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part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lnolj3495560f3p/One%20tree%20hill%20S4XE04%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/97drati9snbx948/One%20tree%20hill%20S4xE04%20part2%20encoder.mp4?dl=0




BABY NALEY! HEHEHE I love how they did that though. Like, they constantly made it so it wasn't quite clear whether it was Brooke or Haley who was pregnant, but they were kinda leaning closer to Brooke by having her pretend it was her to give Haley the chance to tell Nathan in her own time, then they reveal that it's actually Haley. And I love that Lucas immediately told Haley that Nathan's not Dan. Like, it was to comfort her, but it was also because he knows this and he believes in his brother and I just love it! I love that scene. How Lucas is immediately so happy for Haley, no judgement and is just there for her. I just love their friendship, and I love the Scott Trio (Lucas, Nathan and Haley...) so much!


oh god i am not ready for next episode! Intense !!!

Kristen Maddox

Can't wait for next episode!!


Finally it It is revealed that Haley is the one that is pregnant. The moment when Haley tells Lucas was such a sweet moment. I remember when the show was originally airing that I thought Haley was the one that was pregnant for a few reasons. Haley was about to tell Nathan something before the accident (but she covered it up when he asked what she was going to tell him by saying she was accepted to Stanford), when Haley was at the doctor's office with Brooke when it was confirmed one of them was pregnant Brooke looked at Haley and to me it always came across that Haley looked more nervous than Brooke (Also a small detail I noticed was that Brooke used both of her hands when she grabbed Haley's hand in the doctor's office it was like a sweet gesture of Brooke showing extra support without even saying anything), and also what made me think Haley was pregnant is that Haley seemed more concerned about people finding out/knowing about the pregnancy than Brooke even though it was clearly being written like we were suppose to think Brooke was pregnant. Next episode is a good episode but also intense.


Taking a break from bringing up the whole Brooke and Peyton drama to bring attention to Haley and Brooke and how much their friendship has been blossoming over the past 2 seasons. I love them so much and love Brooke even more for having her back not only with the pregnancy secret but also defending Naley’s marriage to Rachel. The show tries telling us that Brooke and Peyton are really good friends but we SEE that Brooke and Haley are really good friends.


I totally agree with you. Yes we have been told Peyton and Brooke are such good friends but they are often dealing with some drama with each other (I wish their friendship wasn't written like that but that is what we've seen on and off since the show started). Yet with Brooke and Haley's friendship we actually SEE that Brooke and Haley are good friends and like you said their friendship has been blossoming for 2 seasons now. Brooke and Haley's friendship really developed from them not even knowing each other to Brooke clearly being Haley's closest girl friend.

Zeph 802

I'm going to step in as a Deb apologist here, she has a disease, whereas Dan IS a disease. All his psychological abuse over the years has manifested into this addiction for Deb, she was doing better up until she told him about the fire and he started threatening her again. I love this storyline, the tense scenes between her and Nathan or her and Karen were all amazing


When BTVS?)))


I agree, but that doesn't mean I don't feel awful for Nathan and completely understand where he's coming from. He shouldn't have to deal with any of this, and neither should she. Dan should just leave them both alone and go to Prison... :(


yeah Rachel already knew about Keith. If you remember last episode, Rachel was easedropping on Nathan and Peyton's conversation about Keith and the accident.