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The next episode is for tomorrow guys.

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dt6rzrn76xyeiv1/The.Vampire.Diaries.S05E21.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




Are you able to share when the OTH reactions will be up?

Taylor Jackson

i thought today was usually angel/buffy?


I don’t usually have a specific day for each show. I try to let myself have the freedom to watch whatever i feel like watching that day.


Welcome back Sofie from your trip and I really hope you had a great time with your family!! You look so fresh and your skin is glowing😍 I wasn't any hope of getting a TVD reaction today but thank you so much because I have been eagerly waiting for it. Elena and Stefan speaking about Caroline and her eternal optimistic outlook in life was really cute and I 1000% agree with that Stefan in S5 is superior. I loved how he gave a very honest and realistic advice to Elena about how vampires are the way they're and if you want to be with someone and they make you happy then that is what matters. Damon and Caroline teaming up in the beginning of the episode as frenemies was funny!! I love how aware he is about his relationship dynamic with Caroline and there is no better way to put it. Poor Damon he really try his best to make sure he could be ahead of the travelers but unfortunately they couldn't. Enzo being hopeful was the highlight and that is what Bonnie truly needed. I respect his attitude of never giving up until the very end too. It defines him so well 'Always the solider'. The ending of this episode was tragic and heart-breaking😭😭 This is no way acceptable. Poor Caroline being the only one with Stefan in that moment is so scary and worrying because I don't know how will she manage to handle herself and what just happened at the same time 😭. Looking forward to the finale episode reaction!!


Damon and Elena only really had one scene in this episode but I loved it very much. As they were all afraid and trying to rush as death was literally at their doorstep, both of them realise how foolish it was of them to continue fighting what simply burns too brightly between them. While their break up was necessary at the time, the fact of the matter is they are too in love, too intertwined, too much a part of each other to exist apart. Their voluntary separation was not built to last. Last episode Damon finally snapped and kissed Elena after having a troubled day and he chose to get lost in Elena and likewise this episode, And after being held captive and drained of blood for four days, after walking back from the middle of nowhere, after narrowly escaping death by drowning again, Elena just needed to lose herself in Damon. She needed to confirm for herself that he was still there, still with her. She had thought for a moment that she was never going to see him again. And in her mind, there was no worse way to end her life .This girl who has died on an altar of blood, who has drowned beneath a bridge, who’s been tortured physically and emotionally too many times to count, can’t imagine anything worse than dying without seeing the love of her life one more time. And she kissed him with deliberation, with no restraint, as if to say that if they died right then and there she would be happy because she was with him. Season 5 doesn't exactly qualify as a good season because of the lackluster nature of the travelers plot and more but this season still stands to be important because of the changes and growth the characters go through. Whether it is Elena, Damon, Stefan or Caroline, everyone of them went through a phase of progression and starting to accept a lot more and not view it as black and white or good and bad.


I wasnt expecting a reaction today..This was pleasant :D


Beginning of this episode is hilarious, reminds me of the start of the season it's really good....So this is from rewatching season 5 with you it's WAY better than what I remember and I love it more than season 7 and maybe 8 which is saying a lot since for the longest time I held it as the worst season Legitimately it's like the first 11 episodes of this season are awesome and freaking fantastic comedy gold and the last 3 of the season are also great, it's just the in-between episode 12 to 17 which are just a pass for me lol


I told you that the traveler plot was good. but has serious consequences. They drip, drip drip the travellers plot since last season, carefully planning to get to this point. I understand if people feel this season was weaker then the others, taking into the account of the fact that compare to other shows season 5 is still writers goal and viewer blessing, but I promise you season 6, 7 and 8 are going to be so incredibly good.


Stefan death is so heart breaking, true I rather have anybody dying but not Stefan or Damon, at this point they are becoming so dear to us, and Caroline screaming for help express everybody's feeling of disbelieve. I can't wait for you to see the next episode unfolding.


I think someone made a joke along these lines but essentially.....Tomb Vampire motivation find revenge on the settlers which confined them to be buried in a tomb for over a century- Klaus motivation, break an ancient curse to become the strongest supernatural creature on the planet and make hybrids like him- Silas motivation, destroy to balance of the afterlife to be cured and reunited with his true love -Markos's motivation: Find a house LMAO


Yea the traveler plot is interesting but i feel like the travelers themselves are not interesting like the other villains that we faced before. I think at this point you already know how i like my villains 😉

Andrea Dcosta

Sofieee love u my darling can’t see you crying your reaction honestly was more heartbreaking to watch 💔 that ending is just too much to take I can totally understand. Like NO no1 touches Stefan and Damon 😡 and for me it’s also Bonnie and Caroline. Can’t wait for the finale and then the best freaking season 6 🤗😍

Andrea Dcosta

Also Damon was so freaking hilarious this episode. Imagine the start was so funny even the Stefan and Elena bits and the end tore us apart literally :((


Oh yes charming dangerous and preferably with a british accent. 😁😉


When Stefan died at the end I had to jump into the next episode so fast when I watched this show for the first time


The doppelgangers are only fated to be together because of their blood to be used by the travelers basically stefan and Elena's love wasn't real it was made by a spell so they can find there way to eachother so their blood can be used by the travelers


I got goosebumps when Stefan died and the song came on and also you are an ugly crier 😭😭😭

Loved By You

Aweee Sophie, lol your crying t the end is so sad, but adorable. I felt the same way.