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Watch till the end of the video for an extra special thing☺️

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kxdvly41bd489hn/The.Vampire.Diaries.S05E11.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0



Fatima Bah

Lmao I can't believe no one told you Paul was literally real life Silas


This was the 100 episode!!


Girl this is why a lot of us said you should watch the originals and vampire diaries at the same time! You clearly miss them!!


It was soo fitting for you to include the s3-4 bloopers at the end of this episode, which is the100th episode of TVD! Thank you for that awesome extra footage! 😁


Everybody always blame Damon for being cruel with the people he mistrust, with Mason, Elijah, now Katherine but then he proves to be always right. Yep they should have killed Katherine. and now she is a paraside in Elena's body. I love Stefan in this episode too. And the scenes with the two brothers in one to one conversations are life!!


Your reactions Sofie are the best!! I loved how you freaked out to Klaroline, and how emotional you got to Jeremy , Alaric and Damon, and what you said when you saw Katherine entering Elena's body I think everybody tough that ....when you finally feel sorry for her and she makes you regret it, ahhhhrg Katherine


Stefan and Damon sitting down and talking about Delena was a beautiful moment indeed. It's so nice to see them after a long time just talking about things like brothers. I love how Damon understood that Katherine helped Stefan so his brother had reasons to be defending Katherine. It was really cute how Damon is talking about doing the right by universe and Stefan is just looking at him like no that's no your job. "Cheers Buddy" OH MY GOD!!! Dalaric I miss them so much. Damon didn't need to hear him but he knew that Alaric was talking about him was adorable. Their bond is too precious. Best moment of the episode for me ❤️ And how can I forget Liz Forbes. The advice she gave Damon about not letting Katherine have control over him was the best advice in this episode. I fell in love with all over again.


As much as I liked thinking that this was probably the end of Katherine Pierce, I feel it was actually never going to be how she leaves. The reminiscing party was my one of favourite scene in the episodes. It was a reminder of everything Katherine has done to these people and in case we forget, we cannot. Stefan has finally been able to address his heartbreak after his break up with Elena and he has been able to no longer be affected negatively by it which is great because he deserves to be happy. I will give credit to Katherine for this because she helped him. Therefore I understand the change in his attitude towards Katherine. Looking at the past both Salvatore brothers were damaged by Katherine but the impact has different. Stefan after becoming a vampire realised that he was compelled to love her so once that wore off, he could no longer be thinking about Katherine in regards to love but more about the loss of being a human and his corrupted relationship with his brother. For Damon on the other hand was something more. In season 1, he said that it was real for him and it was because he always knew about Katherine and her demons. The trust she shared with him and taught him the ways of vampirism definitely won't make him believe otherwise. He had his heart broken, became a vampire and also lost his brother. Later when she came back, she has made the person he loves suffer the most too. As they say those that love too much can also hate as much when wronged. He can for a few moments appreciate the sight of Katherine being selfless in front of her daughter but yeah it would be strange and disappointing to see him mourn Katherine so I was in favour of him being chipper. Stefan was able to muster compassion and on his part did something very sweet to make things easier for Katherine which should be very much appreciated but sadly the person who should just never learns. The minute you started feeling sorry for Katherine, she just turned the tables. No it's not unexpected but I just felt in the end it was waste of a episode trying to create a mini redemption arc for her and then getting slapped in the face.


Definitely have to agree there. Sofie is by far the best TVD reactor and there are quite a few out here. Even though S5 is one of my least favorite, she makes me enjoy it a lot more than the first time around.


I started watching like 8-10 different reaction channels....and right now I boiled it down to 2...you and pennywell production....you guys are the best tvd reactors out there(atleast for me)....and one of the very few who are totally unbiased in your opinion ..and understand the lore and mythology perfectly


So we are all going to agree....This was the PROPER end to Kathrine's character. What the writers did creating one of the best and most heartfelt moment in all of TV, and one of my favorite scenes ever, being the scene between her and Stefan, and redeeming her to many people's eyes including mine, all of this to ruin it all by extending unnecessarily what she does to Elena. They ruined their own success if you will, yes I get it the survivor thing I get that, but her story in season 5 to now at her death is perfectly respectable and coherent and in my opinion it's their greatest mistake to do what they did....Stefan, i'm not even an unconditional fan but BOY this episode, what a man, what a righteous forgirveful, and the COMPASSION! the compassion he shows this woman that ruined him is incredible to me. The image of a good person is him...


On Ian's FB page, him and Paul have been promoting their Brothers Bond Bourbon. There is a clip today of Paul pushing Ian around in the cart in the store. There are a bunch others also, but this one is funny.


To me the best are Sofie, MJDebio, and Evie to wich recently Harry Allen joined and he is adorable too. I started too with a lots of others and abanon them. Pennywell production as well, because he made a remark straight right out of the brainwash that the insuffrable "woke" culture is doing to certain American people. It infurieted me so much that I left, sorry I ever gave my money to them. The others don't have the intelligence, the education, the emotional maturity to get this show.


Well its a good thing she misses them..originals would be wayy more fun to watch when you see your favorite characters after a long time :D...the nostalgia hits different


It wasn't a waist of an episode, because we needed to experience first hand, what it feels like to be manipulated by Katherine Pierce, how she manage to make people love her and a minute after being fooled and betrait, how Damon felt. She directly or indirectly create so much avoc in everybody's life, it is not so much that she had the rigt to survive is te way she does it, carlessly ruining people life, that makes the difference. And now even the compassion that Stefan felt, will turn sour, when he will discover what she did to Elena. Once again Stefan and Damon will be crushed.


This is actually a writing master piece, straight out from the master rule "show don't tell". We have been told what it felt like to be betraid by Katherine Pierce, but we viewers never expirienced that directly, now we did. Sorry guys but the writers of this show are far more aware of things that you can imagine, and everything in this show is intetional and done on porpuse, to provoke, they are amazing.


It is really is brilliant!!! I have never seen a show with such fine writing addressing almost every loop hole and throughout the seasons you find answers to the questions one can have possibly.

Andrea Dcosta

Sofie my girl love you for this incredible reaction you are the best - Know this and I mean it when you were saying how much you love Defan looking at their scene together sitting and drinking at the end I was like I love you Sofie 😁and obviously I love my Salvatore guys also a lot. Loved your reaction to Klaroline this was the best reaction to their scene I’ve seen. Klaus looked so dam hot 🥵 then we see Rebekah how pretty she looked here. I swear Jeremy’s reaction to Ric was adorable and Damon’s too. Also I really liked seeing Vicky as well and specially seeing matts reaction to her I never liked Vicky much but this was adorable. Imagine tyler coming back in the same episode whr Caroline has sex with klaus Wow savage haha. It was also great seeing Jenna and Elijah- John not so much 😂 They really did an excellent job with their 100th episode. With the whole Katherine thing to seeing all of our favourite characters back again I wonder why we didn’t see Lexi?

Andrea Dcosta

I agree Stefan was so beautiful this episode I can’t even tell he is so compassionate what he did for Katherine was so so beautiful and also with his conversation with elena and Damon wow he was a hero this episode truly. I agree this could have been a great send off to her but I also feel the writers wanted to just give us a glimpse of redemption for her then take it away by finally showing us that NO Katherine is still a survivor and will anything to survive so I kinda get that and when she touches Elena and finally when she says I’m Elena Gilbert it just gives me chills like wow Katherine your such a bitch but at the same thing I have to say she’s good at what she does this is Katherine after all she won’t die in such a way Noo. Poor Elena though she went to forgive her and Katherine screwed her over. Thanks Sofie once again and also for those bloopers reactions loved it. And yes Paul is very much like Silas in real life no kidding he is hilarious and cracks jokes with a straight face. You should see some of his comments on Ian’s pics on Instagram he is super funny but if u wana see u should be careful as u May come across a few spoilers on their page etc. for me Ian and Paul are real brothers they also have a bourbon brand - Brothers Bond Bourbon how adorable is that 😻❤️❤️


Klaus in Tyler body in the woods: Then maybe I'll take you up on your offer of hot hybrid sex. *Klaroline have sex in the woods* I personally always wanted Katherine last appearance to be in season four finale, and than us, as fans could decided if she was able to still survive without her vampirism to back her up.

Sade L.

Wow forgot ho good this episode was! Definitely one of my faves 😩


When 12 ep?)))


Katherine... It would have been so much better if it had ended when she jumped from that tower. This is a person who cannot be trusted under any circumstances. And Damon understands that. He knows all her tricks like no one else, and what she is capable of. And I understand his distrust and anger toward Katherine. It's really nice that Stefan is so understanding in this episode. But I think he's making too much of an excuse for Katherine. Yes, she, like all people, deserves a deathbed forgiveness, if she sincerely repents and asks for this forgiveness. But to justify all her terrible actions by saying that she is a "survivor" is too much. She always made her own choices and always put herself above others. It's not just about survival - it's about selfishness. After all, Elena was also forced to survive, Klaus also hunted her and caused her a lot of grief. But she never went head over heels for the sake of survival and yet, she survived. So everything Katherine did was entirely her fault. And I was ready to forgive her, knowing that she was dying, but her last act turned all my compassion for her.


As much as I hated Klaus, the scene in the woods was hot. And I'm glad that this has at least softened Caroline's attitude towards Damon and Elena's relationship. Maybe she will understand that attraction to someone does not depend on common sense.


What a pity that we so rarely see Damon and Liz in the same episode. I like how she can understand him and get through to his common sense (but still, she shouldn't have taken the pillow from Damon 😉). Oh, I cried when I saw Jenna and Alaric. How they are not enough. I'm so glad you made a reaction to the bloopers. I've been waiting for this. Thank you for that, it defused the sad ending of the episode a bit.

Jasmine Reigns

Paul was basically playing himself while playing as Silas 😂😂 I love him so much. Also with this episode we basically felt the betrayal of Katherine , I remember watching this episode for the first time and I could not believe I got played by Katherine 😂✨ this episode was amazing ❤️


The klaus-caroline kissing scene is actually the most well directed kissing scene ive seen...the growing tension before the kiss was perfectly done

Loved By You

I don’t understand why do people hate Catherine so much. And it’s extremely hypocritical to hate Catherine love Damon considering that they are pretty much a mirror reflection of each other. It’s crazy how people justify demons bad behavior saying he’s been through a lot he had a hard life. Will so did Catherine Catherine had an extremely hard, traumatic, exhausting life. She was on the run for most of her life and she was literally forced to survive no one is sitting here calling her a saint but them sitting around acting like acting like they themselves have never done anything bad I was sort of clownish to me. I really think that this episode was a good example of redemption and forgiveness. I think Alayna Damon, and Stephen can all relate to Catherine’s life in someway or another Damien the boy who is madly in love with her Alayna the girl whose life parallels Catherine’s. Stephen the guy that turned into a ripper because of Catherine all of these things are related to who Catherine is and I just I don’t get why people don’t like her. She’s a very good character and I’ve enjoyed her so much throughout the season