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What an episode! We got it all, social issue, Cold War history, Angel dark back story, movie references and then the ending.....OMG it was perfect. Poor Judy, she didn't deserve that.

And yes! We got a new office for Angel Investigations..... A hotel with a history of violence and murder where Angel was living in room 217?!!! 217?!  Ringing any bells?😅

Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0126ft20yia5n5v/Angel%20S2xE02%20part1Encode.Sofie.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i5v4yy067sb6yg8/Angel%20S2xE02%20part2Encode.Sofie.mp4?dl=0




excited to watch this one with you Sofie! its one of those episodes where you gotta understand all the subtleties and themes to fully appreciate it and youre so good at that 💯


Agreed. It’s no secret to say that, of what you’ve seen so far, this is a favorite for many. Also it’s great to have you back and posting .... nothing can substitute for that Sofie spirit.


I suspect the idea is supposed to be that Angel helped the young lady initially because he has a soul and is fundamentally good, but he's so dour and closed off because he doesn't trust himself to be around people without, you know, *grrrrr chompy chompy*


But also just low-key a top tier episode, at least in my opinion. Top tier reaction as usual.


Angel’s red jacket was definitely an homage to James Dean. That scene was shot at Griffith Observatory, where several scenes of Rebel Without a Cause were set.

Alexis Cardarella

This is a very good episode, but it frustrates me that they didn't actually cast a mixed actress to play Judy. It's absolutely no surprise though.


ive never seen the shining and was legit thinking "217 is special?...oh maybe because buffy 2x17 was Passion!" EDIT I really shouldn't post comments before watching the whole reaction. It seems that "was" sofies thinking. 🙈


deleted my comment as i realised you meant that it'd make more sense for the scene about her "passing" as white. worte the comment before watching the reaction, my bad!

Dennis Bryant

Very much one of my favorites from Angel. Such a good episode in many ways. some episodes fade or blur for me, but this one never does.


She actually is mixed, just not black and white. She's half chinese and half-sicilian... which I assume may come with its own set of prejudices.

Alexis Cardarella

Yeah, I was aware of that, but casting someone just because they're other than white to play a specific minority is not okay. Her character is specifically supposed to be black and white.


Well... it's not just that they're other than white, it's that she's mixed races. I think the point is to use someone who would face those prejudices themself, which may be quite prominent in her mixed cultures as well. The audition may not have been filled with qualified actors of the exact mix the show wanted to represent... though I agree, finding someone of those backgrounds with a high quality of acting would have been the best option if available.


so insightful guurllll... you amaze me💫 (only got around to watch now)

Alexis Cardarella

I'm not saying a person who is a minority couldn't relate... like, Asian American prejudice still exists today, Asian American hate crimes are up. She referred to her mom as black, though. But yeah, they should have changed the script if they at all cared. Hollywood still has an issue with casting minorities to represent/portray a different racial minority and that's bullshit.

Thom Purdy

This is a top 5 episode for the series! Absolutely brilliant!!


Love that you saw the James Dean -RWaC reference at the observatory. Only wish we’d seen the kiss scene. Like THE kiss