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Alexis Cardarella

Terrible main plot but some amazingly funny/epic moments 💕

Flora Smith

That sums it up 🤣 definitely salvaged by singing Giles. Spike and Anya though


I always skip this episode on rewatches, but I watched your reaction! I'm assuming this was supposed to be a "warning about too much sex" episode for the censors: lose your friends, could release a poltergeist... Favorite part is when Xander asks Anya what she feels and she says something about "sad" -- always makes me chuckle.

Shaun Houghton

Worst episode of this show.


I always skip this episode. However, Giles redeems it a bit. Also I never noticed that at the front of Xander's ice cream van is a "giant insects" magazine. that made me chuckle

Daniel Schlösser

There is an album from ASH: "Music for elevators", you can find it on amazon.com :)

Raven Dark

The only episode in the Buffyverse that is pretty much universally panned by the fandom. Giles singing is gold, though.

Idun V

I may be biased, but Tara is the best thing that ever happened to television 💕


Oh Damon song 😁

Dennis Bryant

Also, in a very different vein... There was Repo: A Genetic Opera..... Quite an interesting old movie.

Dennis Bryant

I don't necesarily like "the episode".... But there are many great and funny moments in it. And as mentioned several times, Giles singing. He does have a great voice.

Raven Dark

Riley, yeah, I know, I've seen a few people pop up who like it, but they're exceedingly rare. To each their own, though, and like a lot of people say, even bad episodes of Buffy have something to love in them. Dennis, Agreed.

Briony Addey

Oh my god, the Giles singing of it, the Willow revealing the crush she had on him, calling him sexy twice?! Although the poltergasm of it all wasn't quite conceived of or executed that well, I like that we got, in a very weird way, a sex positive episode. Giles being the one to stand up to Holt, and saying that her brand of blame and shame hurts people, is definitely in keeping with what we saw from him in Innocence, where he tells Buffy all she'll get from him is his support and (perhaps as important) his respect. It's really meaningful that this patriarchal figure is rejecting the role that sex shaming usually plays in the patriarchal social order. Giles is a sexy feminist and I'll go and see him sing at the Espresso Pump any day.


Do I watch or not 🤔 For me it usually depends on which reactor is watching and it's Sofie now so yesss 😍


When I'm getting sex regularly, this episode doesn't bother me. When I'm not, it's really irritating.