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Hey guys, you're gonna find that there's some parts weird parts where the video is not in sync or lagging. Something went wrong while editing and I couldn't fix it. Hope you enjoy the reaction though. 

Ps: WTH Brooke ?

Part1; https://www.dropbox.com/s/evein3o45raxhki/oth%204X14%20part1%20Encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2; https://www.dropbox.com/s/plgw6uh1axr4qwd/oth%204x14%20part2%20encode.mp4?dl=0




I’m never going to not be a bit bitter about the ending of this episode. Such a weird and random plot device but I’m excited to see your reaction to it because it’s so messy and I do love the drama. Lol


Rachel is a true friend to Brooke. Love that friendship


I love brooke and rachels friendship


I hate the plot twist, it's so out of character but I get where they went with it

Nebulous Shooter

ooc just to make what Peyton & Lucas did seem not so bad. I still hate it to this day.

Mariella Nilsson

I feel like that ending was the writers way of resetting their relashionship so that payton wouldn’t be the bad Guy.


this entire plot line only being added because the writers realized people weren’t siding with peyton and starting to dislike her so they had to do something to make it seem like peyton wasn’t as bad, it’s just ridiculous and lazy writing. also still wasn’t as bad as what leyton did in my opinion because of certain aspects that i can’t talk about until next ep but regardless, i hate that they did this just because people were on brooke’s side and weren’t worshipping precious perfect peyton.


Was the Brooke/Nathan sleeping together out of nowhere? Absolutely. Does it make sense for who they were back then? Absolutely. It happened and it's part of the story. All of the shit Brooke gave Peyton after what she did prior is outrageous. The rebuttal will be but Nathan and Peyton weren't in love but it's still crossing the line and hypocritical.

I Am Not Chamari

I agree with W.C. People saying that Brooke and Nathan sleeping together was out of character? It was very much so like their characters at the time. I don't think they NEEDED to do this, but it is NOT bad, lazy or nonsensical writing. Peyton was disliked from the beginning and the writers really didn't care that people disliked Peyton. They might have cared about the Leyton relationship, but I think they are trying to make this situation more complex. It wasn't supposed to lessen what Leyton did... it is supposed to knock down Brooke off of her pedestal.


well i mean they literally admitted to doing it because they realized peyton was getting heat. it most definitely was lazy since it was a last minute decision and out of nowhere. Peyton still looks like the bad guy so i don’t even know why they attempted it.

I Am Not Chamari

I hadn't realized the writers admitted to it, especially because they are kind of four seasons too late. This was easily something that could have worked its way into Season 1, instead of Season 4 if that's the case, especially because Peyton was deemed unlikeable almost immediately. I still stick by what I said - it doesn't make Peyton look better... it makes Brooke look worse, and from a storytelling perspective, I think that's worth it.


When will you be posting the next episode ❤️

I Am Not Chamari

Yeah, the Nathan/Deb scene was kind of awful. I chalk it up to the times but the comparison to Ellie was strange since she was also an addict. I hate all the Shelley/Mouth stuff so much. It makes me very uncomfortable.


I think he was referring to Ellies cancer and also at the time alcoholism wasn’t seen as an illness. I’m not saying that it’s right but still :)

I Am Not Chamari

I’m aware he was referring to cancer. I just think it’s strange to mention her when she was also an addict. I think alcoholism wasn’t seen as an illness to some people, but Deb called it a disease for a reason.

Daniel French

The Nathan/Brooke thing is a shock, but not a complete surprise to be honest! I mean you get drunk after a game and anything could happen. After all, Nathan's "First time" was with Hayley's sister!!


Right? A lot of people always say how it came out of nowhere and all that, but considering their personalities back then, it honestly makes so much sense to me...