he was hurt by stubs he perceived. First, Riley wanted to spar with Buffy in the new training room and says "Do you think you can take me?" Buffy just gives him a look and walks away. Second when Buffy askes Riley ,"Are you going to be OK? Because I really should go check on my mom. Riley says "Yeah go ahead, I'll be fine." You can see he meant it physically, emotionally he wanted her to stay with him, and was hurt that she didn't. But he puts more importance on those moments then they deserve due to his insecurity about the relationship.

Bud Haven

Angel and Buffy's relationship was all romance and no substance. First Buffy was a girl going through her first love. Then they were on again off again for 8-9 months. Then he left. I think they both have idealized views of each other. Riley and Buffy have a more normal relationship. I think they're totally wrong for each other, but he probably got to know her well. "If I wanted to date someone with superpowers I'd be dating Spike." I wonder what Angel would think about that? lol I liked what you said about Buffy showing Riley she loved him with actions rather than words. Buffy went out of her way to assure Riley that she is committed to this relationship. However once again she couldn't tell Riley what he needs to hear. There were two moments where he was hurt by stubs he perceived. First, Riley wanted to spar with Buffy in the new training room and says "Do you think you can take me?" Buffy just gives him a look and walks away. Second when Buffy askes Riley ,"Are you going to be OK? Because I really should go check on my mom. Riley says "Yeah go ahead, I'll be fine." You can see he meant it physically, emotionally he wanted her to stay with him, and was hurt that she didn't. But he puts more importance on those moments then they deserve due to his insecurity about the relationship.

Bud Haven

I'm willing to do this for quite a while why dont you tell me what the problem is?

Bud Haven

Angel and Buffy's relationship was all romance and no substance. First Buffy was a girl going through her first love. Then they were on again off again for 8-9 months. Then he left. I think they both have idealized views of each other. Riley and Buffy have a more normal relationship. I think they're totally wrong for each other, but he probably got to know her well. "If I wanted to date someone with superpowers I'd be dating Spike." I wonder what Angel would think about that? lol I liked what you said about Buffy showing Riley she loved him with actions rather than words. Buffy went out of her way to assure Riley that she is committed to this relationship. However once again she couldn't tell Riley what he needs to hear. There were two moments where he was hurt by stubs he perceived. First, Riley wanted to spar with Buffy in the new training room and says "Do you think you can take me?" Buffy just gives him a look and walks away. Second when Buffy askes Riley ,"Are you going to be OK? Because I really should go check on my mom. Riley says "Yeah go ahead, I'll be fine." You can see he meant it physically, emotionally he wanted her to stay with him, and was hurt that she didn't. But he puts more importance on those moments then they deserve due to his insecurity about the relationship.

Bud Haven

Angel and Buffy's relationship was all romance and no substance. First Buffy was a girl going through her first love. Then they were on again off again for 8-9 months. Then he left. I think they both have idealized views of each other. Riley and Buffy have a more normal relationship. I think they're totally wrong for each other, but he probably got to know her well. "If I wanted to date someone with super powers I'd be dating Spike." I wonder what Angel would think about that? lol

Bud Haven

I liked what you said about Buffy showing Riley she loved him with actions rather than words. Buffy went out of her way to assure Riley that she is committed to this relationship. However once again she couldn't tell Riley what he needs to hear. There were two moments where he was hurt by stubs he perceived. First, Riley wanted to spar with Buffy in the new training room and says "Do you think you can take me?" Buffy just gives him a look and walks away. Second when Buffy askes Riley ,"Are you going to be OK? Because I really should go check on my mom. Riley says "Yeah go ahead, I'll be fine." You can see he meant it physically, emotionally he wanted her to stay with him, and was hurt that she didn't. But he puts more importance on those moments then they deserve due to his insecurity about the relationship.

Flora Smith

Does this thread keep getting deleted? I replied agreeing with you but it’s gone

Alexis Cardarella

Exactly. And I like how that's Juxtaposed with how honest/direct Anya was with Xander in this episode.

Bud Haven

Yes I reposted a few times and it was gone without explaination. I see no spoilers, do you? Thanks for the reply anyway.

Idun V

I love how in love you are with Tara 😍


I feel like I've been waiting for your reaction to that ending scene for FOREVER! Was almost impossible to sit through the entire reaction without skipping directly to that part first XD Didn't disappoint! In my Spuffy feels right now.


If you're talking about your post being deleted. Patreon does tend to delete some comments that it considers spam for some reason. Still to this day don't understand the reasoning behind it.


This is interesting. Forgot that hatred and love can go hand in hand specially in Spike's case. But because of his obsession something tells me that he got It all confused. I don't think Spike knows what love really is;


I think if I had a boyfriend that just had a cardiac procedure, had no friends or family in the area, I would definitely take him to my house with my mom so I could watch both of them. I wouldn’t just leave him alone. I would also probably be encouraging him to call his family to come take care of him as well. I love Buffy, but it’s apparent that she isn’t as into the relationship as Riley is and you can see in his eyes that that moment she left him seemed to be the final nail in the coffin.


I know right? Tara looks absolutely STUNNING in the first scene she's in this episode, I mean she always looks beautiful, but the eyeshadow and ah just everything in that scene. And also I love your love for her, cause same.