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Michael Matthews

I know it’s been a year and a half since this reaction but why is there this revision history about same sex couples on tv in the 90s , shows had them mostly in dramas some comedy shows and as a straight man I could say no one had a problem with it , if anything networks loved it because it gave attention


Such rapid succession! You spoil us!


Oh my goodness. What a treat. My, I sound fancy.


Ooooooh goodie. I got all depressed finishing the first part thinking I'd have to wait so long for the 2nd. Thank you!!!


Okay let’s just all agree this reaction was the best and sofie is a dear...


As is standard you have picked up on so many of the more obscure bits thrown in to these episodes. It’s definitely an interesting episode ripe for making comments, but more importantly is open to interpretation too. I’d say a lot of what you said is how I take the episode too but at the same time there’s so much left unsaid or inexperienced because it’s just not how I perceive the world.


Such a great reaction. This is such a powerful episode and two parter. You did not disappoint. Also, my interpretation of Faith reacting the way she did with Riley after they had sex is more so because of her history with sexual abuse, maybe. And just having felt like she was always being used and not appreciated and it triggered her when he said he loved Buffy because she doesn’t believe that someone could be intimate and have genuine intent other than for the use her body. I’m pretty sure we never learn what really happened there in her head or her past in that sense but that’s my interpretation. Also, Willow and Tara?! Your reaction was gold.


A Stevedore was a worker at a ship dock that loaded cargo onto freight ships. Really tough strong dudes back then before forklifts and cargo containers took over.


This is one of the best body swap episodes of any series! This is such a good “psychological” head trip. I’m gonna try to explain this the best I can. At the beginning of the episode we see Joyce hug Buffy (Faith) and we quickly see Faith’s discomfort which implies Faith isn’t used to that kind of affection considering her own mother physically abused her (‘twas hinted somewhere in S3). Later we see Buffy (Faith) over the phone getting a plane ticket ready as Joyce enters the room to tell her that Giles wanted to meet her. “I’ve got time to kill, all my friends!” hinting at something she never had. When Buffy (Faith) picks up a lipstick, Joyce tells her it’s the same one Faith picked. She tells her to “burn it”. This for me was the first sign that she didn’t like herself very much. When she’s over at Giles’ house her psychotic fantasy plays out on screen with her gutting Willow like a catfish. When she’s at the bronze and goes outback to help the young girl being attacked by vampire, she’s quickly stunned that she’s actually getting praise for what she’s doing (hence why we see her slightly timid in that scene) Which is something she complained about not getting in S3E17. When Willow asks her whether or not she’s going to Riley’s, she didn’t need to think twice because she wants everything Buffy has. When she arrives at Riley’s she seduces him into what she’d call “foreplay”, she’s obviously not used to affection so she only sees sex as “fun”, it’s not something intimate to her in the least as seen in S3E13. After the deed is done and Riley tells her “I love you”, she’s stumped! This is absolutely foreign, weird and unusual to her because it’s never happened before. She quickly gets up and is dumbfounded as to why he even said that because it’s “meaningless”. “What do you want, from her?” is an indication that Faith actually doesn’t hate Buffy, she’s not the villain and a part of her cares about her. She’s used to seeing the world as a cold and heartless place but it’s now slowly reaching her that there’s more to life and that it’s worth living having walked in Buffy’s shoes. The next morning she heads downstairs and has an interaction with Forrest, when he tells her that she’s “A killer” she’s quickly defensive and claims she’s not. This could be interpreted as she’s defending the choices she’s made and doesn’t see what she’s done as a complete act of evil given her circumstances. She gets ready to leave at the airport only to see the news on TV, this was a lightbulb for her having been Buffy she saw what it was like to do good which is what motivated her to get to the church. When Riley tries to stop her she says “I’m Buffy. I have to do this.” Signifying that after walking in Buffy’s shoes she finally understand her. She goes into church and all that practicing in the mirror leads to what she initially saw as a joke to something serious, “Because it’s wrong”. When Buffy arrives at the dusting the vampire, Faith sees her own reflection and she doesn’t like it, which is what led her to start fighting herself. “You murderous bitch, you’re nothing!” was of course towards herself and not Buffy and I’m so glad you picked up in this. Did you notice she even started dressing like Buffy at the airport because she wanted to be more like her? 😮‍💨 Thank you so much Sofie! This was one of your best reactions yet, truly! Looking forward to whatever comes next!


Oh, they were doing a SPELL alright... I always saw it as when Riley tells Buffy/Faith I love you, Faith has only been told that by people who used it to hurt her, so when Riley seemed to actually mean it, show what care and intimacy was, she was very confused, which is why she asked what he wanted from "her".


So she just asked him out of curiosity and confusion about his feelings for Buffy since she couldn’t believe that Riley could actually be genuine about his feelings 😦Interesting

Jessica George

I loved your reactions for these two episode. My favorite was the Spike scene. Everyone always fights it, but you know you ship Spuffy! You can’t resist it! No one can!


My interpretation of Faith's arc this episode: She was so envious of Buffy's life and the support system she has (mother, loving boyfriends, loyal friends), which she seemed to think came with the Slayer powers. But Buffy is loved because of who she is, not because of her powers, and that kind of unconditional love is not something Faith is able to comprehend easily. She also took for granted that being "the one and only" slayer comes with TREMENDOUS responsibility, which she was more comfortable shirking when she knew Buffy would be around to save the day in the end. By the episode's end, she began to accept her duties as the world's savior and as a person deserving love (until Buffy showed up again to save the day, and in doing so, remind her that she's not needed/wanted).

Dennis Bryant

I really liked the transition of the "because it's wrong" line... Starting as a joke, turning to a barb to hurt Spike with, and then finally saying it and really, truly, meaning it. Just the delivery of that got me in the feels. The change in Faith, from being able to feel what Buffy's life is like, was amazingly done. I doubt that she expected anyhting at all except a joy ride in a new body, but she got so much more. Also, I am sure someone has metioned it, but if you are a fan of Eliza's performance here, you should treat yourself to watching Dollhouse at some point down the line, even if it is not for reactions, although I hope you react to it for us.


my (long) comment got deleted.. should i repost it?


"who are you, what do you want with h-her? This is meaningless" For me, this was Faith asking why someone would say "I love you"... not just to Buffy, but to anyone. They must want something from her if they say that. She can't understand "I love you" could be said genuinely. But when she said it's meaningless, she realized it doesn't matter if he wants something or not, because she's not actually Buffy. But she also is... this is her life now. So her, is also me. In order to be Buffy, she has to understand Buffy, and she's seeing things from B's point of view as well now... so her pronouns get messed up. It's too much emotion for her to deal with. TL:DR I think she's feeling both her own and Buffy's feels... hard, and she doesn't know how to handle any of it.


This is first episode I really saw of Buffy and it's what got me into it. You could kinda say it changed my life because here I am almost 20 years later and love the show just as much as when I first saw it and have rewatched it more times than I can remember. I was sitting in our "computer" room back in the summer of 2002 the summer before s7 aired on tv and I happened to see this episode airing on tv. It was playing the fight scene at the end when they are swapped and I had never given the show a chance before but when I saw them fighting I was like this pretty cool maybe I should check it out. So I went back and had to download everything super slow on like limewire or something and I watched all the way through Buffy and Angel before the s7 of Buffy and S4 of Angel started airing live on TV. It's cool because it always gives me a moment to remember when I discovered the show and every time I see this ep it brings me back to those times.

Steven Harper

Hi, just became a patron. I just have to say you really get it. I know you asked for our thoughts, but all I can say is SAME! You just really get it and I’m so happy you get Faith in particular. I actually became a Patron because of how you reacted to Faith in the S3 finale. She’s such a great character and a lot of people don’t get it. Anyway, back to the binge lol

Eric Hunter (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-31 08:31:10 Late to the party, but the parallel between Riley making love with Buffy, and Willow & Tara's "spell" was absolutely deliberate. They end up surrounded by the "Big O", and fall back shuddering. It's a classic example of the subtext rapidly becoming text.
2022-10-07 18:14:11 Late to the party, but the parallel between Riley making love with Buffy, and Willow & Tara's "spell" was absolutely deliberate. They end up surrounded by the "Big O", and fall back shuddering. It's a classic example of the subtext rapidly becoming text.

Late to the party, but the parallel between Riley making love with Buffy, and Willow & Tara's "spell" was absolutely deliberate. They end up surrounded by the "Big O", and fall back shuddering. It's a classic example of the subtext rapidly becoming text.