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Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hslsk8odlqb0c5e/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S7xE05%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/w8kw4ljoquw3015/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S7xE05%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0




Finally we got to the Bonenzo reveal. They are my favorite ship in the entire tvd universe.


You know something I hate? When Lily arrived where Stefan, Damon and Valerie were, and she confronted Valerie about trying to kill Julian. She said "With my own sons" as if trying to guilt them for trying to hurt their own mother. Yet she has stated multiple times, that she does not see them as her sons. Only when it suits her does she refer to them as her sons. I hate her.


@Sofie the part one is missing the beginning an part two is missing the big revial of Valery telling Stefan about his son....what happen?


I have no idea what happened i just double checked. I’m gonna have to re-edit and post again. Thankfully i still have the video that i recorded.


The ways Lilly ruined Damon's life since childhood are piling up, she was so maliciously wicked by suggesting Kai the worse possible way to hurt him. As mother she knows him better than anybody else, she knows his weaknesses and use her mother position only for ignoble purpose, using her mother knowledge to be as effective as possible in harming him as much as possible and breaking him psychologically. Also her actions, by falling in love with a monster, and bringing him into Stefan’s life, ruined his and Valery chance to have their child. Yep, worse mother ever. But here is the difference between Damon and Stefan, Stefan just want to kill Julian, Damon wants his joke of a mother to get a taste of her medicine, first and Bonnie is supporting him, of course she is, Lilly ruin her life too. She and Elena, her best friend will never see each other again, thanks to Lilly's twisted mind. Lilly wickedness is as well so well written, she is not a simple bad mother, she uses her shrewdness and her motherhood as weapon, any commonly shared concept the what the basic instinct of a mother should be, is annihilated, taking us into a deeply immoral and unsettling level. Lilly is actually the antithesis of motherhood. Bonnie is unrecognisable, the season one Bonnie has change so much, she is such a badass, strong and still loving but without judgment, she smoothed the edges a lot, I think because of her friendship with Damon, He loves her truly and sincerely and she loves him too deeply, who would have though! It will be fun to see the Bonnie and Enzo storyline developing....


it was fine for me, I saw the scene with valarie tellings stefan about her loosing the baby and that he was sad that julian took that away from him

I Am Not Chamari

BONENZO! I freaking love Bonnie and Enzo together so very much! The banter they had in this episode alone was just so much fun. And yeah, Bonnie and Jeremy kind of just fizzled out. I think the Bonnie and Enzo relationships is definitely a direct response to the criticism of not giving Bonnie a love interest.