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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/is0i97azcsqr0qc/The.Vampire.Diaries.S05E16.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




Steroline moments is definitely the highlight of this half of the season in my opinion.


No adult think that Delena is toxic, it's like how real relationships are at the beginnig, taken to a vampire level. You have to compromise, you have to accept the good and the bad of the other person, without trying to change your partner and sometimes people make mistakes and screw up, but if you love someone deeply that isn't a good enough reason to end the realtionship. you just have to work on it, as for anything that is worthed ad usually sex is a great way to defuel fights and it is a reminder of how profundly intimate and united a loving couple is. Stefan and Caroline are truly adorable, I've never like Stefan with Elena as much as I like him with Caroline, he is lighter and fan, with her positivity she is capable to take him to a place that is bright and happy. Love them. I like Enzo, I trust him to, he needed a purpose in his life, and Damon gave him one, their friendship and all the problems and the people that are in Damon's life are in his life too. The travellers plot is given to us drop by drop and now we met the other Stefan doppleganger, a paramedic, how coincidental.. in season one Stefan said he wanted to be a doctor when he was human but after for obvious reasons couldn't.


You just called everyone who doesn't like Delena a kid xDDD...Well played^^


@Gokul because is true, character haters are kids, certainly not mature adults that are balanced and realise the difference between reality and fiction. So actually I gave haters a good excuse for inexcusable childlike behaviour. Once again Gokul inappropriate comment aiming to fuel polemical futility. Unless you have something intelligent to say I've already told you to restrain yourself from commenting under my posts. Do you understand english or the understanding problem lay somewhere else?


Okay I have to talk about those phone conversations. They were basically the focus of the entire episode. This is a series of conversations scattered throughout the episode. Each one unique unto itself, each one highlighting a different aspect of how powerful and legendary Damon and Elena’s love is. And it gave us a real taste of how they were as a couple during the summer. We never got to experience this side of them because of how quickly everything seemed to fall apart. I just loved watching them act so, dare I say that it, married. Because that is exactly how they behave. Like a married couple. They crack jokes, they flirt, they make naughty little comments that clearly would’ve led to phone sex in the past, they have serious dialogue and express real emotion and concern for each other. Their phone scenes are captivating. Beautiful really. They were the highlight of this episode for me, apart from the last two minutes of course. I stopped breathing when he said that Elena needed him. Because there was a time when he never would have thought that he was something she even wanted, let alone needed. And now when she’s falling apart at the seams he’s willing to do anything to get free and help her because he knows that he can. Even though he has the same virus she does. Even though he hasn’t been feeding regularly for days. Even though his emotions aren’t in a much better place than hers. He’s willing to shove it all down and put her first. Just like he always does.


As a Delena lover, This is not only their best fight, but hands down one of their greatest scenes of all time. It's just so powerful. Magnificent and tense and raw in a way only they can manage. And it represents so much about how far they had come, and yet how far there still was to go. After everything they had been through already, they came back together, as they always do. They overcame. But at a cost. Their trademark passion had been warped into something it was never supposed to become. It went from being a force they couldn't ignore to one that was capable of tearing down everything that they held dear. Even each other. So they needed this. This fight, break and the sex that follows. There were no pretenses here. No lies. They just told each other the brutal truth, as they have always done. They didn’t even try to sugar coat it. They brought it all out into the open. Only to realize that even amidst all their issues, even after the hell they’d just unknowingly inflicted on each other, it didn’t affect how they felt. It should’ve. If they were any other people it would have. But they are Damon and Elena. And no amount of mistakes either of them can make has the power to destroy their feelings. I don't like the word toxic being used for them personally because I associate the word toxic to people who are being abused in relatioships or don't communicate with properly and do not trust each other. So the definition of toxic is to different to me. But here, I understand that they are not fighting about lack of love but about how they love too much. It's consuming but to a point that can destroy them and that is not going to be healthy so the fact that they talk/fight about it makes it better and not toxic. They aren't putting their issues aside and need to work through it. A fight that ended in sex. Because that was its only logical conclusion.They were wound too tight, had spent too long apart, uncertain of where they stood after their happiness started to unravel. They just needed each other. Love as consuming as theirs needs an outlet. It’s why they fight. Why they flirt. Why they ignite with just a touch. Why they have to let go with each other sometimes and just forget the rest of the world. Because the world is what threatens them, what tries so tirelessly to come between them. And when they let the world win they fall apart, both as a couple and as individuals.


Stefan and Caroline are getting so cute with each episode and I ship them too. I have shipped since Caroline turned Vampire because the chemistry between these two was always visible but it was not romantic back then. I ship them because I see Stefan being real with Caroline and that is what I admire in relationships. They share a beautiful bond of friendship and from here if it was going to turn it into love, it will be great. It is similar to Delena because even they had to grow from being enemies to friends to lovers and in this journey all their moments were all about being real. So for Steroline it will be beautiful for them too if the deep rooted friendship grew into something more.


Delena in season 5(Towards the end) and season 6 is just perfect (Especially S6)


Exactly... Delena starting from now is best ship till S6...the next season has some epic delena moments


WE are not talking about like of dislike, or different opinions backed by substantiated reasoning, we are talking about HATERS, quite a different thing. Do not try to twist things around to make it look like you said something entirely different, that is typical passive aggressive lame behaviour and as usual is not the first time you do it with me. So stop it, take your fake nice behaviour somewhere else.


Do not insist to put words in my mouth that I haven't said to deflect form your bad attitude, you are a perfect case of trowing a rock and hiding the hand. I don't know what is going on in your life and I don't care to know why you feel the need to act like a little manipulative brat and decide that the recipient of your burst of animosity should be me. STOP, DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORLD STOP? GO AWAY, DON"T KEEP SPREADING NASTY FALSE NARRATIVE, ONLY BECAUSE YOU, AND I REPEAT YOU, FEEL CALLED UPON WHEN I MENTION DELENA HATERS. Guilty conscience? Not interested.


And now you cancel your comments to pass as an innocent....if that isn't nasty I don't know what it is. So let specify for people reading...I talked ONLY about HATERS never about other opinions different from mine, @GOKUL is putting words into my mouth I NEVER SAID because she is a little nasty piece of work and I hope now everybody can see what I was talking about when I said that is not the first time she pulled this stunt with me.


@Patpet...Actually, he is not playing a victim....I saw his original comment, and he didnt change it or anything, Not picking sides here, but you're making it look like he edited the comment, which I dont think he did Also, his entire comment was not an attack at you...I would say he was very respectfull I dont know what happened between you guys in the past,cuz im a new patreon But @Patpet ,you are definitely rude here, and its uncalled for.You should have just specified you were talking about haters, and not dislikers...but honestly you came off as a little aggressive there, I dont think he said anything to provoke that kind of reaction. P.s:- please no Hate <3 Just wanted to say this cuz you guys are getting heated lol (Also patpet, Im pretty sure Gokul is a guy lol)


Really? And that is precisely what I'm saying, he is coming to my posts with the deliberate intention to provoke, to fuel nastiness toward me. Sorry not the first time he did it...third time around, so the mask of innocence is most definitely dropped!! I told him many time not to comment on my posts to stop and to go away, not just here. so ...now I'm fed up! I don't pay to be harassed.

Jay zay

Tessa was a very powerful witch so she didn’t need help doing spells. They aren’t so she has to channel the witches around her to get enough strength to do the spell. She couldn’t link Stefan to his last doppelgänger on her own.


I didn’t delete any comment. I think Patreon system considered his comment a spam for some reason. Maybe it’s because you copy and paste. It's sad to think that you just assumed I'm gonna delete comments just like that.


@SoFieReacts Well 2 of my messages were written by me, didnt copy paste them Also patreon deletes spam messages within 10-15 minutes, not 2 hours later.....Also there were no cuss words..So I was just confused on how that is possible But if you say so....i'll believe ya..patreon was kinda nit picking my comments...So was just curious,


Gokul, again i didn’t delete any comments. I’m gonna reach out to Patreon to see what the problem is and I’m gonna get back to you.


Jason: Wow, you went straight into accusing Sofie. That wasn't fair. Keep in mind if you do a lot of editing on your comments, it WILL delete it. It's happened to MANY of us many times. 🙂


@ Nazaeya Typical belligerent behaviour the same they have been use with me, under MY post, in which they enter on purpose to act belligerently.


@Nezaeya Yeah I realised that came off as douchey.... It was more out of annoyance and irritation from my part I guess you can imagine how irritating it would be if both your comments you wrote to defend yourself were taken down randomly I apologized to her, Also sent an Apology gift to her On instagram :D (If you can even call it a gift ffs)


@Patpet,....Yeah sure...maybe I am belligerent, I really dont care what you think, just letting you know tho..that most people would disagree with that Ive seen you throw your hissy fits on victor too from pennywell production, so I think thats how you operate..which is fine I would even agree that you were right and I was wrong..if that makes you feel better But stop with the false accusation part, ive never ever disrespected you in any of my comments,like you did today, and you're really getting on my nerves with these rage fits Hard to respectfully disagree with you on any topic, you turn extremely aggressive and hostile really quick I'll grant you your wish and never comment under your comments, if that makes you happy.........and I would also apologize if you somehow felt like I "harassed" you....even though anyone with common sense would recognize you are the one harassing me


Surprisingly There's still my favorite of all time Delena scene which has yet to come in S6 LOL

I Am Not Chamari (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 05:07:50 The writing about the breakup is so inconsistent. It's obvious that Damon didn't kill Elena because she broke up with him. As you said Sofie, Damon is okay with letting Elena go. After all, he broke up with her first. It is the words "Elena" said to him that destroyed him and that set him down that dark path in which he killed Aaron. He definitely shouldn't have done it, but the whole "that's the kind of power you have over me" thing kind of rubbed me the wrong way. Oh, well. Their argument scene was well-acted, at least.
2021-07-12 20:06:45 The writing about the breakup is so inconsistent. It's obvious that Damon didn't kill Aaron because she broke up with him. As you said Sofie, Damon is okay with letting Elena go. After all, he broke up with her first. It is the words "Elena" said to him that destroyed him and that set him down that dark path in which he killed Aaron. He definitely shouldn't have done it, but the whole "that's the kind of power you have over me" thing kind of rubbed me the wrong way. Oh, well. Their argument scene was well-acted, at least.

The writing about the breakup is so inconsistent. It's obvious that Damon didn't kill Aaron because she broke up with him. As you said Sofie, Damon is okay with letting Elena go. After all, he broke up with her first. It is the words "Elena" said to him that destroyed him and that set him down that dark path in which he killed Aaron. He definitely shouldn't have done it, but the whole "that's the kind of power you have over me" thing kind of rubbed me the wrong way. Oh, well. Their argument scene was well-acted, at least.

Josh Lomax

I think JerBear put it best: "That Toxic sex hits different"

Loved By You

A haahaha at least Delena finally admits their toxic af

Loved By You

Only children think Damon and Elena have a healthy relationship. They are both physically attracted to each other. Like Elena said she cotnastly has to bend her morals, and defend bad behavior to be in love with him. It’s VERY toxic. No real life relationship should be based on having to overlook someone’s flaws. You talk about character hating, yet every time I see a comment fro myth it’s hating on anyone against Damon. Practice what you preach sweetheart. Also, Damon is A grown ass adult. No grown ass adult should be that impulsive, insecure, and reactionary when things don’t go their way. Damon does have a good heart but that’s not a justifiable trait. Also, what really is their compatibility? He doesn’t even feel safe enough to tell her the truth. Constantly makes her question her own decision making and makes her feel bad for being compassionate. They are the definition of TOXIC


@Lovedbyyou your post gives away you age and immaturity. You just don't have the maturity to understand or to write an intellectually interesting post. So please from now on restrain yourself from commenting under my posts, I'm not interested in whatever you have to say. I wish you a long life in a relatioship where your partner is a master manipulator with codependency issues and the sex is meh...see if you like it. 😂 Kids!!!


Props to them for being the only couple to admit that on the show because there were so many more toxic couple moments with everyone else 🙃