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Part1; https://www.dropbox.com/s/3yrg4o6x5t6gyqd/OTH%204x13%20part1%20encode.mp4?dl=0


Ps: I might have to post the next episode tomorrow guys 'Sunday'.




i just love that one tree hill is such a rare show that uses it's characters to connect with the audience and show ways of processing different emotions and life situations in different ways. it allows us to really connect with these characters and feel not alone in similar situations we may have with them. I wish I had this lesson in class lol


love this episode!!


I love this episode so much! It's just so good! And it's also really based around parents, which is pretty cool. Like, we've got Brooke's feelings of being not good enough because of her parents, we've got Glenda's Mum being a bitch, Skills' fear of having to work in a Factory like his Dad (not that there's anything wrong with working in a Factory! It's important and really respectable imo...), Nathan wanting Dan to be a good Grandfather and his feelings about Deb, and then both Nathan and Haley's feelings about parenthood. Quite a lot of parent stuff in there... But wow, my heart breaks for so many people this episode. I'll start with Brooke, she really deserves better than what her parents give her. If you're not gonna be there for your kid, don't become parents! It really is horrible that so many people are like that. I'm so glad Chase was able to understand and forgive Brooke for lying to him so much. Because I honestly wouldn't have blamed him if he'd just decided then and there that he was done with her. She lied to him about failing Calculus, while tutoring him in Calculus! She lied to him about being a Clean Teen. And she bet Rachel she could sleep with him. (Honestly, that last one, if it had been a guy making that bet with his friend, everyone would be so pissed and talking about how awful he is...) If I were Chase, I wouldn't want anything to do with her after learning all that. Not only did she lie about being a Clean Teen, and make a bet on whether she could sleep with him or not, but she risked his education too. But I am glad he listened to her and let her explain, and didn't really get angry (even though he deserved to...) And I loved when he said "It says more about your parents" when Brooke asked what it said about her that her parents hadn't called in a month. Because it's true, and I really do think she needed to hear that. Parents are supposed to be there for you, love you, nurture you, they're just supposed to care! But Brooke's parents are off somewhere else ignoring her. It's horrible... Now onto Nathan. His feelings about Deb are so understandable and it breaks my heart. She and Dan have both caused him so much pain in his life. Dan was abusive, and Deb left him alone with him way too often and later tried to ruin his marriage. And he's tried to help her with her issues. He moved back in with Dan back at the end of S2 because he thought that's what she wanted and what she needed in order to get better! He held an Intervention, he tried to be there for her. But she just didn't accept help. She left Rehab after Karen got her there, she hurt Haley (accidentally of course, but still...) and Nathan just reached his breaking point (understandably...) And so when she tried to kill herself, he probably not only felt relief that he wouldn't have to deal with that anymore, but also that she was no longer gonna be suffering if she died. And it is not his fault. He definitely blames himself (has since Dan literally told him it was his fault back in S2... Even after Deb assured him it wasn't... I honestly believe that Nathan has never truly stopped believing that it was at least partly his fault...) But ugh, it is so understandable that he'd briefly feel relief at the thought of her dying. It's heartbreaking, but understandable. Their relationship is severely damaged and it is not Nathan's fault. :( I also love that he was able to tell Peyton all this. (I love their friendship...) Especially as Peyton has lost two Mothers. The fact that he felt comfortable admitting it to her. Or maybe, and this makes me sad, he thought that because of the fact that Peyton has lost two Mothers, she'd be disgusted by his admission and just let him keep feeling guilty about it (he's likely always gonna feel guilty though tbh...) And him just wanting everyone else to be happy, and Peyton telling him he needs to put himself first once in a while. Looking back at the first couple episodes, you'd never expect Peyton to be saying that to Nathan of all people! Haha she's right, he is a Martyr. Haley. Her admission that she feels disconnected breaks my heart. I get that. It is such a horrible feeling, like nothing you do matters or whatever. Like, ugh, it's hard to explain. But I definitely get it. Also, Uncle Skills is the best! I love him assuring Haley that he's got her son's back, and that she's gonna be a good Mum. (I LOVE Peyton and Skills for assuring Naley of the fact that they're gonna be great parents... They're definitely terrified, understandable as they're still kids, and they need assurance...) And so happy for Skills too! Mouth talking about Jimmy makes me so sad. The fact that he feels guilty for missing him because he "killed" Keith. It just makes me hate Dan even more. Jimmy didn't kill anyone but himself, and yet he's remembered as a murderer rather than a scared kid who was suffering. Yes, he was definitely wrong for what he did and it is inexcusable, but he doesn't deserve to be remembered as a murderer when he didn't kill anyone. And Mouth doesn't deserve to feel guilty for missing him or wanting to talk about it. And I think Lucas would understand (he went to the Funeral after all) but I do think it'd hurt him a lot if Mouth just started talking about missing Jimmy when he still believes he killed Keith. It's so sad, and Dan can go die in a hole... Rachel's feelings about how she never feels anything with any of the guys she's with was sad too. It makes sense though. She knows that none of them would wanna sleep with her if she hadn't had Plastic Surgery and still looked like she used to. She knows they don't see a person, they see a body. It's really sad... And Bevin! I love her so much! I love her admitting she's not as stupid as people believe. (She's still stupid, but she's also pretty emotionally mature...) She's a complete sweetheart and I love her! Lucas is writing a book! I feel for him with how scared he is of failing because he's already had to give up Basketball. He really deserves something good in his life! Peyton... We didn't really get much on her. We did get to see that she was Nathan's inspiration when they first started dating, and I think that was probably pretty important for him to tell her. Like, they were AWFUL together, but I think it was probably nice for her to know that part of him DID care about her even back then, he was just too wrapped up in his own life to treat her like it... (They work so much better as friends... I love them...) And I loved her picture! Love the mention of Psycho Derek and that it's still effecting her (obviously...) And the look on Nathan's face was priceless! He knew before Peyton even looked at him that it wasn't gonna be fun for him! Haha I love all the pictures though. They were really well done and thought out. And Bevin's picture of Rachel... Although it's kinda a joke about Bevin saying she's not stupid then managing to take a really bad picture, I think it really shows Rachel in a way and what they were talking about. It's hard to explain, but it just really did to me...

Zeph 802

I think what Haley meant has something to do with her insecurities, she's always felt like an old soul compared to the rest of her classmates, which is why I think she said she was born in the wrong time. I think it's because she's so comfortable with Nathan, Lucas, Brooke, and Peyton that we don't see it much though

I Am Not Chamari

Middle names in high school were always super embarrassing to reveal... the teacher assumed that she wouldn't know Lucas' middle name, but she just sort of said it without thinking lol I feel like I say this about so many episodes... lol But easily one of my favorites of the entire series. The way they use their characters to relate a real message is so refreshing. Brooke's picture and Nathan's picture is SO iconic. I love it so much. I love that Lucas revealed that he's writing a novel and that it's his new dream and he's scared that he's going to fail. I LOVE the Peyton and Nathan friendship so much and they really shined this episode. These kinds of episodes are at the core of why One Tree Hill will ALWAYS be my favorite tv show.


def at the core of on why one tree hill will always be the best teen/drama show

Daniel French

What's going on with Dropbox?? It isn't working?