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Part1= https://www.dropbox.com/s/f2h3casjjmv07ws/One%20tree%20hill%20S3XE13%20part1%201encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2iwuoloigygzoji/One%20tree%20hill%20S3xE13%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0




Ah the case of the magic scarf if u look at the scarf that Haley is wearing during when Haley is talking to Nathan about college’s you will see it wrapped around her neck and not wrapped around her neck so that’s something fun about this episode that can’t get out of my head whenever I watch this episode but also the death of Payton’s mom when I first watched it I cried my eyes out it’s just so amazingly shot it’s just heartbreaking to watch.

Dydra Arnold

A lot of people see Peyton as depressing and kind of a cry baby for a lack of better words. But when you look at everything she goes through at such a young age it’s amazing that she does as well as she does. Mental health is a real thing and to be honest I don’t think I could even be as half as strong as she is throughout all of the circumstances she faces. She really is such a strong person, who in the midst of all of her trauma, still cares so much about the people closest to her and wants the best for them. This is not to say she doesn’t make mistakes but I think often times she put herself last so that everyone else’s feelings can be put first. It saddens me that she is alone a lot of the time. I feel her character is misunderstood and it’s a very unpopular opinion, but she is my favorite.

I Am Not Chamari

That ending will always destroy me. The Lucas/Peyton/Brooke hug will always warm my heart up.


honestly i don’t think she’s misunderstood i think people dislike her for good reason but i don’t agree with people referring to her as a cry baby especially in situations regarding her trauma. i think personally my biggest annoyance with her character is that i feel like she plays victim in a lot of the situations she herself creates (not referring to her moms or things that actually happen TO her) i mean more like the mistakes she makes. that being said i definitely believe she has her good moments and moments where i can sympathize with her and this whole episode was one of them.


agree especially how much i relate to her and how much my friends compare me and peyton a lot and never once have my friends seen me or treated me the way a lot fans treat the character of peyton. some people cant understand people who go through a lot of pain and trauma and its sad cuz stuff peyton goes through along with other characters actually happen in life, which is one of the best and amazing things about one tree hill is that they do the best they can to bring reality to these storylines and show how these characters develop and greive moments like these which can benefit and help the fans develop and grieve in moments like these or similar pain they have gone through compared to the characters. which is why one tree hill has always been my comfort show and a huge impact in my life including the quotes and music. music is huge for me and in sketch my life and pain i go through to help me cope which is the two main things along with other reasons why i connect with peyton alot


The Scott boys seem to have a thing for getting Pneumonia for big romantic gestures... Nathan said something similar back in S1... Gotta love them... Haha