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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ea588tis55rbbu/The.Vampire.Diaries.S05E14.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0



Muhammad Hassan

These episodes are the worst of this season.


See that's what i'm talking about when I say they are retconning everything they did with Katheryn's character, I heard people saying well that's their point and it's calculated and they try to subdue expectation etc.....There's absolutely nothing smart about this, you kept her character alive just to ruin it when she had a perfect send off....And to do what...NOTHING except like I said ruining their own work....Here's the thing, Katheryn in Episode 11 was about to die giving us a firm impression that if anything she loved Stefan, but now we know she does not really because she's fine with making him suffer through this, the man that in spite of all your mistakes stood on your dying bed to tell you none of it wasn't your fault and you deserved peace...You pretend to be the girl he loved knowing you're going to break his heart and feel fine about it. After all of this and the redemption nope, Kathryn's still the same self centered selfish bitch there's nothing to do about it's extremely depressing-Coz it just spits in your face telling you in the end people can't learn from their mistakes to become better, there's no hope for them...And let's just say that this lame Traveler plot is like a rotten cherry on top of an already fermenting cake


Now we know how the extent of Katherine selfiness, she is not a survivior for the sake of surviving, she is a parassite roaming the earth to riun people's life for her oun pleasure and entertainment. She doesn't love Stefan, nobody that loves Stefan would want him to kill his brother, she doesn't care about Stefan feelings, she cares for him because he is hard to get and she doesn't like the feeling of not winning, of not be able to make people doing what she want at the moment, what is convinient for her. She is on a power trip, and cannot care less of what or who she destroy in the process. In first season when Stefan wanted to kill Damon for killing Lexi Elena begged him not to, because she knew what it would do to him. Thanks god they figure it out. But now, we audience, know who Katherine Pierce really is, we experienced her manipulation first hand.


Damon psychology has a lot to do with is human story and with the fact that he lived most of his life alone and unloved dealing with it, but feeling all the anguish of it. There is nothing worse in life than feeling unloved and Damon as smart as it is, searched for an answer to why, and he concluded that the only possible explanation is that he doesn’t deserve it. So every time anybody, but especially the people he cares about, re-enforced that notion, he believes it and he act consequently. The look on his face when he was telling to Stefan he notice “Elena” wanted him dead is crushing. It is true, he senses Elena’s presence. There was one episode in season 2, when Damon was bitten by Tyler and Stefan locked him up in the cellar, with Alaric on suicidal watch, he was on the floor and whispered “Elena” and Alaric told him ”she is not here Damon” not knowing that she just arrived in her car, to be taken by Liz. He can sense her, that is the extent he feels connected to her. Even though I hated it, the motel scene was seriously hot and true the music was perfect. The music in this show is insane. How Chris Mollere (the TVD music curator) match music to emotions and what is going on in the scene is mind blowing. Never seen anything quite like it in any other show. I loved Enzo commitment to Damon in this episode and I love Stefan a lot too. He is finally fully on board with Defan, with the intention of not giving up on his brother, as Damon did in season two. Defan forever.


No that is the purpose for you f to feel the extent of Katherine actions for all her life, decit and manipulation. She riuned the brothers and eveybody in her path. She is perfectly in character an not every character has to have a redemption arc, because, as in real life some people never learn. It is very unlikely that someone like Katherine that has been selfish in the most nasty way, for all her life, and Katherine's life span 500 years, all of the sudden changes. Depressing? Well that life, some people cannot be changed. But now you know how Stefan and Damon felt. And Damon was right once again.


The traveller plot will eventually make much sense, it's a major plot.


I dont think they ruined katherines character...this has been her character since the beginning....she is a villain who is always one step ahead, and cannot be redeemed...im glad they didnt give katherine a redemption Arc...because its not required,she is Evil, and she will remain to be evil...thats why I like her character


I know some people might be upset that they ruined katherine's character by not redeeming her in episode 11 But that has always been Katherine's character, she is that villain who is always one step ahead, even when she is vulnerable, and has no redeeming qualities or redemption Arc And thats what I like about her, she is Evil, and thats all there is...thats what separates her from many other villains, thats what makes her threatening to me I would've honestly been rather sad if they redeemed her using some sob story...because thats not who she is, that would kinda go against her character


Finally without any more torture and cringe worthy Katherine as Elena content, the verdict is that they have figured it out!! Oh good god I could not take more of it. Katherine speaks about how she always wanted what Elena has but she is so selfish that she doesn't want to accept that it takes a lot of effort to actually build relationships and maintain them which Katherine would never bother with so it's a choice you always made. Damon and Enzo this episode were beautiful!! It was like a small glimpse of how much Enzo would have helped Damon not lose hope in the cage for five years. And therefore the impact it had Damon on when he thought he ended up losing Enzo his friend simply to survive. Damon and Enzo both truly a big on loyalty. Damon is going through a really tough phase believing that everyone has left hope in him but for me this was going to happen at some point. From the beginning there has been a talk about how Damon always lashes out and sabotages things so it was something I am sure everyone including Damon must be thinking from the time he got together with Elena that he will screw things up. Well, now he has hit rock bottom and it's only about how things will move from here onwards. I am seriously pissed with Elena's friends because I cannot understand or even digest that fact that Katherine who is not acting Elena at all wasn't noticed all this time. I mean for first they clearly underestimate her love for Damon and two do they really believe that Elena is so flirtish every now and then....so yeah sadly her friends do not know her that well. I am very happy that Damon was the first one to question the whole situation with the stake being kicked and Stefan being hinted to kill his brother. Because this is why in the first place Katherine needed to get Damon away from Elena's body otherwise it won't take that long to figure her out. And as soon he is back in the picture, he did pick up on the hints. Elena's compassion is the one thing everyone knows about her so it is literally impossible that she will ever want Damon to be dead and that to killed by his brother...like who are we kidding? So now Katherine really should know the answer Stefan does love his brother more if there were any doubts. And the travelers plot is irritating a little but it will all make sense once all the pieces are out in the open and joined because it is a important plot.


@Gokul precisely, Katherine is Katherine, nobody is as manipulative and cunning as she is and that is her character trade, that is why she is interesting, she is one of the best villain ever, you'll never know what she is up to next and what she is up to is always creating havoc in everybody else lives.


I don't fully understand what Katherine's goal is. It was obvious that she didn't really need Stefan, that she was playing with him. Well, if she gets him, and then what? Is she going to spend her whole life living Elena's life, pretending to be someone she isn't, dressing like she doesn't dress, hanging out with people she doesn't want to hang out with, and acting like she doesn't? Not to mention that if she did get Stefan, she would do it like Elena, not like Katherine. Would it comfort her ego to know that he wanted Elena in the end, not her? I don't think... So why would she do all this?


It's good to know that I'm not the only one who cringes when Katherine pretends to be Elena. I kept wanting to close my eyes or look away. I'm so glad Stefan and Caroline realized it wasn't Katherine. At first I blamed them for not noticing anything strange. But then I put myself in their shoes. She's sure Katherine's dead, and they buried her, and all that. And they could connect Elena's strange behavior with the breakup with Damon and other difficulties in life. But it's still terrible that no one noticed.


Damon was always quick-witted and noticed things that others might not notice. He guessed what "Elena"wanted to do. Perhaps not at the moment when he tried to kill her, but rather in a conversation with Stefan. I'm sorry that Damon has been out of his mind lately. Perhaps he would have noticed much earlier that Elena was not Elena.


Yes I get what you're saying but the thing is they DID give her a redemption story arc....My point is if you know you're going to keep her that way, than why freaking bother doing a redemption story arc in the first place and then redcon that...It goes against character why, not in the sense against what Katherine was but in terms of the way they finished her arc before turning on their own stuff, she's behaving NOTHING like the girl who was dying days earlier and took conscience of the wrong she had done, had a genuine trust and respect in Stefan and him in her at least for a brief time or moment.. up to regretting her relationship with her daughter and would give anything to have more time with her and make amends... it's like POOF we forgot about that, no again she subconsciously wants to make Stefan suffer and pretend to be a happy teenager cmon..In the end it's what they went with, I'm only bitching because it's a choice I ultimately don't respect for what it's worth, for me it was a wrong way to go about it that's it, just an opinion and there's my justification

Andrea Dcosta

This is my least favourite episode of the season it’s just flat out boringg. Katherine lost the plot with her thinking that Stefan will kill Damon like Wtf Katherine I’ve never seen her act this dumb she could have just ignored enzo’s message/ call and not tell Stefan but I’m so glad she did and finally stefan and Caroline figured out that it’s Katherine and not Elena. Last episode atleast Katherine was fun but this episode she annoyed me to the T. I feel so bad for Stefan she’s manipulating him and how hard this will be for him knowing that she wasn’t Elena looking at the past elena and Stefan have had it’s just so sad it gives him hope but im also very happy that Stefan though he gave in which was very understandable he backed off and walked away before things could go ahead. Stefan really is standing out for me this season love him so much 😭 he loves his brother so much he kept saying I won’t give up on you. Poor Damon felt so bad for him this episode how it must be for him to think that Elena wanted Stefan to kill him that’s terrible. But I also was very happy seeing Enzo’s love for him and that he was there for him and didn’t leave he could have easily left him after Damon was injected but he still risked his life for Damon I love their friendship soo much. Enzo is a great addition to TVD.


So I had a mental monologue on why nobody figured her out, it's something I did wonder here's what I came up with and you can tell me what you think: -- I think that they saw Elena acting off in slight little ways, even if this time Katherine still put a lot of time and effort in playing Elena for the most part, the main thing is that if Katherine was still alive, there would be big suspicion and reflags, now you put yourself in the head of our characters..Katheryn is off the table, she's dead and buried right, they've begun completely forgetting about her, that changes things, coz suddenly there can't be two different Elena's, if she's acting odd then she's odd, but there's no Katherine in the equation from their perspective


LOL I didn't even think of things this way, but it's ABSOLUTELY right, and i'll just tell you it adds more oil to my fire when it comes to the direction they took with her in the end...

Andrea Dcosta

Katherine was annoying this episode and u were so annoyed watching her I was like relax Sofie this is gonna be over soon wait until the end of the episode hahaha. But as annoying as this may be Katherine doing all this makes total sense to her character just the part whr she thought of making Stefan kill Damon - who she thought Stefan will do that was lame according to me. But I also get why her character would do all this and she’s remaining true to her character she’s a survivor and she manipulates ppl to get what she wants no matter who gets hurt in the process yeah she may like certain ppl like Stefan/ her daughter but she’s Katherine Pierce after all and that’s what makes her character interesting atleast according to me.

Andrea Dcosta

A redemption arch could have been good for her specially seeing her in episode 11 but if Katherine the survivor wouldn’t have even tried to survive specially Elena sitting right beside her would look weird for her character and make no sense.


I agree with all the reasons you have mentioned that can make them less doubtful but again I am not fully convinced with them thinking that Elena of all people would give up on Damon so easily and say for once it is okay for them to believe that she is pretending to be okay with the whole break-up and everything. Why would she be flirting hardcore with Stefan instantly? Why won't she go and kick Damon's ass for allowing his friend Enzo to mess with Jeremy? It doesn't add up for me. I would expect them to at least be suspicious about the change in her body language and the way she speaks because Katherine being a doppelganger has the face but she isn't anything like Elena in the way she carries herself.


Haha exactly... That betrayal of hers in ep 11 is actually one of the craziest moments on the show...never saw it coming


@TheMinarus She didn't have a redenption arc, she was playing everybody, viewers included, she was in cahoot with her dauther all the time to jump into Elena's body, given the opportunity. As soon as she jumped, Nadia called her and asked her "Did it worked?", that was a carfully planned move, and she knew she had to full everyboy in order for the plan to work. That is Katherine, like in season two, you'll never guess what she is planning and you 'll never see it happening until it happens, she is a dangerous very meticulous planner. She might care for her daugther, since she is helping her, but most definatelly she doesn't love Stefan. Love doesn't involved manipulating, hurting and using the person that is object of your "affection", and most definatelly doesn't involved pushing him to kill his oun brother. She wants Stefan only because he is not available, winning his affection it is a power trip, is what keeps a cunning selfish bored 500 years old years vampire interested. She is not interested in Stefan's feelings, she is not interested to get to know Stefan on a deeper level, she knew them for almost 200 years and still she doesn't know that Stefan and Damon's brotherly bond is above everything and everybody for them, Elena knows, Katherine doesn't.


@Mariya she is a bored 500 years old vampire and pretending to have a normal life where everybody loves you and care for you is something she's never experienced, having her to run and hide an living in the shadow all those years. She is free now, she wants those things no matter how she gets them, and the manipulation of everybody add an extra bonus of excitement, "I'm Katherine Pierce, I'm the smartest one, I can play anybody as a violin and you are all stupid" Lying, manipulating, plotting, fooling everybody is actually fun for her, it's a power trip. Also feeling what is like to have Stefan devotion is another thing she never experienced. She doesn’t want honesty and authenticity; she wants what she wants no matter how she gets it.

I Am Not Chamari

To me, this just showed Katherine as a desperate parasite who would do anything and everything to get what she wants. That's who she has always been. Damon and Enzo were AMAZING this episode, and by far, the best part of it. The way that Enzo cares for Damon is so deep and I think that he, despite all the murder and killing, is kind of what Damon needs right now.

Loved By You

The CheMISTRY between Nina and Paul is INSANE

Loved By You

I couldn’t agree with you more. Why start hating her now? She’s always been this way. She’s motivated by the same things. And I actually was rooting for her in Elenas body. Why?. Because Katherine has NEVER had the opportunity or option to experience what it’s like to be well liked and admired by a majority of people. I was actually impressed how well she was able to play Elena. Hahaha she has more respect for Elena then she has ever led on. I agree…. It’s SO NOT WHO Katherine is to have this sad, sad death. After all she is a survivor. Love this comment. Thank you for it, ❤️❤️❤️😩