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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/peiebsfjjtganwm/The.Vampire.Diaries.S05E04.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




The ending of this episode is so beautifully heartbreaking 😭💔 Bonnie and everyone definitely needed that though because they couldn't just continue not knowing what happened to her. I loved loved the look on Damon's face when he found out and he didn't know how to feel about it himself but was more worried about the people closer to Bonnie. The way he hugged Jeremy was so sweet. I was just thinking yesterday while re-watching a few episodes and I feel like Damon sometimes probably sees human himself in Jeremy when younger. It makes sense as why they share a weird but sweet relationship. I really loved the beginning of this episode because of the Stefan and Damon bonding moments!! It was like as if it was another chance for Damon to guide his brother through this new phase of vampirism as he didn't remember. As for Elena and Stefan...what do I say? I don't want to be rude and I do try to look it from every perspective but I didn't like what Elena was doing in this episode at all. I cannot blame Stefan because he really didn't remember any of their history but while Elena was trying to help him remember things, I didn't understand why it had to be about him and their relationship when they were together. Like why only that? That's one thing I have a hard time liking about Elena's character. When she is with one brother....why are there no boundaries with the other one? With Delena I understood that it was a slow build up and it was portrayed in a good way. But in this scenario it is just something I cannot wrap my head around. She has had the chance to explore her choice and eventually make her choice so why does it matter if Stefan isn't the Stefan who is in love with her anymore....and I do feel bad for Stelena shippers too because this was painting the picture of hope again for them. Sorry to say but I do not like the moments when I feel that Damon's love is taken for granted by anyone majorly because it's too often.

Sade L.

I’ve seen Bonnie’s funeral scene 100 times and I cry my eyes out each time 😩


I know that Julie Plec is Stelena's total shipper (although I doubted it when I watched episode 3x19 😉 ... if you know what I mean). This explains Elena's hesitation in this episode. But I still can't accept it. Logically, this is not confirmed by anything. She almost let Stefan kiss her. This cannot even be explained by the" curse " of the doppelgangers. We saw how Elena was attracted to Damon back in the first season, it became increasingly obvious until in season 4, she chose Damon herself. It was a well-thought-out, well-considered decision. Then what is happening now? Maybe she's trying to do the same thing when Stefan tried to restore Elena's humanity at the ball? Trying to recreate those feelings and sensations so that he can remember. I don't know. I can't explain it any further.


Bonnie's funeral is something, I cry so hard every time I see it. Even Damon was there and laid the grimoire on Bonnie, which was very nice. When Jeremy told Damon that Bonnie is dead (note that Jeremy chose Damon to be the first to tell him), I thought he was going to kill him. Damon's hug was so fatherly and reliable, and it was obvious that he was really sorry. And he's sorry, not only because everything in Elena's life is going to change, but he's sorry for both Jeremy and Bonnie. I wish Stefan had been at the funeral. Although he doesn't remember her, they were friends. Either way, Bonnie's friends needed to know about her death, and Bonnie needed to say goodbye to them. Tyler's appearance was so unexpected. I can't ship Caroline with anyone else. The only pity is that most of Bonnie's friends only start looking for her when they need something. If not for all these problems, they would have continued to communicate with her through Jeremy, content with the excuse that she was traveling with her mother.


This show really knows how to make you cry your eyes out. No matter how many times I watch Bonnie's funeral I cry. Bonnie Bennet the most selfeless character in TV history, so universally loved by anybody watching the show.


What can I say about Elena in this episode. I saw that she did something wrong this time. "nostalgia is a bitch?" or she is a bit vain, she likes the attention of her exes. I remeber se did somethinglike that with Matt, when they were looking fr clues in Meredith Fell closet. Elena placed her finger on Matt's mouth to shut him up, which was a wierd gesture and there was this awkward moment. I guess she is a bit vain. I cannot justify this, unless her action is a valiation of the doppleganger magical actraction, as it something they cannot help but that rationally is not necessarelly their willing choice. So Elena and Stefan can't help to be actracted to each other because of magic, but that is a magical actraction that don't necessarelly coincide with their non magical free will of choice.


I was about to comment the exact same thing....this trait of her comes inside my list of "Why I dont like elena gilbert" lol, aside from being annoying a lot of times, she really tries to seek stefan's attention even after they broke up...I dont know if its the doppelganger magic, or she does this in purpose... But it really makes me mad

Andrea Dcosta

Bonnie Bonnie Bonnie how can someone be so beautiful inside out that memorial scene was so emotional no matter how many times I see it always gets me so emotional and sad. When Elena gets those feathers it takes me back to season 1 when Bonnie first tells Elena that she’s a witch the Parallel between them is so beautiful. Also when Bonnie starts talking to them I loose my shit :(( Stefan and Caroline aren’t they adorable 😍 I loved the starting scene with the brothers I like the fact that Elena is helping Stefan with his memories but I would prefer Damon doing that instead of her. But no the writers wanted to put that in between and I agree Stefan and Elena have history and Elena probably got caught up it in but she didn’t realise this will make matters worse and she’s giving Stefan false hopes it’s just frustrating and isn’t fair to any of them. Why can’t we get more brother bonding moments why does it always have to be the ships I don’t get it 😒🤷🏽‍♀️


i hated elena so much in that episode, she led stefan on the entire time and almost cheated on damon like she used to cheat on stefan. she's a lot like katherine but just wont admit it

Andrea Dcosta

One more thing Damon hugging Jeremy is one of the sweetest things I’ve seen Damon do that was so adorable 😍❤️❤️


agree, still interesting that she can stop stefan from kissing her and stop herself from kissing him while being with damon but not stop herself from kissing damon or stop damon from kissing her while being with stefan


I think Stefan losing his memory and the way he is acting is kinda confirming that the doppelgangers are soul mates. He lost his memory and then he was immediately drawn to her for seemingly no reason. Think about the opening lines of narration in the show way back when. Stefan writes "I have to know her". Why? The universe destined Stefan and Elena to be together and her love for Damon was so strong it overcame destiny and changed fate.


I really hated ship baiting in this episode but I'd like to point out that Elena remembers every moment of the first time she met Damon. Yet... she didn't remember which way Stefan and she were facing/ coming from when she shows Stefan where they first met. It wasn't engrained in her mind.

Loved By You

I remember in 1x22 and multiple other episodes throughout season 2 where Damon flirted and even made moves on Elena whole she was with Stefan. So it was sooo wild to me how many of the Delena shippers got mad at this scene, when it was all prompted by Elena. Stefan doesn’t have his memory and I find it funny, what Elena is drawn too even when she has her choice in the matter. I think it’s fair to see, her heart is just deeply drawn to Stefan. Which is okay to admit. I do like this season because I think it showed that Elenas relationship with these brothers is very complex, and very much like Katherine’s. Katherine knew Damon loved her more than Stefan, yet she would during him along, while chasing down a Stefan. I think Elena as a doppelgänger is fated to repeat that notion of loving both brothers, deeply and to the very end.

Loved By You

It took her bring turned into a vampire and being released into from complusion to remember Damon and her meeting. This is such a reach. Soooo much has happened to Elena since she first met Stefan, I don’t think her jot remembering which way she entered the office is any real indication of her relationship with him. Lol

Loved By You

I think, that Sophie’s right, and when Elena turned into a vampire she was able to love Damon.