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I really dont understand why they did this entire elena memory whipe thing, its so annoying to me,.. We've been building delena for so long and they thanos snap it in one episode....im not even a hardcore delena fan, but it still sucks......there hasnt been a season yet where damon and elena were together from the first to the last episode of a season........Delena barely gets its moments lol


Damon and Bonnie are hilarious and it's one of my most favourite part of this season in every episode that we see them in. Their bickering is literally their way of showing love!! It's the only way I suppose they know how to express love and care for one another. And I always loved that chemistry because it is such a vibe to see these two powerful characters together. The fact that Bonnie doesn't give up on her hope because of Damon being his negative self is something I absolutely admire. She doesn't let him win and makes sure that he doesn't completely lose hope too. And I believe that Damon has always admired Bonnie's sense of strength. They may have not gotten along as best buddies ever because of many reasons in between but he did care for her in his own way. For example, he didn't kill her mother instead figured a third way out to stop the originals from the destruction their mother had planned. Also he had tried to save Bonnie's life when Klaus first entered in S2. So all those small moments were like little snippets but now we can actually see this bond of friendship blossoming. Although we cannot see the full four months of their time in this new dimension. we kind of have a good idea that they have spent talking a lot, playing games, cooking and bickering mostly. She has started to care for him so much that she can do magic again!!! The look on Damon's face was priceless. He was so proud of her and the minute he looked at her, it was like he knew that she could save him. He wasn't worried for his safety. It is amazing!! Damon and his friendships on this show are awesome!! No matter what he has done somehow he manages to win people's trust and hearts. And that is a big thing. He has built such meaningful and strong relationships overtime and they have been built in a very honest and genuine way.


Caroline I wanted to give her a tight hug because I feel really really bad for her. She is very lonely as she can no longer speak to Elena about the grief and misery because Elena is not in the same state any longer and she doesn't want to risk her being back there too. However, she isn't thrilled about this new version of Elena either. And when she was begging Stefan to stay it was heart breaking. I don't blame Stefan but from Caroline's pov, he is being a jerk to her and yet you cannot blame either one of them for what is happening other than feel bad. She has been a 'fan', you can say of Stefan. Always rooting for him and thinking of him as this perfect person but now she is seeing him go through a very low phase and it is taking a toll on her. But this is important too because everyone has two sides.