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Luv Bonnie this season. I luv her every season but this season I feel like we got a more light hearted side from her.


bonnie carried this season


Season seven is different. They step up their game, the cinematography, the acting, the structure, the writing, the villains, are on another upgraded level. It’s a running both on present time and in three years from now until the two time line will meet and you’ll understand what is going on. It’s the brother’s season, but as you can see Elena is very present. The Heritics are not like the Mikealsons, wait you will see.


Matt’s not wrong.

Zeph 802

I love the heretics, they're just some fun fresh faces, I love when shows can bring in a bunch of new characters. The reviews for the heretics are pretty much 50/50 so I'm intrigued to see how you react to them.


Man i'd love to say i'm looking forward to this season but that would be lying unfortunately lol


I am happy you are so positive regarding it lol coz no details stated this season is a big mes in my opinion lmao granted with a sprinkle of genius scattered here and there


Sorry to desagree, this season is not a mess at all, it is where most of the loose end get connected to explain psycological trait of the two brothers, the structure of the 3 years and the present day running together until the present catch up with the future is brilliant, the villain are very interesting, the acting is spectacular, the cinematography is on a much higher level, the introspective journey of the two brothers compelling, the writing is excellent. It is the most grown up season of them all and some episodes are television masterpieces. I don't see anything negative in this season, it's most definatelly one of my top season, it's the brothers season, and when the brothers are together doing whatever, it is always truly the most interesting story line, the most beautiful and poetic. And finally Ian and Paul show us what they can do and boy they can do some serious acting!

I Am Not Chamari

I really enjoy the heretics as a group of villains, but only really like Valerie as an individual character. Them surrendering the town was quite stupid, and they should have had a better plan to make sure they would be dead. But again, without Bonnie and Damon in town, of course the plan wouldn't be successful. I'm really not a fan of Season 7, but I will watch it nevertheless.

I Am Not Chamari

Enzo's storyline is better this season - it makes so much sense that he would choose Lily over everyone else.


I’m not going to lie, this is when my brain confirmed that I would be totally fine with Bonnie and Damon together like in the books and Stefan can be with Elena. And this is someone who shipped Delena since the beginning lol

Enas Bassiony

Bonnie and Damon weren't together in the books .. they had a connection of some sort .. but in the books Damon and Elena end up together actually


That’s actually false, the books were inconclusive (depending how you look at it). But Damon and Bonnie for sure had a relationship! I mean the books are right there for reading so if you have time you can look into them. The reason the books were technically inconclusive is because of the two different writers. Yet officially, Elena chooses Stefan to be her soul mate (in the official writers somewhat end i believe it was)