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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cji7vkv5wrhrb82/The.Vampire.Diaries.S06E11.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




Have any of us even considered how blessed we are to witness Elena falling in love with Damon again? Unburdened by the complication of loving Stefan, unafraid of what others might think, unashamed of the feelings as they come? It's truly something magical. So different from every other aspect of their journey until this point. Because in everything we have ever seen transpire between Damon and Elena, their interactions have never played out quite like this. The first time Elena fell in love with Damon, it happened over time. In secret, buried under her denial and her obligation to Stefan. It was carried out over several seasons and even as we watched it with our own eyes, none of us ever knew until this season the exact moment she fell for him. It was that subtle. That insidious. In a slow burn, angst-ridden, passion filled work of art like this, their feelings were not meant to be obvious until it was too late for them to turn back. Until they’d fallen so hard for each other that not being together wasn’t an option. But this time, Elena falling in love with Damon is the focus. There’s nothing drawing her attention or her feelings away from him. We can see every emotion play over her face as she experiences it, rather than hearing about it after the fact. It’s not a slow burn this time. With history like theirs, there’s no reason to draw it out. Even if their journey is being reproduced in precisely the same way. That's right. This is more than just Elena rediscovering her feelings for Damon. This is their trademark road of hate to love, love to lust, lust to truth making an unprecedented come back. In all honestly we should have realised that was the purpose behind her compulsion the moment she called him a monster. Something she only said because she was reminded of the night Damon snapped Jeremy's neck. The night she declared that she hated him. We know the writers brought up that memory again for a reason. It was their second beginning the first around, a moment that caused a disturbance so massive it placed them firmly on the path to true love in a way none of their previous moments could. The journey from hate to love began again with 6x02, exactly four seasons and two and a half years after Damon killed Jeremy. The irony is that compelled Elena held the attitude and perception of Damon that, had she originally not known him and cared for him, she would have had after 2x01. Everyone expected her to truly hate him. To believe he was a psychotic killer, a monster with no redeeming virtue. If she hadn’t been friends with him preceding 2x01, it’s exactly how she would’ve felt. It’s how she expected to feel. But the fact of the matter is that she did care. It was why Damon showed up in her room that night to begin with. Because he trusted her and loved her and knew she felt something in return. If she hadn’t exhibited affection for him 2x01 never would’ve happened. He wouldn’t have come to her after Katherine put his heart in a blender. He wouldn’t have tried to convince her that there was something going on between them. And he wouldn't have snapped when she told him it was always going to be Stefan. Those words only hurt him as much as they did because Damon wanted to be her first choice. Because he wanted to be someone she could love, someone who deserved her. And he didn't think that he was or ever would be. Now, they have been given the opportunity to do things over without anything in the middle. No Stefan, no Katherine, no insecurities or demons or questions of morality. Elena is coming from a place of seemingly justified hatred that she has been compelled to believe is an absolute truth. She has no decent memories of Damon, there is nothing she has to look back on that could make loving him an option for her. This time her hatred was pure. She genuinely had no affection for him, no expectation that he could be good or do the right thing, no interest in him or his wellbeing. And she is falling for him anyway. This is an even more poignant journey from hate to love. Because she has no positive preconceived notions of Damon she has to truly get to know him and his humanity all over again. This only provides her a chance to revel in all the beautiful ways he’s changed over the years. And grow to love him for him even more than she did before. Her previous love for Damon was partially fostered by circumstance. While it was about him as a person above all, her dependence on him came from the things he did for her. From his constant, unwavering presence and devotion. From watching him change for the better because of his love for her. That’s part of what took so long. It happened slowly rather than all at once. Now as she falls in love with him it will be swift and fierce, like a shock to the system. Because he doesn’t have to change this time. And she’s not in the midst of several severe personal crises. Her life is not so dictated by grief as it was before. She’s comfortable in her vampirism. In her existence as a doppelgänger. So she doesn’t have to change either. Not having to meet in the middle means their love can develop more easily than it did before. The circumstances have changed as much as they have. Despite the unorthodox and perhaps undesirable nature of the situation surrounding her compulsion, falling in love will be much simpler for Elena this time around. And that’s a wonderful gift from the writers. A delightful way to watch them love under more normal conditions, rather than having to overcome supernatural impediments like the sire bond and the universe. There’s no toxicity to speak of here. They can just be themselves and everything will fall beautifully into place, just as it did before. So beginning with what has already become one of my favourite parallels of theirs, Elena calls Damon from the pay phone at the high school to let him know that Kai has kidnapped her. Now why is it my favourite parallel? Because she still has number memorized. Still. Because she didn't even think to call anyone else for help. Her fist instinct was to call him because she knew he would save her. She knew she could trust him to come for her. She wanted him to be the one to come for her. And when Elena burns her hand to get rid of Kai, she has honestly never reminded me more fiercely of Damon than this moment. It's something so brazen and out of the box and crazy that tells me how much she is like Damon. Because you can't blame that in the moment of survival instinct, or any of her recent decisions and reactions that in any way mirror his influence on her. Technically, without her memories of being both his friend and his girlfriend, he has no influence on her. At least not on her mind. These are not learned behaviors and traits she’s picked up from being around him for years because she doesn’t remember being around him. Therefore this means that this argument has used about Damon turned Elena into a different person after her transition is total bullshit. If we have garnered anything from compelled Elena, it's how similar she is to Damon. Elena has always been like Damon, even as a human. It just wasn't as pronounced because she didn't carry it so boldly. That is what vampirism changed about Elena. It heightened the parts of her that she used to downplay around others, parts of her that only Damon and her endless near death experiences could drag to surface. Vampirism forced Elena to confront her own darkness. Her own Damon-ness. The more twisted and more reckless aspects of her personality. The things that make her manipulative and clever and tough in a way Stefan, Caroline and Bonnie never appreciated or acknowledged about her. The things that make her a survivor. And that is exactly what Kai was talking about. She is crazy. Lighting yourself on fire to escape attempt is crazy. Just like offering yourself up to be sacrificed on an altar of blood without a predetermined method of resurrection is crazy. Elena Gilbert is crazy. This isn't news. And that's one of the things Damon loves about her. He saw passion and danger and strength in her from the beginning. He looked at a sixteen year old human girl, disgruntled with her lackluster relationship and horrified at the thought of having her life planned out for her by someone else, and saw a caged animal. A soul burning with untapped potential desperate for the right person to stoke her fire. And that is exactly what he did without even trying. He did it just by being himself. By being batshit crazy just like she is. And the way these look at each other is everything. She looks at him like he’s her salvation. Like he just dragged her back from the brink of death instead of magically showing up to rescue her from a sociopath. Like he’s a hero. And he most certainly is. He has been for a long time. She doesn’t need to remember that to feel it. It’s why she called him to save her in the first place. It’s why she didn’t bother trying to call anyone else. She turned to him first because she knows. She knows Damon is an absolutely, jaw-dropping, out of this world hero. HER hero. Compulsion couldn’t erase how safe she feels with him. How protected she is, even when she’s in danger, because Damon will always find a way to rescue her from any and all threats to her safety. I'm still speechless about her act. I can’t believe Elena has evolved to a place where she’s comfortable joking about dying - neigh FAKING dying - just to mess with Damon. He has been barely back a few backs (if I have my timeline correct) and in the middle of this life and death situation where he actually staked her, unintentional as it was, right next to her heart, she feels relaxed enough with him to pretend to be dying just to try and get him to tell her that he loves her. I mean we know that's what she was doing. She was gasping for air and telling him purposefully that if he had anything he needed to say now was the time. Because she knew his last words to her if she had been really dying would be a declaration of love. But how does she know that? When she doesn't know him like she used too? Because like Damon said "there are some things you just can't erase". And this is one of those things. There are some aspects of Damon’s personality that only Elena knows about. Aspects she knows so well they’re practically ingrained her subconscious, as if they’re a part of her own personality. And spontaneous, eloquent love speeches are such an aspect. Something Damon has only ever done in Elena’s presence. I really just need to know when the wedding is at this point. They’re behaving so much like an old married couple already I can’t believe vows have not been exchanged. When has she ever laughed like this following a near death experience? She really could have died. If not by the stake then at Kai's hands. He spent the entire day experimenting on her with his magic. He melted her daylight ring, what could have stopped him from killing her? And still she is sitting here giggling after playing a prank on Damon. Because she is not so afraid of death and darkness as she used to be. Because she knows he won’t let anything happen to her. She can be herself. She can be that person who cracks a joke when the situation is fraught with peril. She can laugh in the midst of a crisis. Then she can drag her hand down his arm all wife-like, as if she can’t keep her hands off him because deep down, part of her was afraid she might die before Damon got to her. But instead of freaking out and crying and flinging herself at him in a panic she’s smiling and laughing and holding his hand. And looking at him with so much love that I still wonder if the compulsion really happened ❤ The parallels in this episode were savage. Especially this one when she says that she has never felt more alive. Technically this is a parallel of several scenes. It calls on so much history between them it’s almost impossible to wrap my head around. For example, after Damon stopped her from committing suicide on Wickery Bridge, she woke up to him in her room and when he came to sit on her bed with her, she grabbed his hand and looked at him like he was her hero. And like she’d never felt more alive even though she was dead. And many more of such instances. So maybe she thought she hated him just a few episodes ago. She’s learned since he’s been back that she has no reason too. That for all his mistakes and impulses, he’s still a good person. A hero. That for all the ways he wronged her in the past, at the end of the day it’s all forgivable because of everything he’s done right by her since. Like making her feel alive, like making death not only bearable but beautiful. Exciting and passionate. Like making becoming a vampire worthwhile because her eternity would include him. All she’s really saying here is that she finally understands what she saw in him before all this. She was so confused at first, but she gets it now. She knows why she fell in love with Damon the first time. Why life was so terrible without him. Why having him back is a miracle she should be taking advantage of. She’s saying I love you. That’s what being alive means for Damon and Elena. It means being in love. Being around to love the people who matter most to you. It's what gave them both a reason to live for forever after all. It wasn't just each other. It was love in general. And the scene when they're at Ric's apartment❤😍 It is adorable. We never got to see this interaction between them before he died. She freaking asked him on a date guys. Elena Gilbert asked Damon Salvatore to dinner. Moreover she wasn't even shy about it. There was no hesitation or anxiety, just certainty. And not just because she knew he would say yes. But because she knew it was the right choice. He was the right choice. She’s seen enough already to understand that being with him again is what she wants. And between Liz’s cancer and getting kidnapped and tortured by Kai, she’s ready to try this with him now. She just doesn’t quite know where to go with that revelation though. She doesn’t know what exactly they are, because they have a history she doesn’t remember. So do they date again? Do they just jump right back into how things were before he died? Do they do some weird combination of the two? Right now she just wants an opportunity to know him. To spend time with him in a setting that isn’t surrounded by the threat of supernatural death. She just wants to have that dinner that Kai robbed them of. And Damon, god bless his soul, jokingly lays out how difficult their road has been, always thrown into chaos by forces around them. He isn't wrong. Every time they have tried getting together and being happy, something has gotten in the way. They are that tragic couple. Something is always trying to get in the middle. But what makes them so incredible and powerful as a romance is that they always overcome. Everything that has ever attempted to pull them apart, keep them away from each other, has never truly succeed. They always find a way back to each other. That's just the type of love they have. The type that doesn't take any shit, that falls down seven times and gets up eight, that suffers blows but bites back harder after the fact, that is scarred and messy and dangerous in the best possible way.


Caroline 😢❤ I understand her fear and her desperation to hold on to her mother. She is trying to find ways that can give her hope and she is not leaving any stone unturned to make this work in the best way. I know that experimenting on a stranger isn't right but one cannot judge her for it because I believe any one in her position would take that chance. I do believe that yes it would have been ideal for her to wait a few days to see the impact but then I guess this wasn't being idealistic. She was desperate and she found good enough to reason to go ahead with it. I am really scared for Liz and Caroline though 😪 Stefan and Caroline are getting back on track which is great because Caroline really really needs him. I'm also glad that we heard Caroline saying that Stefan doesn't treat her like a crazy person because that is how it should be. Someone understanding you and your situation which was lacking in his previous relationship.


All I will say is if I can find a girl who looks at me the way Elena looks at Damon this episode....I'll die a happy man lmao

I Am Not Chamari

This whole Enzo storyline makes sense and makes no sense at all. He's made Stefan his enemy, and sure, it's because Stefan has been remarkably shitty towards him and the people around him. But, he's also sort of doing it because Stefan has been lying to Damon and I am not sure that Damon really cares. It's sad, really. Enzo is so removed from Damon this season and that's where I really think his pitfall is this season. Obviously, he cares so much about Damon and that's a part of the reason why he's so fed up with Stefan and wants revenge. But, we haven't seen Damon think about Enzo once this season. So, it kind of feels pathetic. I just wish we were getting more Damon/Enzo scenes so his motivations don't seem so misplaced. Because, he is basically doing what Damon was doing Season 1. Just casually trying to ruin Stefan's life. But it feels so disconnected from everything that is going on, that it just comes off as desperate and annoying. And I LOVE Enzo... but it's the truth lol

Idun V

I think TVD took inspiration from something like 'Deadpool', in his story his healing powers keeps cancer from killing him but because cancer cells are "alive" in a sense the healing powers also heals the cancer, making it so that it doesn't die out. I'm not super intelligent when it comes to stuff like that. But my guess would be that the healing factor of vampirism is in fact going to make the cancer cells grow rapidly, it's not a wound that needs to be fixed it's a growth that needs to be killed/removed.


Well I mean since cancer is essentially cells growing out of control and continuing to grow, it wouldn't make sense for vampire blood to heal it. There's no reason for it to be recognized as harmful it's part of the body at that point not a wound or anything....Besides if it did heal it I don't see why it wouldn't just continue to multiply after that....Best would be to keep taking vampire blade regularly in that case, but from what we see it just makes it worst anyway it's unpredictable