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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b7wsle3r5x4bfu8/One%20tree%20hill%20S3xE11%20encode.mp4?dl=0




I'm gonna state the very unpopular opinion here....And not that I appreciate the method used by Dan or the way he brings it up or doubts Haley in a way that we know is not justified.......But I truly think on some screwed up level he has this fear of history repeating itself, and this paranoia extends to what he sees in regards to thinking of Nathan and making a parallel to Karen and Deb getting pregnant. He told the same thing to Lucas back when Brooke was at the clinic with him in season 1 btw, and he had no reason or stakes to do that back then, so yes I think it was genuine concern rather than manipulation 'this one time' cause he already does plenty of that....

Jasmine Reigns

Brooke was hilarious this episode 😂 her and Lucas are so cute with amazing chemistry ❤️ and I’ve notice that the only time I don’t agree with Nathan is when he takes advice from Dan or is manipulated by him and I wish we got to hear more of the conversation between Nathan and Haley after he apologized. And also Peyton , my sweet child , I love seeing Peyton happy/laughing. Ans Keith is back and he seemed to have loosen up a bit which gives him an edge! Love the reaction ✨ hopefully we get double episode soon ❤️

I Am Not Chamari

I screamed when Keith appeared onscreen. He's back and better than ever, in my opinion. He's focused, secure in what he wants and seems to be in a really good place. He still loves the people he loves, and will fiercely protect them. Also, this protection thing is sooooo early 2000's. Why didn't Nathan have a damn condom. That is a much more effective way at preventing pregnancy than birth control, but no one mentioned a damn thing about that. But of course, at this time, the onus was on the girl for protection because of,,, misogyny? Big eye roll for me. Also, at some point, we have to stop blaming Dan for all of Nathan's shortcomings, but that's a conversation for another time.

Olia Stanasiuk

Love your reactions, Sofie! Thank you for your work. It feels like I have a close friend and watch favorite series with her :D Looking forward for the next episode :) May I ask where are you from?