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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4l8wehxre1scvos/The.Vampire.Diaries.S05E22.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0



Andrea Dcosta

I’m ready with a box of tissues this is gonna be a hard watch 😭🥺🥺🥺

Jasmine Reigns

I actually remember the headache that came after the crying session from this episode omg 😣 Bonnie is and will always be the mvp of TVD such a selfless character that we love soooo much. This episode really ripped your heart out. And now we are on to the fan favorite season 6 🥰. Also can you please react to the TVD season 5 extra before releasing season 6 reactions, it's hilarious and doesn't spoil anything about the upcoming seasons. It was released before season 6 , you won't regret it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkCBi1Kla3s


Gosh this episode no matter how many time I watch it I can't help crying my eyes out. This episde was such a shock for everybody that they had to make a video to the fans....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkCBi1Kla3s


Still makes me weep buckets


And now Season 6, 7 and 8 are so good.


I absolutely adore bonnie and damon....I would take bamon over delena or stelena any day


I know people like to say the later seasons are bad, but tbh they really aren't..... If you compare them to s2,s3 and s4 then maybe you could say they aren't as good....but they are still brilliant.. Especially S6


Cant wait for s6...it feels like a self reboot, like a new season 1....and also has one of the best villains on the show


This season finale destroyed me when i first watched it! On to my 2nd favorite season... 6!

Andrea Dcosta

Such an emotionally wrecking episode. Everytime I think i won’t cry or it will hurt a little less it just doesn’t. My Bon Bon is the best she’s truly the hero of TVD it’s true none of them could have returned if it wasn’t for her. And she dies here suffering so much again it’s just so unfair. And it looked like No1s bothered about her. Elena shouldn’t have gone with Damon in the car - yes that was a romantic moment but no that didn’t do any good it just gave more pain to Bonnie and I’m saying this as a huge Delena fan I still didn’t like her going with Damon that really made no sense. Lexi Lexi Lexi another beautiful person love her so much. On a positive note we get Ric back after so long. Damon’s speech to Elena was so beautiful he calls her baby 😍🥺 when she says pls come back to me that’s just so freaking heartbreaking 💔

Andrea Dcosta

That last Bamon moment was epic. Finally you’re in the last 3 seasons of TVD and I’m so freaking excited for season 6 it’s my most favourite TVD season and it’s sooo good I’m sure you will love it. Can’t wait!! ♥️


I was waiting for this finale, i'm so excited for season 6, my favourite season, this season you will cry a lot))))


Yep it''s hard letting it all go...I do still cry every time


I am sorry Sofie that you had to cry back to back for the last two episodes but most of us are on the same boat. I have seen this episode I don't know how many times but I still cry like a child😭😭This finale episode goes down as most definitely favourite because of how justified emotionally it was. I don't mind crying buckets if it makes me feel and still makes all the sense in the world. Bonnie is a queen! Period. She is someone I adore, respect and admire for her ability to always without fail put other people above her and do it with so much integrity and genuineness that it isn't a joke. I'm really happy that Stefan, Alaric, Tyler, Liz and Enzo are all back to the land of living and that the huge sacrifice our Damon and Bonnie isn't wasted. I do wish Lexi could have joined them back too but I was glad that they showed us how she had been waiting to right the wrong of the past and she found peace once she did make it right. Damon and Bonnie saving the day the end for everyone is nothing surprising because these two people were the forces that were always at the two ends of the same pole doing this from the beginning pretty much. The saviors yet again made sure they did their job well. Bonnie the person who always looks for out for everyone and tries to be in the middle of it all and Damon who is ready to always get things done...what can be a better combination?😭❤️ This season finale was the final arc of season 1 for me in a great manner and I applaud the writers to always connect the dots so well. In season 1, Damon wanted to save the town and he was still new to that feeling and Bonnie not realizing the consequences of one her of choices put the people lives of people in town. But this season finale, both of them destroyed and saved their town and their people together. If this isn't pure poetry I don't know what would be ❤️


I am usually a huge critic for what I like to call "stupid, useless moments" in TV Series, but surprisingly enough Elena going with Damon is not one I would classify as such. It could have been, maybe even should have been, but the way it was portrayed made it seem like it made no difference. Everyone had already long passed through Bonnie by the time Damon and Alaric showed up. And Luke stopped the spell because Liv was having trouble maintaining it, she was not affected by Bonnie's pain. Even Damon or Alaric did not have trouble getting to Bonnie because they had to help Elena with anything. If anything, if he had not wasted that minute helping Liz he would have made it in time. Elena literally just died, talked to Alaric 10 seconds then came back to life. They could have accentuated more how Bonnie will die if only one more person comes through or something, but at the end Damon did not pass because he was out of time not Bonnie's pain threshold or something. This is, of course, strictly my opinion.


I don't know why but for some reason I had a feeling that this season we would go through the pain of Damon's death as I watched the episode for the first time. In every season finale, Damon has had a very real brush with death. And I don’t just mean some fleeting moment where his life was in jeopardy like they all experience continuously throughout this series. He has had direct encounters with death, been put in truly dangerous situations that could have gone horribly wrong if Stefan or Elena had not been there to save him. However, both fortunately and unfortunately, we are at a junction in the series and the triangle where Damon’s death would cause a vicious reaction from every remaining character on the show. The way the triangle has been formed on this show, Damon, Stefan and Elena will never escape each other. They need each other, however dysfunctional it may be. Their bond is formed in the twisted back and forth they’ve been apart of for the last three years. None of them would ever survive the loss of the others. But Damon has been referred to as the 'obstacle' this season and now the writers decide to take him out of the equation to and the audience is going to witness how Stefan and Elena will contemplate their lives without him in it. This is the hardest and longest I have cried for anything as I can remember in a long time. The delena scene absolutely destroyed me. Even though I knew it was coming, even though I thought I was prepared, the affect that 5x22 had on me lingers to this day. And that is why I love it. Because it is everything I ever wanted in the universe for Damon’s death. The execution absolutely exceeded my wildest imaginings. It set Delena miles apart from every other romance on television. I mean her reaction alone. The fact that she got in the car and DIED with him in that explosion to avoid this very tragedy. Because she knew she couldn’t live without him. After all the hell they’d already suffered through, all the back and forth, the angst, the doubt, they had finally overcome their issues and could admit that all they saw in their future was each other. Only to be separated by the blackest of means. By the veil between life and death. Because really nothing is more painful than her standing there crying and begging him not to leave and being able to feel his touch from the Other Side while not being able to see or hear him. And he was just standing in front of her totally at peace, accepting of his fate and beyond grateful to her for making his long, dark life meaningful. I swear to god, Damon doesn't say 'I love you' often but he doesn't need it. He gives us the audience the best speeches and as tragic it is that Elena never gets to hear, it's still heartbreakingly beautiful. Now that they have been separated, now that Elena is so wretchedly in love with Damon, now that Stefan and Damon have spent the last five seasons slowly repairing their broken relationship it is time for a seismic shift. Its time to prove that Elena is incapable of living without Damon. Its time to explore just how much Stefan really needs his brother. This season is Damon's mini journey on the way to redemption. And when you are trying to bring redemption to an anti-hero like Damon there’s only one way to prove to everyone that he’s really changed over the course of the show. He has to sacrifice himself for the people he loves. He will give his life, one way or the other, to protect Stefan and Elena. The ultimate selfless act for a secretly selfless man who loves his girl and his little brother more than anything in the world.


I am sorry for too many comments of mine but I cannot not talk about Damon's speech separately. His words as I quote “You are by far the greatest thing to ever happen to me in my 173 years on this earth. The fact that I get to die knowing that I was loved, not just by anyone, by you. Elena Gilbert. It’s the epitome of a fulfilled life.” As Damon is telling Elena goodbye from the Other Side - knowing she can’t hear a word of it but needing to say it anyway - he thanks her for changing his life in the best possible way. For making his entire long, dark, tragic life worthwhile, simply because he suffered through it all to meet her 😭❤️. She made everything bad that ever happened to him worth it. Just because she loved him. Because she was the first person to ever prove to him that he was not only loved, but deserving of it. And it means all the more to him that that love came from her. A person he loved so spectacularly in return. The only person, in fact, that he ever loved this completely. Elena made Damon’s suffering mean something. Because all the years he spent entrenched in darkness were really just him living without the mirror to his soul. How can anything ever compare to this? I know some of us might argue that Elena didn't need to get in the car with Damon and die with him but it actually was. She knew he was going to take a huge risk to save the people and their town but how could she let him take that risk if it meant something could possibly go wrong? She would rather die with him instead of having to live eternity without him 😭❤️ Elena finally was to able to understand why Damon always chose her and chose to not respect her decision if it meant to her being in danger. And she became selfish for her love too. For Damon, I don't know what could be more better for him? Elena choosing to listen to him and not going along with him on this suicide mission or what she actually decided. Because the smile and the look on his face when he saw her getting in that car with him and saying 'I know what I signed up for and I'm all in', he knew he was loved just the way he wanted to be loved. Someone was ready to die for him and with him just like he would have done. This is not just about romance, it is a lot more. Season 6 is to be welcomed and I'm super excited :)


Yees, Yeees to this comment. The fact that Damon was at peace with dying thinking that being loved by Elena is more that enough for him was the purest thing ever. I didn’t talk about it i felt like all i did this episode was crying and i tried to rush things in the review because i had a headache but I’ll talk about it the next episode.


SoFie you broke me........I have seen ALOT of reactors....but you got me......


Sofie when you said "I feel like Jeremy is the only one who cares about Bonnie" ALL of her friends care about her, deeply. You have to remember though, Bonnie lied to them. They had no idea it was killing Bonnie as people passed through her or that when the other side goes away so does she.


It indeed was the purest joy for him!! Like he finally knew that he mattered, will be missed and he was loved by someone who he loved. And don't worry Sofie we all know the aftereffects of this episode so just take rest :)


Oh, Sofie, dear. I cried so much with you. Now I'm sitting at work with red eyes. I don't really like season 5, but this finale... this is something! When I watched it for the 1st time, I also thought that Elena had only made it worse by getting into the car with Damon. But then I thought about it and realized that she had no idea what this meant for Bonnie. She just couldn't let Damon go one by one to certain death. And they both needed it. And Damon left as he should have, knowing that he was loved and needed. And this moment of Bamon was beautiful. Despite the fact that they have always been in a strained relationship, at the moment of death they can rely on each other and hold hands. It was very beautiful. I'm incredibly sorry for Lexi. On the one hand, she found peace, on the other hand, she sacrificed her opportunity to live for Stefan. Real friendship. And finally Alaric was returned!!! God, how I've been waiting for this! Finally, we got to the season 6. It's going to be epic. I'm so excited!

Muhammad Hassan

I love the parallels from this Episode like in Season 1 Episode 6 Elena was so afraid of Damon and telling him to stay away from her. But in this Episode she is wrecked to loose him and keep telling him to don't leave her absolutely love that relationship growth.

Andrea Dcosta

Yes what u said also makes sense. I’m open to such points and see I really liked what u said here it makes total sense. I’m just a huge Bonnie fan so I thought otherwise may be I’m thinking emotionally 😁

Andrea Dcosta

Your comments are always so interesting to read. So never be sorry with too many comments ;)

Andrea Dcosta

True I get so emotional with Bonnie I don’t think rationally about all this lol. It’s so beautiful that she and Damon atleast have each other while dying and aren’t alone.


Dont bother....we read all your comments xD


@Andrea @Gokul thank you for being so kind :D

Andrea Dcosta

It’s so nice reading all your comments and thoughts. This made me think otherwise about Elena getting into the car situation with Damon and thinking about it now I don’t think this would have made any difference to Bonnie and as bad it was she was already dying. Im just a huge Bonnie fan and I get very emotional with her so I probably don’t think rationally when it’s her specially in that moment with her dying and suffering it’s just too much to take. I’m just happy atleast Damon and Bonnie are together while dying and that last scene of them holding hands is one of the sweetest things I’ve seen 😭😭


Let's also add that Elena had no clue of the Bonnie situation.


Damon and Elena are so similar, in so many ways.

Savannah (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-28 04:43:57 In case you didnt see the other comments Sofie, here's a video from the writers to react to before you start S6. No spoilers, and it will definitely make you feel better after watching this episode <3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkCBi1Kla3s
2021-07-23 12:25:42 In case you didnt see the other comments Sofie, here's a video from the writers to react to before you start S6. No spoilers, and it will definitely make you feel better after watching this episode <3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkCBi1Kla3s

In case you didnt see the other comments Sofie, here's a video from the writers to react to before you start S6. No spoilers, and it will definitely make you feel better after watching this episode <3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkCBi1Kla3s


@Archna apart from Sofie, we know the show we are here to share the viewing with her, but also to share our thoughts about the show, contributing with our own sensibility to the analysis and the understanding of it. You always have clear thoughts and perfect understanding of the beauty, the depth and the care that the writers put in this show. Your comments are very interesting so please say what you have to say no mater the length.


@Patpet thank you so much for being so sweet!! Ikr Damon and Elena are very similar even if they might not realise but they really are 'twin flames' as the delena fandom refers to them.

iiSauce 2much

I fell like I understand both sides it just made no point to me I saw what I think they were trying to do like the whole ride or die thing which is sweet I just felt like she shouldn't have went and died I just felt like it was pointless unless she helped find people and get them out though bonnie when I feel like Elena or one of them could have monitored liv to make sure the spell went on I don't hate Elena or anything I just felt like she should played bigger role in that situation

Amber Augustine

Don’t worry sofie. When I first watched this finale I literally couldn’t breathe because I was sobbing so much. And Damon’s beautiful speech to Elena was so incredible. Even though she couldn’t hear or see him it literally was so tragic yet romantic at the same time. Damon found peace knowing he was gonna die being loved by Elena. After 145 years of waiting for Katherine he finally found the love he was searching for in Elena. It was such a shocking finale because there was no solution or loophole to bring Damon and Bonnie back. There was nothing they could do and when Damon got interrupted in the end it was so sudden that I couldn’t believe what I saw. Like it the finality that Damon will never come back. My delena heart was in shambles this epsiode. I still cry to this day when I reach this finale. Despite some of the parts of season 5 being rough this is one of the beautiful yet heartbreaking finales of all time.

