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When you said Lucas's behavior is confusing--that's because he's lying to himself in a big way. I think he does love Brooke, or at least he thinks he does, but a lot of his vehemence in trying to get her back is because he's forcing himself to. He remembers all the pain he and Peyton caused last time, and also how much it hurt to lose Peyton before, and so now those feelings are bubbling up again and shining through in his behavior, but he CAN'T admit it to himself. He's been falling for Peyton all over again, and even as he's flirting with her, he has to keep repeating that he's in love with Brooke because it's too scary for Peyton to be an option. If you want to think about it another way--it's sort of like Elena denying her feelings for Damon and insisting she's in love with Stefan, even though she can't help the way she acts around Damon.


Great reaction. I can see that the "who's pregnant " story line has you stressed😂. Exactly how I felt the first time watching. Enjoy!


I will always ship Brooke and Lucas because I personally feel them the most and Sophia put so much into those scenes like the "I forgive you" scene that I couldn't help but to get behind them. Personally it frustrates me whenever some people would say things like "Lucas never loved Brooke" when he clearly did, but love fades and not all love is going to be an epic kind of love. Which goes to my point about Leyton. Although I don't ship at all, the way that they let each other in is something that Brooke needed from him and he never truly did it to that extent. So in that regard I do understand why someone would like them together and why it is far more healthy dynamic.

I Am Not Chamari

I think it's so funny that Luke forgot Brooke's birthday... like??? *sigh* Idk I feel like Luke always put so much energy into big romantic gestures and empty words when it came to Brooke. And that is a part of the problem. Brooke almost became an idea for him and not a real breathing person. He's so focused on getting her back that he doesn't even realize the problems they were facing while they were together. Lack of meaningful communication. Brooke being controlling and possessive. Lucas not being present in the relationship (partially because of grief, but Luke never seriously addressed Brooke's insecurities) and more. Brucas just doesn't work beyond declarations of love and gestures. But, oh well.


Lucas loved Brooke. But he didn't love her more than Peyton. Lucas and Peyton has this deep connection between them that if one of them has a problem, they will instantly know it just by looking into one's eyes and without asking questions. Lucas + Peyton = TLA.