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Excuse me! Who the f*** is she engaged to?

Part1; https://www.dropbox.com/s/h8hv8swptke2moe/The%20Vampire%20diaries%20S7xE02%20part1%20encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2; https://www.dropbox.com/s/j4dm2cj8ehdsvk0/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S7xE02%20part2%20encode.mp4?dl=0



Jay zay



@Sofie now you know, why I love Damon character that much, and because people are very lenient with him, he was abused as a child. That conversation in the tomb between Damon and Lilly seams nothing but is incredibly important and explain lots of things about Damon. A ten years old child that deny to have broken a vase it is because he didn’t do it, he got bitten to a point of bleeding and still he denied, still not happy those two monster of parents, took his toys away, and left him cry his eyes out, until he finally confess something he most likely didn’t do. It is the first window season 7 open on in his childhood. He was the “constant disappointment” he got blamed for everything that happen in that house being the older child, he took the blame to protect Stefan too and be forced to lie about things he didn’t do. That is why Stefan grow up sheltered and daddy's favorite son and Damon was the black sheep. That is why Damon doesn’t lie, that is why Damon even when is inconvenient do not lie about what he feels, doesn’t apologise if he doesn’t feel he should, because the trauma they cause him by forcing him to lie as a child. That is where his bad boy reputation started that is when Damon started to hide his good deeds, because as a kid no matter what he did or didn't do, he got blamed and bitten black and blue. The character writing on this show never stop to amaze me, every single character traits, how the two brothers behave, act and react is very much as real as it gets, and is consistent with the story of their life and what happen to them since childhood. AMAZING!!!


That is a spoliler. She just mention she was happy Stefan killed him but she didn't say why.


Oh so much is happening in season 7, 3 years of their life, such a wild ride!


Ah I forgot Micheal Malarkey is another one that had a faily successful musica career, the song you hear just a hint is this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kQvxGSPcrU


It’s actually not uncommon for children to be beaten that hard at the time in which Damon and Stefan were children btw, the abuse they took was normal back then, same with beating your wife, the man was the man of the house in those times and could do anything he liked with his family whether it was beat them harshly or abusing them mentally, so the abuse Damon took was more on the normal side back then that lily and Stefan both probably induced the same as well


Sorry to disagree, a slap perhaps but bitting children was not considered normal, but very badly viewed by normal polite educated society and the Dickens books (and not only) are a testimony of how child abuse was viewed at that time. It was considered wicked and utterly condamnable. Perhaps before 1800, but not after, even in America, not in rich families, not in an era of phylosophical enightment, they even introduced a law agaist child abuse in 1870 means that it was already ingrained among the general society as unaccettable behaviour. And no Stefan didn't endure the same abuse, when Damon was 10 years old , Stefan was 3, was too young and Damon protected him, as he mentioned in this episode, he would say and do anything not to have Stefan cry. That is why Stefan has a codependent personality, to Damon, Lexi, Elena; that is why Stefan forced Damon to turn, he could not bare to be without his brother, that is why Stefan when he though Damon has died was so shattered. Every written trait of the two brothers psycological profile is so perfectly consistent with their life story and what they wrote they experienced.


I immediately noticed this melody, it's very beautiful. But I could never see anything in common with Scars. Apparently, I have a very bad ear for music😁 and I also read somewhere that this melody was something like an improvisation.


There is some irony in the fact that even Elena lying in a coffin must be saved. It also shows how Elena rallied the Salvatore brothers and the rest of her friends that Lily decided to use her as a "toy soldier". I'm glad Nina wasn't just taken out of the show without mentioning her character. Elena still remains an important person in the lives of all the characters.

Enas Bassiony

See this is one of the reasons I can't really LOVE Stefan although I do like him most of the time .. he JUST made a plan to get rid of the heretics that went wrong and resulted in killing tens of people, has anyone blamed him evena little bit?! Nope .. he is being called a hero trying to save his town.. Damon has a plan tonkill the heretics that actually can work, but Stefan is all this is your fault l, Lily is not the villain .. you screwed up now fix it .. bla bla bla .... no matter how great his character becomes they always bring him back to this point where everything he does gets a free pass and everything Damon does gets taunted and blamed for ...I HATE that theme


So many true things have been said about Damon and Stefan that I have nothing to add. I want to say a few words about Matt. I'm surprised he hasn't gone crazy yet and continues to work on his education and future. Yes, he is inclined to hastily blame others, but in some ways he is right. Lily and the heretics really appeared in Mystic Falls because of Damon's actions. Yes, there was a reason for that, but still... And yes, if you take away all the romanticization of vampires, they really brought a lot of troubles, deaths and tragedies into people's lives. The lives of ordinary people are often devalued. Even Elena killed more than one person. A lot of people hate Matt, but I understand him. On the one hand, these are his friends, and on the other - he sees all this horror and death and can't do anything about it, even though he tries. I would probably advise him to move out of Mystic Falls.

Jay zay

No she did mention it I remember but just incase I will change the comment. Hopefully she hasn’t seen it

Jay zay

@sofie have u ever watched The 100?

iiSauce 2much

I agree with most of what you said besides the whole Stefan being daddy's favorite son he never was their father was just as trash to both of them but Damon didn't want Stefan to go through what he went through because he was to young so Stefan grew up to want to be more like Damon

iiSauce 2much

I have to respectfully disagree Stefan tried to get rid of them and failed but he never was called a "hero" for it at the end of the day its harsh but they both have gotten away with multiple things and just bypassed it but once it comes to a girl that their in love with they both become selfish and oblivious to what going on


Let's say that between the two brothers, Stefan had it a little bit easier, thanks to Damon and because Giuseppe and Lily were reserving their worse behaviour for their oldest son, that was the cause of everything bad happening in the house, that never date someone his father approved, that went to war to pleased him but finding himself in a war he did not believed in at all just left bringing shame to the family, a constant disappointment, a bad boy unworthy of love. Stefan being younger and because of Damon protection dogged most of Giuseppe bad behavior, still, Giuseppe was a monster he killed his two sons.

Idun V

The last season ruined that show for me big time 😔

Jay zay

Tbh the last season was a bit disappointing. Honestly don’t think I have watched a show with an ending that completely satisfied me

Idun V

The 100 was on the same level as GoT for me when it comes to terrible endings so 😶 Also, knowing some of the stuff that went on behind the scenes with the showrunner made it worse.

Jay zay

My three favourite shows are the originals, GOT, and The 100. GoT and The 100 endings had me pissed. What went on behind the scenes?

Idun V

When Lillian calls Malcolm her "Eldest son" right to Damons face... I just, god I hate her SO much! Wanting to put Malcolm in the Salvatore crypt? She's not even a Salvatore by blood! She married into that name and then she abandoned her sons who are true Salvatores, she has no rights to that crypt! At least Esther saw her kids as her children, you can even say she truly loved her kids in her own fucked up way. Lillian is just an abusive bitch.

Idun V

My favourite character was that one main who got killed in episode 13. One of the reasons that character got so little time and such a bad send-off was because the showrunner and him had a falling out. There's also been a lot of talk about racism from the showrunner and a general issue where he'll give characters bad story arcs because he's angry at the actor. Plus, as someone who was a big fan of B+C ship theres been a bunch of other issues with that showrunner on that front as well. Someone who worked with him admitted that the showrunner had said that he wouldn't do some things fans wanted because he knew it hurt them. Those are some of the things that are more certain, other than that there's just a lot of rumors that left a bad taste but I don't know how much is true.

Idun V

Spoilers for the 100. Going into more proper detail. Ricky(Lincolns actor) came out with stories about how the showrunner(Jason) would cut whole scenes and with lincoln in it for seemingly no reason and many other things related to Jason being racist toward him. Alycia(Lexa) wanted to stay until the end of season 3 and was willing to stay in the show working around her other schedule yet he killed her of early. Bob(Bellamy) has issues with depression and when his wife Eliza(Clarke) had a miscarriage right around the time they were going to start filming season 7 he asked for some time off in the beginning. As you saw, Bellamy had almost no screen time in S7, his character was done horribly and was killed in a very stupid way. Bob and Jason seem to have had many issues since around season 6 when Bob started being more vocal about the fact that Jason had been baiting fans who shipped Bellamy and Clarke, I don't know if that was the reason but it looked like it to many of us keeping up with the cast. All three characters also got very unceremonious deaths which really makes it look like Jason gets pissed at the actor and takes it out on the character. Then there's the whole Bellarke thing, although shipping fans in general went insane when it comes to the 100... But just some short info, Bellamy and Clarke were canon in the books, it has been confirmed that he wrote and directed scenes with romantic intent but he would call fans delusional and tell them that they were "reading into it" and "misinterpreting". And on many levels he just made fans feel like shit. There's a lot more info and rumors out there but I'm a bit to lazy too look into it right now 😅

Jay zay

I didn’t know any of this. This makes me dislike the him and now I feel like he ruined the ending of the show because he couldn’t stay professional

Jay zay

You are going to love season 7

Jeff (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-13 18:08:00 Tried watching episode 2, but the new dropbox file is the previous episode, tvd 7x01 part1 encode.mp4 & TVD 7X01 part2 encode.mp4...
2021-11-05 00:10:58 Tried watching episode 2, but the new dropbox file is the previous episode, tvd 7x01 part1 encode.mp4 & TVD 7X01 part2 encode.mp4...

Tried watching episode 2, but the new dropbox file is the previous episode, tvd 7x01 part1 encode.mp4 & TVD 7X01 part2 encode.mp4...


Hey Sofie, "love your reactions by the way", the 2nd dropbox file part 2 is good, but the part one dropbox file, still opens as TVD 7X01 part2 encode.mp4...

I Am Not Chamari

The psychological abuse that Damon's mother put him through, in addition to the physical abuse from his father is actually quite heartbreaking and I like that even now, we are still learning about these two brothers. Stefan annoyed me this episode, but the Damon/Stefan dynamic this season generally makes me upset, so, what am I going to do about that.


Hate Lilly honestly through these moments, and in general. But also her not being able to do anything in her abusive relationship- I can’t blame her for not stepping in although from my perspective she should have… but back in that time women weren’t anything, she would have been killed. So I can’t blame her for that part. But otherwise I can’t stand her every time she talks about her “family” in front of her blood. It’s so painful to me. Damon is pretending that he’s fine but he suffered the most emotional abuse and physical abuse through his life, no surprise he is the way he is. I LOVE this storyline, I like that Elena is gone, it allows these other storylines be written.