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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m4m25mslqizv8qd/The.Vampire.Diaries.S05E08.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0



Jasmine Reigns (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 05:10:51 Really loved the Stefan & Katherine scenes 😍 and Bonnie looked so happy and drop dead gorgeous with the new hair do ❤️ loved the reaction can’t wait for the upcoming episodes.
2021-05-31 04:56:16 Really loved the Stefan & Katherine scenes 😍 and Bonnie looked so happy and drop dead gorgeous with the new hair do ❤️ loved the reaction can’t wait for the upcoming episodes.

Really loved the Stefan & Katherine scenes 😍 and Bonnie looked so happy and drop dead gorgeous with the new hair do ❤️ loved the reaction can’t wait for the upcoming episodes.


Next episode is very important connect the loose ends of season 1 and 4. It answers to the question why Damon arrived in Mystic Falls, in the first season with his humanity on a dimmer switch. Also in S1x5 we saw Elena checking the old news about the killing at the Salvatore Boarding House of Joseph Salvatore in 1953, when she saw Stefan, and we are going to learn about that story. Also remember S4 x17 when Elena with no humanity and Damon where in New York and he told her, he had an affair with Lexi, in 1977, Lexi came looking for Damon because he had his humanity off and Stefan send her to help him and she was wondering what could have possibly have happen to him, He slept with her to tricked her into the roof to make her be stuck under the sun get rid of her. In the next episode you will also understand the real reason why Damon acted the way he did, we are going to learn another reason why Damon didn't liked Lexi. And that is why I love TVD you cannot just sit and be passive, it requires you to use your brain, your knowledge, your perception, your experience as an adult, make connections, understand why characters act in a certain way and the show will give you all the answers, about everything if you are good enough to decipher them, to pick them where the writers put them, all the loose hands will eventually connect to something that was left unanswered in previous seasons. Even when you think there isn't anything to understand, all of the sudden you are given information that makes you click, giving you another prospective on the characters, making them more and more complex and layered


Bonnie's new haircut is really hot and suits her so much!!! It's so nice to see her in college and happy despite the whole deal with the other side. Stefan and Katherine bonding over the PTSD stuff was nice because Katherine never really would ever want to address any of it earlier and now she has someone who is going through it to be able to understand. Let's see how it works out. Caroline and Elena still having disagreements over Damon is something that really just never stops. I really like Caroline but it's so annoying when she is being a hypocrite and judging her best friend. If Caroline was in Elena's situation, she would also react in a quick manner to save someone she loves without a second thought. I just don't understand why she continues to make Elena feel guilty for who she loves and is happy with. Augustine Vampire and Damon's experience is something that I'm really looking forward to seeing you react to next week!!! This episode was really slow but the ending is what she shakes me. The minute Damon looks at the subject number and starts talking about himself....I feel so protective 😭💔


I always thought that Stefan and Katherine have another level of chemistry that Stefan doesn't have with Elena and it is kind of crazy because is the same actress, but somehow it works well, there is electricity there. There is so much history between Katherine and Stefan, they know each other so well that they know what to say to get through to one another and all their long history of love, hate, mistrusting, understanding, plotting against, collaborating etc. turn into such deep closeness and Paul and Nina are so good at portraying this aspect, that isn’t present between Stefan and Elena.


Bonnie is so adorable with that haircut, I don't said enough but Bonnie Bennet is my Queen and Kat Graham is such a beautiful Lady with a beautiful soul, and out of all the other female actors on this show, a pretty bunch of fab ladies, she is the one I admire the most.


yessss agree and that deleted scene from season 2 with katherine and stefan stuck in the tomb. The writers wanted stelena at the time and I'm kind of mad about it cuz stefan and katherine like you said just seem to have another level of chemistry and just so much more to it and it's an interesting pair and its kinda like damon and elena pairing with story wise like katherine who had a complicated family and was neglected and turned evil to survive and escape emotions similar to damon and stefan who was the child the family has always put first or everyone likes more and elena is the same way with people liking her more and her friends doing anything to help her so in my eyes the storylines of these four matching up together just seems more interesting and deeper. I wish the writers would of given it a shot


caroline is so judgemental (and not only just in this moment) like if jesse was feeding on stefan or even like tyler she would kill jesse.


Bonnie's new hair cut is really hot and suits her very much!!! I'm just so happy seeing her in college back with her girlfriends and now she won't be alone😭💜 it's amazing despite the whole deal with the other side. Caroline and Elena still having these disagreements over Damon is really getting old. I really like Caroline most of the time but I just don't understand why she acts like a hypocrite in these moments. If it was Elena in Caroline's place and she had to save someone like her mum, there is no doubt about having to kill Jesse. I am not saying that she needs to love Damon but I don't know why she likes to make Elena feel guilty about who she loves and who makes her happy. Stefan and Katherine talking about PTSD was a nice moment. They might not be in love and all but they share history which would help them always get through each other. I did find Katherine's suicide attempt hard to digest though but I guess it's about not wanting really to go through all the ugly stages and just end it. This is a slow episode but the next episodes are something I'm eagerly waiting for!! One of big question about Damon and his humanity being on dimmer switch when he arrived in mystic Falls is going to be explained. I started shaking the moment Damon looks at the blood bag and reads the subject number 😭 And these two Salvatore brothers really need to start learning the art of communication because they just don't open up. Stefan is going PTSD and he won't tell his brother about it unless Damon reads between the lines. And vice versa....they really don't wanna admit it seems how much the person cares.


i love bonnie. Kat graham is one of the actors on the show that if she ever left her character, it would feel so weird and like something was missing.


Exactly. That's the thing that I never understand about people in this show judging Damon for his actions when likewise they all would do whatever it takes to make sure the people they love are safe. I mean Caroline was okay with sacrificing a hybird and she killed the witches to save Bonnie. Also I don't understand how Caroline is okay with her mum being friends with Damon but her best friend should not trust Damon? It really is inconsistent.


exactly. Like i understand that in s1 damon was feeding on her by taking away her fear and he would say harsh things to her but he isn't the same person. Like she goes over the fact that stefan also had a dark past but doesn't judge him for being evil at multiple points of his life because he changed his ways of being a vampire but yet caroline doesn't even let his past cloud her judgment but with damon it's the same mentions of his past actions. He literally was finding information out about jesse to help not only elena but to help caroline, he tried to keep amara alive to bring their best friend back, he protects her mother and her best friend. Caroline also has been in the same situations as damon where they had to make violence the answer to help either elena, stefan or their friends. it shocks me when people say caroline is better than elena cuz I really can't see how. She has great moments but most moments are her judging elena, bonnie, damon etc. She thinks stefan is perfect and she even allowed klaus to have more sympthay moments with her or trusted him on graduation day. She confuses me and her logic on who she likes or not


I agree with you that the way Damon and Caroline met and how things turned out definitely doesn't paint a pretty picture so I would understand things from that pov. But I never really see Caroline referring to that being the reason for her resentment towards Damon. And honestly when it comes to Stefan being in the ugly space somehow it is always given a clean chit by the people around him. But that doesn't apply to Damon which is something I see very often painted in clear words. I am not saying that he shouldn't be called out for his actions but at least make it fair. No one is better than anyone in my point of view and that is what is good. Everyone has good moments and they all screw up things too. It's just when it is about Damon the alleged bad boy...rules and judgements are different.


She hasnt really seen stefan's dark side tho...and stefan actually didnt ever harm her....damon had a bad first impression on caroline....and again I will repeat, Damon has changed, but most characters dont know that....damon doesn't show his good side to many people.....so caroline's bias and judgyness is justified


caroline has seen damon do acts that saved her best friend and his brother. Katherine literally turned caroline, harmed her multiple times yet she helps katherine or has scenes laughing/plotting together so her constantly bad mouthing damon to the person that he would do anything for makes her look like a bad friend. you see the difference between bonnie and caroline? bonnie doesn't judge elena for being with damon even when damon in the past had caused pain on bonnie and causing her grams death. Caroline is just straight up judgmental. Even to bonnie


@Gokul I agree with you on this that Damon doesn't show his good side to win people by singing praises of his goodness. She sees Stefan in a different light because he was the one who supported her during her transition and it makes sense to me. However I do not understand her not trusting her best friend with her choice because she has seen how much Damon loves Elena and is always there for her. Also, there have been many instances when Damon has done things for her too and she trusts him with his mother as I remember her asking him to help her out with the vervain water in the town in S4. It somehow isn't about anything else but just that fact that she does not like Elena not being with Stefan in this scenario.

Jay zay

Vampire blood doesn’t taste bad. Plus if ur low on energy and ur drinking something that gives u a rush on energy u are first instinct won’t be to vomit it back out. Remember when Vicky loved drinking Damon’s blood aswell. Vampire blood to humans is tasty. Probably just like juice.

Andrea Dcosta

Your Katherine pierce - suck it up wow that was so good. It was great seeing both of them saving and helping each other. They have such good chemistry Katherine and Stefan. I love Stefan this season 😻

Andrea Dcosta

Next episode is really good but also sad at the same time as u seen at the end the flashbacks of Damon were frightening :(( Also yes Bonnie looks so freaking hot in short hair and finally we get a love scene with Bonnie in it after all this while 😏


Those flashes were damon being experimented on next episode you will get the full story and some connections to season 1


the links arent working :(

Jay zay

Again I wish Katherine died right there😩😩 show won’t give me what I want

Jay zay

Honestly don’t know how she judges Damon so much but she can run around holding hands with Klaus. I really dislike Caroline tbh

Jay zay

Honestly i dislike Caroline soo much. Her and Matt are the most judgemental characters I have ever seen. She is soo jarring and inconsistent. Judges elena for putting Damon’s life ahead of Jess. But kills 12 witches to safe bonnie. Doesn’t trust Damon but yet she is fine with him being friends with her mom. Doesn’t trust Damon but she trust klaus... her logic is so backwards.


I know that many people have already said this, but I will speak out... I hate that Bonnie has to suffer again. I'm glad her friends finally thought of her and were able to find a way to get her back, but the consequences... There are always consequences and Bonnie always suffers. Bonnie and Jeremy are so sweet, I love the way they support each other. The funny thing is that Bonnie calls this house Damon's house. Actually, Stefan lives there, too. And Damon's bathroom is already occupied. 😉Apparently, Bonnie remembers that girls party and this bathroom left a mark on her heart. 😂And it doesn't bother her who and in what quantity was previously in this bathroom, according to Caroline. Sorry.😊 Speaking of Caroline... I agree with bella and Archna. I don't understand Caroline at all. Yes, Damon and Caroline had a terrible time together. But Damon has long proven that he can change and has done a lot of good things for her mom and her friends. She doesn't blame Stefan for his past, but she does blame Damon. Just recently, Caroline had been insistently calling Klaus to save Damon from being bitten by a werewolf. Then they looked for Elena together when she met Silas instead of Stefan. And it didn't look like she hated Damon. And now what? Yes, they might not be able to become friends. But judging Elena for the rest of her life is not an option. And that's the difference between Bonnie and Caroline. Bonnie understands that this is Elena's choice and her life. Elena never forced her friends to love and accept Damon or become friends with him.


Damon and Wes... Damon finally got to his favorite activity - torture and threats... Too bad they didn't let him kill him. 😂Damon looked so natural when he questioned the doctor. He's really good at it. Augustine means a lot to this show. When, at the end of the episode, Damon read the subject's number and the flashbacks began to appear, it became eerie. I really can't wait for the next episodes


It feels like the two Salvatore brothers don't want to admit with each other their own weaknesses, they are both stubborn.


It is actually Damon's House, Damon being the first born son inherited all the Salvatore properties, that is why they always say that Damon is loaded. We know that Giuseppe Salvatore was already a rich man, so I assume that Damon Inherited money, land and the two houses, one crumbled, they didn't mention why or if it was sold, and one is the boarding house. Stefan lives there too and It is his home too but legally is Damon's house, with all his precious Persian rugs, and the precious antique porcelain vase, he get so pissed off when the get smashed 😂


@Patpet, I haven't really thought about it, but I think you're right. Although, officially, this house was already registered to Zach (nephew/uncle), whom Damon killed (and apparently inherited the house again 🤣). But I didn't have the official side of the question. After all, when a family lives in a house, you consider this house to be the home of the family, and not the specific person for whom it is registered (I hope I clearly explained what I wanted to say). And I don't think Bonnie ever wondered who the official owner of the house was. And it's funny that everyone thinks this house is just Damon's house (along with the Persian rugs and antique vases 😂), not caring that Stefan lives there too.


Do you remeber the conversation that Zack had with Damon in season one when Damon was put in the cellar by Stefan? Zack told him "You don'y come and visit Damon, you appear, unannounced, reminding me that this isn't my house, that you're permitting me to live here..." So it is clear that even though Zack is permitted by Damon to live there, and that having the legal owership or not, Zack knows very well that that is Damon's house as oldest Salvatore alive, and first born of Giuseppe.


V true! They both are stubborn and because of that so many things between them are always left unresolved. I always think that Damon would never share things with Stefan because he doesn't want to add any more guilt and he always likes to take the big brother (father) approach in these matters. Whereas for Stefan, I think he does express his anger or disappointment but not a tough phase with his brother...maybe because he feels that Damon doesn't care at least currently that is how I am seeing things.


@Patpet, Of course I remember. You're absolutely right. By the way, I just realized that the last time the house was registered to Elena. So now this house is a family property. 😁Legally, Elena also has the right to make decisions about this. But then again, because Damon allows it.😉


Hi))) when you post 9,10 episode?))

Loved By You

I kind of think Damon and Katherine also have insane chemistry. Kinda funny, Stefan was the one man in Katherines life that wasn’t obsessed with her.


No is not, I'm only talking about past episodes to reminder her what she should remember.


because alot of people dont wanna accept that stefan isn't perfect either and in the show caroline doesn't judge stefan AT ALL. so we're pointing out that she's judgmental to her so called best friends but not the person she just met a couple seasons ago. this was also three weeks ago