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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nyfsh6t26dri9dz/The.Vampire.Diaries.S06E04.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




Okay, fine. I won’t go to sleep then. I’ll just make some popcorn and watch this. 😩😂


Kai is my favorite villain on the entire show, chris plays this character really well


Kai is a warlock with siphon power, he doesn't have any power per se, but he can suck it for other sources. he is part of the Gemini coven that is the coven mention to Enzo by the witch he was kissing in the coat room.


“Damon inspired you. He pushed you to own the darkest parts of yourself. And when you died he was the only one who could make you feel alive again, and you made him feel human. You love Damon for the same reasons that I love Damon. Because in spite of every single thing that he did, we couldn’t live without him.” Technically this is not a quote spoken by Damon or Elena. This is a quote about Damon and Elena. And although I have a deep love for every speech they’ve ever given to each other, this little tirade of Stefan’s takes the cake for me. Partially because I didn’t expect these words to come out of his mouth. Ever. And partially because I’ve yet to hear a better description of Delena’s love. Stefan hit the nail on the head with this, in a way only an intimate observer of their relationship could. Let’s be honest, now that Stefan has moved on from Elena and made peace with Damon, he has the most accurate take on their romance. He witnessed it happen with his own eyes after all. Watched how they changed each other, how they dragged things to the surface that no one else had ever been able too. He watched them save each other from their respective darkness. This season is such delicious salvation. There’s just no other word for it. With the death of the triangle the writers are finally etching the nature of the three most important relationships on this show into stone. The Stelena friendship. The Defan brotherhood. And the Delena romance. After five seasons of tension and doubts and endless bumps Damon, Elena and Stefan have finally reached a relationship balance. One that can and will last forever. Every second of this episode has shattered long held illusions about the triangle while confirming once and for all that the person in the world who matters most to Stefan and Elena is Damon. That it was always going to be Damon. He’s in every scene, every interaction, his absence as noticeable as his presence ever was. Stefan and Elena’s friendship may appear solid and amicable on the surface. And it is. But every word of their conversations in this episode comes back to Damon. I love Stefan and Elena’s friendship. It’s exactly what I always wanted for them. Everything about their current dynamic is so positive and healthy and natural. They are finally completely comfortable with each other for the first time in years. This is really just another purpose behind Elena’s compulsion. To dispel the illusion that Damon was the cause of Stefan and Elena’s break up. Because here stands compelled Elena, entirely unaware that she was ever in love with Damon, and she’s utterly unfazed by the idea that Stefan had a girlfriend in Savannah. In her mind, Damon is not even a factor in her past or present relationship with Stefan and she still feels nothing romantic for him. And vice versa. Elena is not the only one whose moved on. Stefan is not pining for Elena or lamenting their break up or trying to get her back. What he feels for her is just as platonic as what she feels for him. I love how Stefan low key throws shade Elena's way throughout this whole episode. Because even if he might respect that she was in so much pain she felt the need to compel Damon from her mind to survive, that doesn’t mean he’s okay with it. And that is exactly why he’s the one who winds up telling her about the compulsion. Why it should’ve been him anyway. The whole point is that Stefan really does get it. He absolutely understands what Elena saw in Damon, why she was so distraught she couldn’t find it in herself to let him go without being forced to do so. Because Stefan is no different. He can’t let Damon go either, even if he pretends too around everyone else. The way that Elena and Stefan feel about Damon isn’t anything that can be erased. His effect on them is such that life without him is actually no life at all. I found the whole living like a human conversation pretty interesting too. This conversation is relevant for two reasons. The first is the look on Stefan’s face when Elena criticizes Damon. It’s a barely perceptible tick, an impregnable pause before he responds, but it speaks volumes about how much he hates watching Elena believe his brother is nothing more than a monster. Even though there have been times throughout this series that Stefan has expected neigh anticipated Elena deciding Damon was some irredeemable psychopath and writing him off, he’s now quite disturbed by the version of his brother that Elena clearly has in her head. Speak about character development in the open. Stefan’s whole arc as a character has always been how important Damon is to him. At the end of it all, Stefan has loved and will love Damon more than any other person he has ever or will ever know. It’s just part of how he’s wired. And now he recognizes that about himself. The second relevant aspect of this conversation is Elena’s sarcastic condemnation of Stefan’s lifestyle. One of the supposed draws of Stefan for Elena back in the day is that despite being a vampire, he actively tried to be human. He strived for a human life, a normal life even though he could never be truly human again. It’s something about him that has never changed. When he’s not off the wagon, Stefan lives as humanly as he is able. Once upon a time, Elena might have been charmed by Stefan’s decision to live off the meager amount he makes in a real job as a mechanic, complete with health insurance he doesn’t need. But things have changed. She’s not so charmed by the notion of mundanity anymore. So here’s what this tells me, even without any memory of Damon or their life together, she’s still Damon’s girl. She’s still that girl who was fascinated by a life filled with passion and adventure, that girl who subconsciously sought the kind of all-consuming love she can only find with Damon.

Sade L.

Bamon and Kai are the reasons this is my absolute favorite season of TVD 😩


Stefan had no idea of who Damon was in 1994, and had no idea that he left him during the war time because of Lexi and had no idea that he was tortured for 5 years in the 50s and wondered alone with his humanity off for good 40 years and then he tried to get back some feelings on his oun. And with his humanity off and full of resentiments for Stefan that didn't rescue him for the tortures, and didn't came to help him , but sent Lexi, and the resentment for Zac's family that were the one that sold him to the Augustine's, he did the worse thing he could possibly do. All this time between Damon and Stefan there was such a huge amount of misanderstanding and resentiment. But even then Damon was looking for his brother, and when Stefan had his umanity off, was Damon to bring him back. No matter what happen between them, they love and rely on each other,. And when finally Stefan could get to know his brother again and Damon could let go his resentment, there was nothing between then to stop them to start to lean on and to be reliant on each other again and to feel that deep connection they have. Stefan without Damon is not coping at all, Stefan has codependency issues specially with Damon, he isn't functioning well without him. The biggest love story of the show is the one of Stefan and Damon. The next episode is everything you want.....


“Little weird to hear you refer to Damon as just my brother.” “What else would I call him?” “I don’t even know anymore.” “Anymore? What does that mean?” I teared up a little when I watched this scene a second time. Because now that I know Stefan took the job at the auto shop to restore Damon’s car I really just wanted to hug him when he deflected Elena’s question about his choice of career. Before this episode, I also was very upset with Stefan when I first started season 6. I couldn't understand why Stefan was behaving so unaffected emotionally. I even thought he turned off his humanity. I was as heartbroken and horrified to discover Stefan’s coping mechanism for Damon’s death as I was over Elena using drugs and hallucinating. This is so painful to watch. Because now I understand why Stefan has been so closed off emotionally since the season premier. He really doesn’t feel anything. Not anymore. Losing Damon short-circuited his emotions, making it impossible for him to access the wealth of emotion he’s accustomed to carrying. That’s why he hasn’t been behaving like himself. That’s why there’s been no hint of his trademark compassion or guilt, no sign that he feels any responsibility towards his remaining loved ones. Because he doesn’t. He feels no emotional attachment to anything. He’s numb. And that’s why he goads people into beating the shit out of him. Because physical pain is the only way he can feel. It’s the same reason he kept Ivy around. Much like a vampire without their humanity, Stefan can only really feel physical sensation. Which is as upsetting as Elena being so terrified to accept Damon’s death she actually went the opposite route and pretended he never died at all. And I understand now why Damon had to die. Why it was the most agonizing and necessary of tragedies. Stefan and Elena are not made to live without him. That’s all his death proved. They need him. Much more than they ever needed each other. It’s not just that they can’t live without him. They can’t function without him. Elena had to resort to the witch drugs just to cope day to day. Stefan tried to start over completely, tried to shed his old life, meet a girl, have a job. But even that was riddled with attachments to Damon. He took the job at the auto shop to fix Damon’s car. He picked fights with human strangers, let them beat him to a bloody pulp so he could feel something. Anything other than the emptiness that came with losing Damon. They are broken. Truly broken this time. It’s not just about not being able to live. They can’t survive. Their coping mechanisms don’t work in this instance. They're not supposed too. Damon was the one who held them together, the one person they could always turn too, whether physically or mentally, when they fell apart. Stefan made it that 145 years until he came back to Mystic Falls because he knew in the back of his mind that Damon was out in the world somewhere. And that was enough for him. The flashbacks in this episode definitely were amazing because it was about seeing the stark contrast between the feelings and relationship dynamic of the brothers. Back in the day, Damon wanted to feel something so he came to with be his brother but Stefan had no hope for his brother and therefore yet again that drove a wedge between them. Damon was bitter about his brother not coming to help him and losing trust in his ability to be better. Damon, dysfunctional and impulsive as he is by nature, is their rock. They drew comfort from his unstable stability, his ability to keep things going and save people and provide support while sometimes making mistakes and causing problems for others. At the end of the day, Stefan and Elena came to rely heavily on Damon’s ability to be the bad guy. Because they weren’t always able or willing to do the same. But they let him do it. And that meant they were safe. Meant they had someone who really would do ANYTHING for them. Even terrible things. Damon is a rare breed of person. Someone who loves so deeply that he’s not afraid to use his darker impulses for the sake of his loved ones. In service of their survival. Stefan and Elena understand that about him. They appreciate it now in ways they never used too because they’ve felt the overwhelming impact of his love. And that safety net has disappeared. The solid weight of Damon’s presence, of his sarcasm and drinking habits and wild antics is gone. They need that. They need him. That is the point. If Stefan and Elena could function well enough to hunt down leads to find Damon and Bonnie, to live normal lives without holding onto reminders of him and resorting to extremes just to survive the day, to grieve him like they would anyone else, then Damon’s death would have been pointless. The whole purpose is to prove, once and for all, beyond any doubt, that Stefan and Elena can’t do this without Damon. They can’t live, can’t function, can’t be happy, can’t move on, can’t even save the day. They’re heroes by nature. Compassionate, selfless, overprotective, driven, the whole deal. And yet they couldn’t find it in themselves to be that way in the wake of Damon’s absence. Their heroism died with him. They couldn’t step up for him because they can’t even get themselves together long enough to function day to day without leaning on a crutch like drugs or getting beaten nearly to death. If they can’t even pull themselves together to make it through one day, how does one expect them to focus long enough on finding Damon to actually get anywhere. Think about how much effort and time and attention it would take to hunt down those leads, determine if they’re valid, be sure the information they’re getting is real and not some bullshit. We can look at them ‘giving up’ on finding Damon, compelling away memories and trying to start over as a sign that they don’t love Damon as much as he loves them. But that is not the truth. The problem is that they love him TOO MUCH. So much that living is a chore now that he’s gone. That being themselves, being heroes, being selfless, being determined, being happy, being survivors is not in their capabilities anymore. Damon took away a lot from them when he died. Damon took Stefan’s humanity. Literally. Stefan may not have turned it off, but he’s behaving as callously as if he had. Because Stefan can’t be overly emotional, concerned and sweet Stefan without Damon. Because Stefan can’t be the Stefan that Caroline loves without Damon. Damon took Elena’s will to live. Literally. Elena may not have attempted suicide, but she behaved as haphazardly and desperately as if she was planning too. She can’t be overly compassionate, determined, loyal and selfless Elena without Damon. She can’t be the Elena everyone knows and relies on without Damon. Sometimes people can be ignorant and complain about how toxic Elena and Stefan’s relationships with Damon are. But look at how toxic they are without him. They’ve resorted to the worst kinds of defense mechanisms and grieving methods imaginable just to survive this loss. They’ve compromised their own beliefs, denounced their own morals, become shadows of themselves just to maintain an ounce of their sanity. I was speechless when Stefan started to let him loose and tell Elena nothing but the facts. I knew as soon as Elena started giving Stefan grief for how he was choosing to cope with losing Damon that he’d crack and tell her about the compulsion. But I never thought he would do in this style. He did much more than just tell her everything she believed about her life was a lie. He went so far as to tell her that what she’d left behind, what she’d forgotten, was millions of times better than the life she was currently living. So much better that losing that life, losing Damon, had driven her to compulsion just to survive it. Stefan Salvatore ships Delena!!! I swear to god those are the first words that floated through my mind when he said all this. Stefan is so far removed from any romantic feelings for Elena that he actually just threw her own mistake back in her face without hesitation because he’s so offended by how she sees Damon. He loves and misses Damon so much that he couldn’t even honor Elena’s request that her compulsion be kept a secret from her. He couldn’t bring himself to allow her to stew in her own misconceptions about Damon. Stefan has finally realized that he’d rather Elena love his brother as much as he does than spend her life thinking he was some terrible person. In fact no one knows better than Stefan just how much Damon loves Elena. For as much as Elena saw through Damon or Damon saw through Elena you have to remember that throughout the whole course of their relationship Stefan was there. On the outside looking in, observing how loving Elena, being around her, changed his brother for the better, how loving Damon, being around him, spurred Elena to be the strongest, most capable version of herself. Stefan had front row seats and back stage passes to Damon and Elena’s relationship. And despite the emotional toll it put on him at the time, in hindsight he recognizes just how good they are for each other.


Elena and her selective memory loss is really interesting because one would question how does she view her and Stefan's relationship ending if she doesn't remember her love for Damon. But she doesn't remember anything related to loving or even being a friend to Damon and yet she is not affected by Stefan any longer in a romantic way at all. And that is because Damon wasn't the cause of their break. He was the catalyst certainly but not the cause. And that is what Elena remembers, they broke up because they grew apart and fell out of love. If that it was only about her feelings for Damon, they would have broken up a long time back. The curious part about how she was compelled is that it didn’t just erase the moments that took place after she fell in love with him on her birthday. It didn’t just erase their relationship. It also erased their friendship. Which existed right in the middle of all the terrible things Damon initially did in seasons one and two. They were friends first. That’s how they got to know each other so personally, that’s how they fell in love. Through the intimacy of their friendship. And she doesn’t remember that either. Because if she did she wouldn’t keep referring to Damon as just Stefan’s brother. She wouldn’t think of him in such simple terms that in no way relate to her. Because it means the compulsion wasn’t just about erasing the moment Elena fell in love with Damon or everything that came after it. It wasn’t just about eradicating Elena’s love for Damon so she wouldn’t have to mourn him any longer. Alaric’s compulsion erased EVERYTHING positive about Damon. Even little things from when they first met, things that spawned their friendship. Elena’s birthday was the culmination of dozens of moments where Damon showed his humanity, his love, his complete and utter selflessness in regard to her. It stands out because she believes it was the most selfless thing he’s ever done for her. But it is by no means the only one. And she knows that. So simply erasing Elena’s memory of Damon giving her that necklace and everything good he did afterwards that made her love him more was not enough. Every good memory had to go. And I think this is why she doesn’t use his name when she talks about him. Using someone’s name implies a level of familiarity. And without her positive memories of Damon she doesn’t believe there is anything familiar between them. To her he’s just Stefan’s brother. That’s why Stefan finds it so weird to hear her call him that. Because even back when they were all just getting their bearings around each other, even before this ever officially became a triangle, Elena always referred to Damon by name when she spoke about him with Stefan. He became much more than just Stefan’s brother to her a long time ago. Uncompelled Elena didn’t anticipate that erasing her love for Damon would make her hate him. She thought it would return her to a state where she just cared about him, but not so much that she couldn’t live without him. And that’s how you know that she never merely ‘cared’ about Damon. Her feelings were always more intense than that, even when they were just friends. It’s all about that understanding they’ve always shared. Intimacy like the kind Damon and Elena have naturally fosters emotions beyond human comprehension. Bonnie and Damon are only growing closer and closer and it's just perfect!! She challenges him and understands him too at the same time. I love how overprotective he has grown of Bonnie in these four months. Kai better watch his back. TVD and villains is always interesting because you meet them being all crazy and psychotic but they are entertaining so it is hard to not be liking them and Kai definitely is fun to watch.

Andrea Dcosta

Yes Kai- Aka Chris Wood is too good. He’s one of my absolute favourites of S6 and the whole show. I really liked how you made a connection between kai and klaus - our two crazy K’s 😁 of them both being treated like an abomination by their families. He’s so funny as well his one liners are epic, he’s Hot too and acts soo freaking well so makes it very difficult to not like such a character. I love to see how protective Damon is of Bonnie and how she understands him, she made a connection of why he keeps making pancakes and she tells him there’s still hope for you now if that’s not adorable and sweet I don’t know what is I love them soo much. The way the show connects this episode to the first season is so fascinating TVD never leaves anything behind everything is explained to us in time. We get to know why things were so bad between Stefan and Damon and mainly why Damon was the way he was. He wasn’t trying to make Stefan’s life miserable he infact wanted Stefan to be there for him, he himself needed help and he explains those 3 incidences over the 1900’s which we know isn’t Damon’s fault yes what he did with Lexi was bad but he wanted his brother to be there instead of her that is all he needed but I also can’t blame Stefan for why he hated him so much. One thing I always notice about them is that they don’t share their feelings, don’t communicate well enough and hence have alott of misunderstandings between them. And in season 1 we slowly see the bothers come closer and until now it’s still a process but yeah their relationship has grown tremendously over the course of the show which always warms my heart. Stefan’s little speech to elena at the end here Is so beautiful and it hurts me so much to see Stefan suffer he can’t get over Damon being dead and it’s just so sad. Next episode has such amazing moments I can’t wait for it!! It has two of. U most favourite ones 😻


OMG you made me cry...👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Alejandra Pacheco

Kai Parker is the best villain in the whole tvd series and nobody can´t tell me otherwise. For a lot of tvd fans Klaus is the best villain, but for me Klaus is not really a villain but an antihero. Kai is a sociopath and like Bonnie said he has no redeemable tributes. Klaus otherwise is another story in TO( no spoilers admitted). Katherine and Silas are antiheroes too. Kai is literally the reason why season 6 is the favourite one for the fans. Im really looking forward to watch all your reactions of this season.


Oohh, this is spoilery 😧 unless, she mentions she already knows that about Kai


This is the one ep I think Stefan was being hypocritical, in all the situations Stefan was the one who always found Damon and who wanted to insert himself into his life. Yes mistakes were made by Damon thinking he could help at first, like you said there wasn’t any malicious intent. And yet Stefan blamed him for what he was. The one flaw Stefan has is he does blame it on others although he himself feels the guilt