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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v9g1h1tadmb9xdi/The.Vampire.Diaries.S06E12.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




I love Stefan and Caroline relationship, it's so different from Stefan and Elena relationship, born out of a sort of selfishness from both part, Elena needed someone to make her feel alive again, to take her out of her grieving period, and Stefan wanted to pretend to be human, normal, pretending to have human life. But that wasn't what they really needed on the long run, was a temporary fix. Stefan and Caroline have such a honest relationship, they both are in a point were they both accept their life as vampire, and make peace with it, their relationship evolved from friendship, they know each other so well. Stefan has finally realised that he needs something real in his life, no pretending anymore. Damon death made him realise that he has love in is life already, in his brother, he heal himself from his demons, from self loathing. Stefan now is much more mature and balanced. He appreciates total selfless honesty now, and the cards with Caroline are all there on the table. Theirs is an adult relationship, where both accept the good and the bad of each other and they are fine with it. Stefan without realising it, has found the human realtionship he always wanted with a very full of humanity vampire, Caroline and their relationship is as real as it gets and he find it when he stopped pretending to be someone he is not, let go with the past, stopped being self-righteous and judgemental and find what it is really important in life, honesty, the value of inconflictual brotherly love and support, self acceptance and real selfless love born out of genuine friendship.


“I don’t care. Life’s too short. Immortal or not, I don’t want to waste another minute.” This compulsion storyline has reached the level of the sire bond in my eyes guys. In case I haven’t said it enough, I love the sire bond. I think it was an ingenious way of drawing Damon and Elena back together after her transition. A brilliant method of killing Stefan and Elena permanently. It’s one of my favorite plot devices this show has ever utilized. But this compulsion business with Elena’s memories has been approaching that level of genius with every new episode I’ve seen. Because watching Damon and Elena behave in this fashion - like they’ve simultaneously just started dating and been married for centuries - is such a treat. In fact, Elena’s memory loss is working in their favor. Allowing them a kind of latitude and some breathing room they’ve never had before. They’re totally free to be themselves with each other, with no threat of moral or obligatory attacks of conscience rearing their ugly head. This is a version of Damon and Elena without so much darkness surrounding them. Now that Damon has dealt quite successfully with his own demons and Elena has comfortably matured and embraced her supernaturally tinted college experience, they can come at their relationship from a different angle. This is how they would’ve been years ago if they had met under easier circumstances. If Damon’s humanity hadn’t been off, Katherine and Stefan hadn’t been a factor and Elena hadn’t been so innocent. They’ve always had married tendencies. Even when they were strangers they fell in that rhythm naturally. But now it’s more prominent than ever. They’ve come so far that they’ve actually met in the middle in terms of their respective growth. They are both functioning adult vampires who’s only romantic interest lies with each other. The only possible disparity here is that Damon has his memories of their history, and therefore has an advantage. He doesn’t have to get to know her again. And yet it’s hardly noticeable. Elena doesn’t treat him like someone she’s just started dating. She behaves like she’s known him for years. Like her memories aren’t even gone at all. These moments of them are everything they've earned after all the hardships. Because I can’t recall a time before now where we’ve ever witnessed them like this. Deprived as we were of their summer of love, we are unfamiliar with this carefree, banter-heavy, couldn’t-be-more-married-if-they-actually-had-rings, Damon and Elena. I will never get over the sandwich thing. It's like the damn whipped cream fangs on the pancakes or their old habit of sharing a glass of bourbon in front of the Salvatore fireplace. It's just awesome. I mean he just waltzes into Alaric's place like it's theirs carrying a sandwich for her, and since she's in a hurry to make it to work he pulls it out of the bag and holds it up so she can have a bite. Who gave them the right to be all domestic like this? I get giddy butterflies in my stomach whenever he compliments her. Because he is a way of doing it that leaves no room for argument. He doesn't say it in some direct fashion that would allow her to downplay it. He just throws it into whatever he's already saying. He makes it a natural part of the conversation. So all that she can do is smile gracefully and flirtatiously, happy that he thinks such sweet things about her and actually says them out loud. And when she smiles this time he calls her cute, I detect nothing but pride in her. She's proud of her decision to pursue medicine. Now she knows that he is proud of her too. That he finds her chosen profession endearing. He always supports her one way or another. He always finds a way to show that he supports her. The Audacity of these two cute idiots, seriously. We never got to see them actually date. But I suppose hearing about it is just as well. Especially when their date involves Italian dinners and sitting in the back of artsy French movies throwing popcorn at hipsters. They're somehow totally sophisticated, mature adults while also being ridiculously childish teenage pranksters. it's mind boggling and amazing. I've always wanted to know what their dates consisted of. And apparently even their dates, much like their relationship are a paradox. They begin the evening with a nice dinner and end it at some pretentious movie that they don’t even watch, opting to poke fun at the other patrons from the back of theater, make jokes about whatever they’re supposed to be watching and probably end up making out until the credits stop rolling. It’s so fitting for them I can’t even express how fantastic I find this new information. They are that couple. The one that is so comfortable with each other and with their love that they use every opportunity to have a good time together. They don’t just date, they play. They laugh. They misbehave. They’re having fun. As a couple, just the two of them alone together amidst the bustle of the crazy world around them. This is really a prime example of why their relationship is so good. It's never been just about love. After all, they were friends first. They initially formed that bond at a bar in Georgia, over burgers and shots. These two don't just love each but they actually really like each other as people. They enjoy each other's company. They are an absolute ideal. For all the madness that surrounds them, all the pain it took for them to even get together in the first place, all the fighting they had to do just to maintain their own happiness, their relationship is a true bright spot in a world pervaded with so much darkness. So Elena's proposition that they take it from the beginning is smart. They certainly have to start somewhere. And at the moment she's not quite ready to pick up from where they had left off. She needs a bit more time before they jump back in the saddle. She has to ease into this, at least for now. She needs to allow her mind to catch up with what her heart is telling her. It's just she doesn't know yet that she is actually much closer to reaching that point than she thinks. They've covered a lot of ground in a short time frame. They don't have to start from scratch which she realizes by the end of the day, just needed the push. Kai's interaction in the hospital room with Delena is hilarious. It's probably just because I love how sassy Kai is. He is exactly what this show was missing in the villain department in Season 5. But even more interesting than his totally sociopathic commentary (and Liz just shutting him down like a boss) is how Kai has become the new voice of the anti-Delena contingent. It's extraordinarily telling for too many reasons. For the longest time, everyone was against the very notion of romance between Delena. They had no support from any of their friends or family, apart from Rose. It took seasons for their loves one to come around. But they did. All of them. Every single person that Delena love is totally in their corner now, has fully recognized how powerful and real and necessary their love is. Everyone that cares about them is on their side. The only problem is that nothing can ever be that easy for Damon and Elena. Someone has to be against them. When your love is as magnificent as theirs, something will always try to tear it down. Kai has become that someone, the only one, in fact, who has anything negative to say about Damon and Elena being together. So what does that tell you about the logic in Delena's love at this point? That it's entirely sound. Because the only person who can muster up a complaint about them and their love is a legitimate sociopath. Someone who slaughtered half his family in a single night, tortured his twin sister, strangled a cab driver because he didn’t have any money to pay and doesn’t feel an ounce of remorse for it. Kai has no emotional ties to other people. He's not capable of it. He doesn't understand love. And he is standing here calling Damon and Elena dysfunctional. It's freaking genius. The confirmed sociopathic serial killer thinks Damon and Elena are a bad match. But everyone else has explicitly stated in their own way that these two are it. They belong together. We have finally reached the point where the only people who don’t see Delena’s beauty as a couple are psychopaths. And how befitting that their third first kiss, their reunion kiss as it were, came on the heels of another almost death. They always come together in the midst of great tragedy. It's just their thing. It's how they cope, by finding stability and hope in one another when the world is crashing down around them. And I have to talk about why Elena was freaking out so much that she had to leave the room. When Liz went into cardiac arrest Elena tried to save her. Even when the doctor declared that she was gone, Elena refused to give up. She kept administering chest compressions to try and revive her best friend’s mother. She was unravelling as she did so. Unwilling to accept that Caroline's mum had just died and there was nothing she could do to fix it. Sound familiar? She did the exact same thing when Damon died. She went completely off the rails. Because she’d done everything in her power to be sure she and Damon would remain together, in life or death, and it was all for naught. He died anyway. As if the parallel agony of that is not enough, when Caroline comes into the room and finds Liz dead she breaks down, begging her mother not to leave her. Just as Elena broke down and begged Damon not to leave her as he was saying goodbye to her from the Other Side. Now there's only one caveat here. Elena doesn't remember Damon's death properly. She doesn't remember how he died or what she did to try and prevent it or how devastated and destroyed she was when she lost him. But she sure as hell reacted to Liz's temporary death like she remembered. And that's why I know her compulsion has its limits. Because while she may not remember how terrible Damon's death was, she still feels the effect it had on her. She was confronted with it viciously in that hospital room. There were too many similarities not to rouse up some of Deja vu in her. It's why she had to leave the room and also why she kissed Damon when he followed her. Much like their last kiss. when she was terrified by the thought that he won't make it back from the other side, she needed to remind herself that he was there. He was with her. This is where all their uncertainty about their relationship finally melted away. They have been cautious with each other until now, unsure of where to go from here from their emotions are in two different places. But at the end of the day, their disparity didn't matter. The lost memories don't matter. All that really matters is they need each, love each other and will always come back to each other. Death couldn't separate them. If anything at all it did was ensure they'll be more unbreakable than ever for the remainder of their lives. And that’s the only epiphany Elena needed to decide once and for all where they go from here. The answer is nowhere. They don't need to rewind or start over or fast forward and try to make up for lost time. They just need to pick up from where they left off. And where did they leave off? Together. Sealed with a kiss and a promise, forged in the flames of their mutual demise in that explosion, they left off together. Solidly, stubbornly and eternally. It was an exact parallel of their last kiss, right down to the lighting. The life or death circumstances, the discussion of their relationship, the sunlight shining on their silhouettes like it was gracing their love with a benediction. It was perfectly executed and well worth the wait. And almost too symbolic for it's own good. Their last kiss was backlit by the glow of the sun and underscored with a promise: the promise that Damon will make it back to her. While he has been back for weeks now, she hasn't had the opportunity to revel in that miracle. To understand what it truly means. She has no idea how significant his return is or she didn't until she watched Liz die. And then come back to life in Caroline's arms. A miracle which is exactly helped Elena remind herself about how lucky she has been to have Damon back. And how foolish it is to waste time trying to navigate the uncertainty surrounding their unorthodox situation. Their eternity is not set in stone. Immortal or not, death could still come for them. She could still lose him again and she doesn't want to take that risk that she willingly didn't give in when she had the chance. She doesn't want to die without being with Damon again. She wants to live in the present with him. She doesn't want to live in fear of what happened in their past or what could happen in the future. It's about now and she wants to take advantage of every second they have. She finally gets it that vampirism is not a guarantee of eternity. That in some ways their lives are just as fragile as a human. She is ready to pick up from where they had left off and she is committed. They're on the same page for the first time since he has been back. So she kisses him and he kisses her ❤❤


Caroline poor girl. I know that she was drowning in guilt and she was the most terrified about her act of feeding vampire blood to her mother in the hope and belief of saving her life. But it was risk and there were severe consequences. I totally understand her desperation. But at the same time the way Elena or Damon reacted wasn't something that seemed out of the blue. They weren't blaming Caroline but were questioning the logic just like Stefan and Caroline do in other situations. I understand that Stefan didn't want to take away Caroline's hope but he also knew that this could go wrong. He was judging Elena for compelling away her memories but why? Because she had no hope and he was the one to refuse her the same hope. But putting all of this aside, everything that Stefan told Caroline in this episode was really well done. Like always Stefan was using one of his own experience to make a point however this was more sincere. It held weight. He knew that Liz wouldn't blame Caroline and she needs to see her daughter and spend all the time in the world with her. They shouldn't leave more room for regrets. Luke, man I really liked him. I applaud him for his courage. He saved his sisters and he went head on with the devil taking the risk. Also I do believe that this was honestly a more ideal match for the merge because both of them were the stronger pair compared to the sisters. I know they deserved better but someone was going to die and he succeeded in making sure he wasn't the one to kill his sister. Damon yet again takes the situation in his control. We can again argue that he did something selfish again to save Liz who he is closer too. But that's him. He has never promised people that he would save everyone because he knows it doesn't turn out that way. So he went in for the kill and only made Liz his priority. Glad that it worked eventually. This way Caroline is also saved from the lifelong guilt of being the reason her mother's cancer speed up.

I Am Not Chamari

Not gonna lie... Damon, in his hastiness, kinda saved the day. This was the best outcome for the twin merge. Jo was not going to defeat Kai and Luke was going to kill Liv. It would be too early to kill Kai off... And Luke's death was a noble one. Also, Liz gets to live for a while longer. Success? I get Tyler and Liv have a thing going on, and I really like them together, but I really don't know what he thinks he's going to do about all of this and how he aims to keep Liv safe. He is a human at the end of the day.