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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/egjm979r04dhqty/The.Vampire.Diaries.S06E13.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0



Zeph 802

Yes Kat Graham is fantastic, as much as I hate the Bonnie torture but, she does a great job at portraying the pain, her just being tired of it all. Yes Enzo is so completely lost and it's infuriating, he hasn't spent any time with Damon, the last time we saw them have a conversation was last season so this is out of nowhere. if they wanted to portray that he was going through PTSD because of what Stefan did then they should've emphasised that in writing because it feelings pointless. And yes Delena is killing it this season, every time i rewatch i get so pissed at Elena for erasing her memories but then it brings me episodes like this and I get so happy about it.


I love how we had Damon tell Elena episodes ago that Bonnie is what kept him going in the Prison World, and we're now seeing that Damon is also what kept Bonnie going. I mean, the fact that Bonnie is still living in the Salvatore House. She could be staying at her Grams' house, or Elena's, or Caroline's. But she chose to stay at the Salvatore House, where she stayed with Damon, the place that reminds her of him and probably makes her feel a little less alone. And how she was watching the videos they made and smiling. How she planned to keep her pact with Damon (the fact they had a Death Pact is really sad though...) and when she went to kill herself, she used Damon's car. She leaned up against it. He had been so excited to see his car, it's what had given him hope again, and that's where she chose to end her life, leaning up against the car that gave Damon hope, it probably half made her feel like he was there with her. Then when she found the Atlas, she used Damon's car to get there. It's all these little things that just completely break my heart and make their friendship my favourite on the show. And Damon's face as he realised what Bonnie was planning to do, when he realised that she was giving up. How terrified he clearly was that she was gonna kill herself and they'd never get her back, that she'd die alone. He cares about her so much and I love it. I also love the moments where Elena gets a glimpse into their friendship. Because she erased all her memories of good Damon, so of course back in that other episode she was surprised to learn that Damon actually cared about Bonnie. But ever since then, she's always seemed really happy whenever she gets these glimpses of their friendship. Like she's getting this confirmation that she truly has made the right choice in trusting Damon, like she's happy to see how much Bonnie means to him. Idk, it's hard to explain, there's just always this happy look on her face whenever she sees Damon caring about Bonnie and I really like it. I think part of it is that she's seeing him care about someone other than her and Stefan. She's happy to see Damon has a friendship that has nothing to do with her or Stefan. Of course there's Alaric, but that's different. His friendship with Bonnie is just very different to his other relationships on the show, and I think Elena can see that. And poor Caroline. She's really going through it. I'm so glad she found Ms Cuddles! The fact that she buried her in the first place is hilarious though... Agh! I have such mixed feelings about her and Stefan's scenes. I love them as friends. Their friendship was great. But I just don't ship them. I don't see romance or sexual chemistry. I just see best friends. And I have nothing against people shipping them, I just can't see it. So yeah, I enjoy their scenes, but I'd like them a lot more if I knew there was nothing more than friendship going on... It's really annoying to me, because the whole Steroline thing kinda ruined their friendship for me... :( I LOVE THE IRONY OF TYLER BEING UPSET AT LIV FOR GOING AFTER KAI! Like, he said he was upset about her risking her life, but the way he said it was very strange. He wasn't upset at her for risking her life. He was upset at her choosing to risk her life for revenge over being with him. Which is, like you said, exactly what he did to Caroline... And I can't completely blame either of them. I'm not a fan of Tyler, but I can understand that Klaus killed his Mother and he was of course pissed and wanted revenge and he deserved to feel that anger, what happened was awful. But he can't then condemn Liv for doing the same. I honestly think this could've been a great moment for development with him here. He could've talked to her about how he understands and said about how his need for revenge destroyed all his relationships and only made things worse for himself, he could've comforted her through it (which he was trying to do, I know...) and when she got back from trying to kill Kai, he could've been understanding and compassionate and just been there for her and let her know that he understood. That could've made for some excellent character development for him, but instead he just went backwards...


Bonnie is always the one going through the majority of pain and loss while saving everyone else from it and without a doubt Kat Graham is always on point portraying these emotions onscreen. I could absolutely understand her losing hope because it has been way too long for her to continue living in that condition. But still, at the of the day she found hope again and I am so happy for her. Thanks to Kai and Damon's play on his new found empathy, it all worked out. Damon's notes being there for Bonnie was beautiful because she is the reason he could be back and he has also been there to help her found her way back❤ Caroline looking for miss cuddles was adorable. She is going through so much right now emotionally that I was very impressed with Stefan trying to get her to just speak about it or cry about it. They both are so good and beautiful in these scenes that it is a pleasure to watch them. I am actually glad that they didn't kiss yet because it has to be when she isn't feeling like this. He is there for her and at the same time doesn't need to look like anything more.


Is ep 14 today?


Salvation. That's all this season is, just endless salvation. I did not anticipate that the writers would go this far with Elena's compulsion. When I thought that they were using it to tear down every long held misconception about delena, I didn't even factor this into the equation. They just changed the game. Again. This season is literally one divine revelation after another. It’s like 3x22, 4x23 and 5x16-5x22 on steroids. It's freaking brilliant. Because they aren’t even being subtle about it. They’re not tiptoeing around these issues or playing both sides anymore. With the triangle well and truly dead, they're dropping nuclear bombs on every argument anyone has ever used against Damon and Elena's love. Beginning with, as I would like to call, food porn. As if the sandwich thing was not enough. Or even the pancake thing. Now we have a cupcake thing. This food theme is killing me. It’s so damn domestic it’s messing with my head. They almost seem like human newlyweds. I’d think they were if I didn’t already know they were vampires. And of course only Damon and Elena could make eating cupcakes fucking sexual as hell. I cannot believe they did this. That he fed it to her and she was looking at him in the eyes while she bit into it. That she moaned aloud at how good it was, her eyes practically rolling back in her head. That he reached over totally nonchalant, all slow and with this delicious sensual purpose, and wiped the frosting off her lip with his thumb. Damn lusty bastards. Thank god they ended this episode with them having sex. The tension here was out of control. I couldn’t have waited any longer an clearly they couldn't either. It was so adorable to see them talking about the kiss. It's something else we never, ever got to see with them the first time around. This simple, early stages of dating behaviour. Like navigating the after effects of their first kiss. Deciding what it means and where you go from there. But now that they have been given this second chance, they're approaching this all a little more normally. And the scenes with Kai were again I feel are very underrated and that's a shame. Because this is what I love about compelled Elena. Watching her fall in love with Damon. In these quiet, unassuming moments, surrounded by all the crazy that is their lives. And yet in the midst of it all, she’s learning more about him every minute. Learning things that are making her love him. Respect him. Admire him. It’s also a perfect illustration of how little the compulsion affected of her personality. Despite her missing memories of Damon, she has not changed. She is still the same Elena, with the same yearnings and flaws and expectations. She still sees the more unorthodox and off-putting aspects of Damon's personality for what they're. Parts of what makes him so great. Like his penchant for manipulation. His ability to read a situation or a person and use what he discerns to his advantage. He's very clever and observant. He sees everything. He is also very persuasive. In a way that is entirely unique to him. And Elena appreciates that about him. She holds those traits of his in a certain esteem, because she recognizes that he uses them in the best interests of his loved ones. It wasn't always like that. When she first met him, his manipulative tendencies were used to mess with Stefan, to get his way and open the tomb. But now that he's evolved so spectacularly into this hero no one ever expected him to be, he uses his once dark impulses and skills to the advantage of others. And that is something common between Elena and Damon. Their ability to emotionally manipulate a person or a situation for the benefit of another person. He’s always known she was capable of the same type of exploitation and mind games that he is. As usual, he recognized that in her long before she ever did in herself. He even called her out on it when she used it against him. They have always been far more alike than anyone ever wanted to admit. And in this moment, as she watches Damon play Kai just the right way in an effort to get a message to Bonnie, she carries such obvious pride in him. She's genuinely impressed by his tactics. Almost as if her soul is recognizing his for what it is. And the writers have no chill. They’re literally calling out all of Delena’s haters and blatantly telling them that they’re wrong. That they’ve been wrong this entire time. It's savage. And only made even more so by the fact that the confirmed sociopath is the one presenting this argument. Another reminder from the writers that only few people believe Damon and Elena's love is as black and white as Kai just made it seem. It's such an obvious kick to those that tried to bash Damon and Elena with this transition argument that all I want to do is cheer. As if it was ever this simple. This definable. This black and white. It wasn't. Not ever. Much like the truly nonsensical claim that there is a good Salvatore and a bad one, the idea that vampirism somehow erased Elena's morals and that it's the only reason she was able to overlook Damon's darkness is equally as moronic. This is not a fairytale. There's no line in the sand that distinguishes the villains and the heroes. Everyone on this show is a villain and a hero. They are all good and bad. They’ve all made the right choice, and just as many times they’ve made the wrong one. They are all killers. And not even for supposedly heroic reasons, like protecting the ones they love. They’ve killed people in cold blood. Snapped necks, ripped out hearts, sucked innocents dry. Ripped heads off. They’re monsters. Or they could be viewed that way. But monsters don't love. Don't try to do good and heroic thing. Don't bother to acknowledge their humanity. Don't feel remorse and regret for their mistakes. So they're heroes with tainted histories. They're flawed, not infallible like everyone likes to pretend. And vampirism is not even the determining factor in that. Because even the humans have blood on their hands. Even human Elena was put in a position where she had to kill, or plot to kill, to affect a greater outcome. Even she was able to overlook the fact that Stefan tore up the coast with Klaus, wracking up a body count much higher than Damon’s. Even she let go of the fact that Stefan tried to kill her. Twice. It didn’t erase her feelings for him. It didn’t cause her to turn on him. It didn’t prevent her from forgiving him. Because she’s a compassionate soul. Because her whole personality revolves around looking for the best in even the most damaged people. And that is why is she fell in love with Damon while she was human. Because she saw the good in him, the humanity, when the rest of the world only saw a monster. While everyone consistently labeled him the bad brother, she learned that there was no bad brother. There was just Stefan and Damon, two siblings with violent histories and twisted impulses. She erased the line in the sand between them long before she ever transitioned. So this irrational claim that being a vampire somehow tainted her, that it caused her to forget her morals and compassion, that it was the only reason she was able to love Damon means nothing. It was an exercise in stupidity from the start. The whole damn purpose of Elena Gilbert’s character, of her entire life and story and existence, is her love for other people. Her ability to forgive even the worst, most disturbed people their sins. She forgave Katherine on her deathbed for gods sake. After Katherine killed her little brother. And then tried to kill her the night of her graduation. She knows that evil is not born. That people begin good and human, that it’s the world that warps them into something dark. And that is what allows her to forgive, even those who have wronged her in the most horrific of ways. She did not change when she died. If anything she is more compassionate and forgiving than she was before. She's just learned to temper it. To balance her overwhelming compassion and selflessness with a little more selfishness and self-preservation. She is no longer a martyr and no longer makes decisions based on what other people tell her. She thinks for herself and that is the change her friends perceived in her after her transition. And I loathe nothing more than the argument of pure and evil. Who said humans are any purer than vampires just because they're humans? What kind of logic is that? Who said that ripping people’s heads off in the heat of bloodlust is a sign of being ‘good’ just because the perpetrator feels terrible about it afterwards and expresses that remorse openly? What makes Stefan’s sins any better or worse than Damon’s? What makes Stefan any more or less of a hero than Damon? NOTHING. There is no logic to this good brother, bad brother nonsense and never has been. Just like there’s no logic to this humans are pure and vampires are void of all morals nonsense. Human Elena was not pure. She was not some little dove that was incapable of error and unable to love a monster. The very fact that she ever loved Stefan after finding out what he was should be proof enough that her purity died a long time ago. It died when she went off that bridge the first time. And really it was even before that. Because she was never totally pure. Or she didn’t want to be. She craved the darker pleasures in life from the time she was sixteen. It was that same ‘pure’ girl who fell in love with a vampire not six months after her parents’ accident. Even knowing what he was, what he was capable of, she loved Stefan anyway. Even after discovering the terrible things he’d done over his long life, she still loved him and fought for him. This is not a sign of purity. It's simply a sign of love. Because love - real love - isn’t pure. Especially the no holds barred, out of control way that Elena Gilbert loves. Falling in love is not about morals. It’s not about right and wrong. It’s an emotion. A connection. You don’t decide that you feel that way, you just do. Elena herself has said that she was terrified to know that she loves Damon. Because she didn't want to feel that way about him. But with every new thing she learned about him, she couldn't help but fall for him. It was about him. Not about his mistakes or his status as the black sheep or her loyalty to Stefan. It was all about Damon. About the kind of person he was - the person she saw from the beginning underneath all his dark bravado - that made her love him. And there is nothing wrong with that. It doesn't make her any less compassionate and moral and loving as a person. It doesn't mean that she lost her goodness. It means she was always going to feel that way. Human or vampire, sired or not sired, compelled or not compelled, Elena Gilbert will ALWAYS love Damon Salvatore. And even with her lost memories Elena still knows that Kai's logic is flawed. That she didn't just wake up one day in love with Damon because she was a vampire. Because that is a flawed logic. She knows that she assumed the same ridiculous things about Damon and their relationship months before. She couldn't wrap her head around loving someone she thought was a monster. But she has learned very quickly how misguided that position was. And I am more than happy to see that the writers have left no stone unturned to address all these claims against delena in this one episode. They are righting every wrong caused by 3x22. Shattering the delusion that human Elena would never have found it in her heart to love Damon, or admit to it. They’ve spent years trying to maintain the illusion that human Elena’s life and love revolved only around Stefan. That she simply didn’t have it in her to be with Damon then. That she had to be a vampire to make that transition. And now they're taking it all back, knowing that we never believed it. It’s the real reason the writers showed us that Damon had met her first after that phone call. It’s what they were trying to tell us all along. The real love story has always been between her and Damon. A love story that started before her parents ever died, before she ever encountered Damon. Before the show even began. I never thought that they would address it. Certainly not so brazenly. But they’re nothing if not thorough when it comes to Damon and Elena. They cover everything, even the things we’ve ignored or forgotten over the seasons. Because they don’t just want Damon and Elena to be happy. They wanted them to earn it. And now that they have they want us to know that they’ve earned it. Elena’s transition was not the cause of her relationship with Damon. It did nothing but break down the last of her denial about him. It burst the dam of her love for him wide open. But in order to burst open the dam, there would’ve already had to be something there. She would’ve already had to love him and she did. Something that Damon doesn't know yet. Does it matter though, that he doesn't think she'd love him if she was still human? Does it matter that he doesn't know? It does. Because not knowing is maintaining one last stronghold of doubt in his heart. It's keeping him from accepting how real this has always been. As he rightly deduced in 2x01 and tried to get her to admit, there has been something between them since they met. But the mistake he made that night after trying to convince her-killing her brother has kept him from believing what he claimed that night. He was never so certain about them as he was when he showed up in her room that night. And if he didn't kill Jeremy and temporarily alienated Elena he might have remained that certain. That mistake cost him his own personal faith in what they have. Even though all is forgiven, even though she’s proven time and again how much she loves him, that night has tainted his belief that human Elena would’ve ever chosen him in the same way 3x22 has. This is why this whole episode and this conversation is so crucial. Because it's time he stops living under that illusion. It's time Jeremy's death at his hands and Elena's choice on that bridge stops casting a dark cloud over what they could have had if she had never transitioned. He thinks that choice was indicative of human Elena's feelings for him. He is positive that she didn't love him before she died. He has no evidence from her time as a human other than their kiss in Denver that could convince him otherwise. He clearly is just as in the dark about what happened on her birthday as the audience. And Elena can't tell him any different right now because she doesn't remember. But in this moment her lost memories aren't an disadvantage even now. She still tells him what she should have told him a long time ago. That while he may not have always been her choice on the surface, at the end of it all there really was no choice. Because every time she didn't choose him, she would end up circling back to him anyway. This was like a continuation of that beautiful moment in the forest, when she proposed for the second time, confirming that their break up really had been just a way of securing their happiness down the road. Now here she stands with no recollection of that moment or any other positive one they shared prior to his return, totally confident that being with him was, and is the right choice. By showing him that she has let go of everything that threatened to destroy them in the past. She has given him the confidence that the her every choice when she didn't choose him doesn't define them. Even when he wasn't her choice, he was still the conclusion. This speech of Elena's rivals her speech to him in 4x23. When Elena chose Damon after graduation, she made a point of telling him that she wasn't sorry for meeting him, for the changes he instilled in, her, for making her look at vampirism in a positive light and for loving him. But she also made sure to drive home how real their relationship was. By reminding him, herself and everyone else that he's not always been the best person. That he has made terrible mistakes that could have cost him her love. And she equates the mistakes he has made in regard to her with the choice she makes: being with him. She claims it will prove to be her worst decision ever, which is exactly how we we knew it wouldn't be. And it wasn't. It was her best. The best choice she ever made. And even without remembering a single second of their time as a couple, compelled Elena knows that. She feels it. One of their best qualities as individuals and as a couple is that they don’t beat around the bush. Elena didn’t even try to pretend that they hadn’t had their fair share of challenges. She erased him from her mind. She used to love his brother. She chose his brother over him on her last night as a human. But that was another lifetime. She loved Stefan before Damon for a reason. Because loving Stefan ultimately led to her loving Damon. Choosing Stefan time and again led her to Damon. As she rightly understood about their history, her every choice has been about Damon in some fashion. Whether she was choosing him or not, she orientated her life around Damon from the start. She was never running to Stefan instead she was running away from Damon. And the only reason she ran is because deep down, she knew once she gave in there would be no going back. It's exactly what she tried to tell him that night on her bridge on the phone. She wasn't ready to love Damon even though she did. She wasn't ready to be with him, even though she wanted too. The story of the Vampire Diaries ladies and gentlemen. It’s a tale of Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert letting each other go over and over again, only to reunite in ever more magnificent ways. Because their love cannot be undone by absence, distance or time. And while Damon may be the one who needed to hear these life affirming words, Elena needed to say them even more. To bring them full circle. To set in motion that legendary shot of them naked in bed, her touching his arm with something akin to wonder before picking it up and wrapping it around to cuddle closer as he lay sleeping. With almost too much love brewing in the depths of her eyes. They're home. P.S. I am sorry about this really really long comment but I cannot help it. With such great writing I cannot help but talk about it all.


lmao i dont watch this show, but i felt the need to say that it took me 12 full mouse scrolls just to get passed this comment. This has never happened to me before. Usually its 1, possibly 2... 3 if it's crazy. This was 12. I checked twice. Impressive. But you might as well just write a book homie.


if the past is a place w/o you and me together then lets stop living in it... <3 that quote elena

Andrea Dcosta

Kai is such a fantastic character love him or hate him he’s soo good and interesting in anything he does and Chris wood plays his character to perfection! Bonnie 😭😭 can’t see her suffering it’s heartbreaking 💔 but Kat acts so well specially in this episode I like how she calls Damon drama Queen that’s adorable. Next few episodes are soo good can’t wait!! 😻


season 6 is the whole reason why stelena fans or any anti delena fans cant say anything about delena anymore because elena literally fell in love with damon all over AGAIN WITHOUT memories. KEY WORD "without" like she had a chance to fall back with stefan and she didn't. and I think its the beauty of delena that its so much love that it consumes elena to falling in love with damon again, that even without memories she cant get away from that inner feelings