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#1 Dad !! Papa Klaus 

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tiprbsxvm0m8mvd/The.Vampire.Diaries.S04E20.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0



Matthew hoholek

You would love New Orleans I live here was raised and born here and I never hated it we got Mardi Gras, bourbon street, all the party stuff the history I love this show taking place in my home you would love New Orleans we welcome everyone with open arms

Sade L.

Iconic episode! I love how you immediately noticed the interesting dynamic/relationship between Marcel and Klaus

Taylor Jackson

The reason klaus has never had a baby before is because his werewolf side was dormant until he broke the curse in season 2. Once he became an official hybrid he could procreate


This show has a slow start, but really picks up during season 2. My only issue with the show was:- 1) the lack of great villains,(tvd had,klaus,katherine, silas and a special someone in seeason 6.....when I look at The originals, there was just one great villain who had personality who was from season 3) 2)also it lacked on mythology, (season 4 was the only mythological season) But other than that,its a treat to watch klaus un interrupted, for 5 whole seasons :D..and its also a wayy mature show than vampire diaries tbh


I mean... Why would Caroline care about Klaus love life? 😂 She might be attracted to him, but she is not that shallow. She doesn't have some epic strong feelings for Klaus. She clearly loves Tyler. Plus, I don't think Cami is "next Caroline". Caroline is a teenager, she can be judgmental, she is a control freak, she cares about every little thing, and she is very expresive. Camille is a grown woman, very mature, has a major in pchycology, is not judgmental.


And that's why The Originals is better than TVD for me

Jasmine Reigns

The Originals really was THAT show when it aired , the feel of New Orleans always made me wanna live there 😂


Thanks to this reaction video for the first time I actually ended up watching this episode because otherwise I skipped it but this is interesting.


Finally the Originals. Honestly far better than TVD for me. Found there story more compelling and interesting. Happy you are finally here.

Andrea Dcosta

That scene with Klaus tearing up talking to Camille is just so beautiful Joseph Morgan is such an extremely talented actor love him 💛 Marcel is HOT me and Libby totally crush on him and I’m sure many others do as well haha😂 and his voice is just Wow 🤩 I love the way he acts too it’s very interesting in just this one episode Marcel totally impressed me be it his acting, singing, dancing, attitude well looks 😅 I was just Sold 🙂


the originals had way more villains than tvd


Werewolf can procreate. Klaus originally was born as werewolf, then he was made vampire and his mother repressed his vampire side. So when he broke the curse his werewolf side became apparent, so one night stand with Hayley and Klaus is a dad. What you saw is basically the first episode of The Originals...an may I say Marcel 😍 (Charles Michael Davis) that man is super gorgeous and has a bottle of honey in his throat, his voice is as smooth as velvet and even though he is a fairly new vampire he has a special relationship with Klaus, he can. You've met some of the great characters of TO Marcel and his entourage, Cami , Sofie. The atmosphere of TO is great. You'll love it but I personally loved TVD so much more, it's deeper and you can watch it many time and discover new things and never get tired of it. TO is more like other shows you watch it once, you love it and when you finish it you are done, you don't need to rewatch it to understand more like TVD.


The New Orleans setting is great would have loved to see The Originals reactions mixed with TVD


I agree! Even tho I love Caroline, she is still super young and not as mature as Cami! I loooove Cami and I always hate when people says she is "Caroline replacement" just because she's blond too. Let's face it, they are not alike at all, and Cami is as interesting of a character as Caroline in her own way

Jay zay

The witches in New Orleans are a different breed😭😭

Jay zay

The originals and tvd might not have a lot of crossovers but they do mention ea ch other a few times. Like for example when something major happpens in tvd in season 5 episode 5 for example, it a affects the originals aswell. And if like now u started watching one episode back and forth u would notice it. Like the time lines are very precise

Jay zay

To me the originals is so much better than tvd tbh

Keith Engel

One of the best introductions of a character when it comes to Marcel, Can you hear me now! Unfortunately, since I watched The Originals first and then TVD second, I wasn't introduced to him this way. It's interesting what you say about TO and TVD as I have only watched TO once, but have rewatched TVD, at least the first 6 season, more than once.


The assumption that TO is more grown up then TVD only because TVD has teenager and TO has none, it's, in my opinion, a misconception. TVD has many layers that can be perceived according to your age, your level of education, you knowledge of psychology, body language, according to your knowledge of writing, cinematography, history of fantasy TV show, of vampire genre films, capability to understand details, complexity, allegory, love, life, relationships etc. There is no way that very young adult, a teenager or even a younger audience can grasp all of that. The structure of TVD is done in a non linear way, it is a deconstruction of a story, given to us in a non temporary consequent manner. So we will have all the information about the entire story of the characters, the town, the community etc. only at the very end,. This unusual structure give us the chance to rewatch the show with the knowledge we have and have a very different experience, perception of the events, of the characters motivations and making connections that were impossible to make on first view. TO is great show, but it's more linear, has a more common structure and development, the plot is a simple story progression that doesn't require any particular skills to understand or to get the first time around. That is why TVD is not for kids, the lever of toxic character battle it's due to mainly, not understand what is going on, due lack of tools to decipher it's complexity. and to make connections. On the contrary TO can be watched by kids and as you notice there is no crazy fandom battle there, for this very reason, because is simpler, more straightforward to understand. and don't require second viewing to understand it fully.


New Orleans is like THE SPOT you know lol You got gangs of different species running around, each are like more powerful than anywhere else in America or who knows in the world of the TVD verse, the witches are DEFINITELY something else in New Orleans, ....what we've seen thus from all supernatural species in TVD is child's play in terms of power dynamic compared to New Orleans, it's a mad house there

Keith Engel

Nods, it's how they reveal information concerning characters, especially I feel that makes you have to go back and look at the previous season and start making connections, then you find that extra layer, they built into the season, such as understanding Stefan's character, that you can't fully understand until Season Four. It probably why I like Season 4 so much, it's the Turning Point that had been predicted in Episode 10 of Season 1 called the Turning Point, and then Episode 11 showing us what the Turning Point would eventually be in the story. Yet, understanding why the turning point takes place is not as as simple as it seems. So the layers are beautifully constructed in terms of the writing. I don't think many people realize that Stefan and Elena essentially have a fight and break up every season on the 5 and 6th episode of the season. A fight in episode 5 then the break up in Episode 6, until the the final break up in season 4 that also take place on the 5th and 6th episode of the season.


We seriously have to wait 4 seasons for Sofie to react to TO? What a shame. Why the rush to finish TVD anyway? We can only see her upload an episode of each every week, so what? Ugh so frustrating.


You're right. However, I personally feel that the main reason why many feel TO is more mature, aside from the 'older' characters compared to TVD, is because there's no shipping wars, or love triangle that is front and center. The relationships in TO are more in the backburner and focuses more on family. While on TVD, sometimes (not always) the shipping/triangle becomes so 'front and center', that, for some of us (including myself), it felt a bit tedious. I personally am not a shipper, I only get attached to characters only, and whoever they are happy with... i'm happy for them. I was frustrated that Damon (my favorite character above all in the TVDU) kept pining over Elena. I just wanted him to be happy with SOMEONE, lol.


omg i so agree! it would be so much better if she would react to the originals starting with season 5 of the vampire diaries!


As I explain there are character battle only because kids don't unerstand what they are looking at, in TVD, they take as face value the very first season narrative of good brother and bad brother and apply that to 8 season of the show, without undestarnding that that initial narrative is there to be contraddicted, sovverted and concept expanded. Kids, not having the tools of experience, education, maturity, etc, are uncapable to read body language nuances, allegories, hiden meannings, irony, manipulation, lies, complex/settle emotions etc. TVD is far more complex then TO. It isn't about a love triangle, part of it is about how love is relevant in someone's life jorney, in character development etc. TVD is mostly is about the values of family, friendship, community, I don't think Elena is the centre, the brothers are the centre, around which everything evolve, not only it is Stefan narrative, that is why we learn things mostly according to Stefan paice in learning about his brother. Once you get this you stop the toxic, because no matter who's brother is more flawed or more deserving of compassion, both of them perfectly serve the plot, where every single character serve a purpose and has a precise place and importance in the story development and the emotional responce intended by the writers. TO being more plain do not require deciphering, so there is no risk of misunderstanding that the writers are presenting you with, therefore there aren't any silly character/ship battle.


Because we started TVD and we pay for two episode a week. We voted and the vote is to keep it this way. TDV is far more interesting in regard of discussing what is going on. TO there isn't much to say, it is what it is, like any other show.


A story doesn't need to be super complex in order for it to be enjoyable, and that certainly doesn't make it plain. Both shows are incredible for many reasons. I see you're biased to TVD, that's fine. But many of us enjoyed TO equally & some enjoyed it more than TVD. I strongly feel that TVD focused way too much on the Triangle, sometimes (some seasons more than others). There's a reason why many commented that & preferred TO over TVD. I especially notice when most of the reactors I watch talk more about Delena vs Stelena than the actual plot. But I get it, I understand why people enjoy shipping, I just personally, don't care for it. Yes, the brothers, friendship, family was HUGE on TVD. But family was the #1 focus of TO, entirely. I love both shows equally.

I Am Not Chamari

I'm sad that we have to wait so long for your TO reactions, especially because I feel like you're going to miss these characters a lot, and the ones you were just getting to know. I absolutely love Marcel - there's a reason he can talk to Klaus the way he does. They have a very special relationship. But, he is undoubtedly the King. And he did really build this city. Super impressive.


I didn't say that TO is not enjoyable I just state the difference in structure and the fact that TVD is more complex and require the brain to be more invested and active, then just sit, watch and enjoy without any particular effort. That is the fun of TVD , the challenge. I'm not bias, but I recognise that if TO is great and very enjoyable, TVD is special and very unique, no other show, I can recall, has that complexity of structure and the incredible amount of details TVD has. No other show has a budget that allow the writer to think the show in its entirety and the luxury to structure it in TVD fashion. Most of the show are though very vaguely around an idea that get develop as they get along, as TO was done. I voted, other people as well did, so that is the result, and is also fortunately the result is respectful of the people that have been here from the very beginning that came for TVD. I watched TO after TVD not a big deal. Still enjoyed it.


The poll seems relatively balanced, with just a few votes in favor of starting TO after Sofie finishes TVD. I can accept the result, but damn, I'll have to disagree on your statement that TVD is far more interesting to discuss, especially S5-S8 (Season 6 excluded). Compared to TO the writing has gone downhill and I know that the majority of people see it the exact same way, so I don't see the need to rush through it, in expense of her starting TO later. Well okay, the people have spoken! 😩


let's be honest, the originals is personally the best spinoff out there that I've ever watched :) You're in for a treat :D


Hope you react to the originals spinoff sometime, it does crossover once in a while. I think it will be best to react to both shows but I understand that it might be too much. TO is about klaus and elijah so you know it’s really good

Kristen Maddox

I prefer TVD more than TO but TO is an amazing spinoff. One of the best spinoffs.

Loved By You

I actually really like Katherine. She’s rooted in emotion, even if it’s wounded. She does help when it’s absolutely necessary. Elena is just not even romotely close to herself.

Loved By You

Honestly I know the poll said to finish TVD, but honestly you really could start it after this season.

Loved By You

Yeah she did a poll, and everyone told her to finish tvd first. I was like whyyyy??? Seasons 6-8 are pointless anyway lol 😂

Loved By You

You guys should’ve put that in the poll when she asked. Idk why most people chose for her to finish tvd. 😒😒😒😒

Loved By You

The thing is with Klaus in this episode is he’s not used to not being in control. And in this town in New Orleans he’s not in control at all. I think that’s why you see him acting different. Because for the first time in this series he’s not in a position of power


I love that you immediately noticed the bond between Klaus and Marcel. It's one of my favourite relationships of the show tbh. It's so interesting and Marcel is one of the few people who can talk to Klaus like that and not get killed for it. I mean, even his siblings get daggered for it. The scene where Marcel killed Jane Anne, the look on Klaus' face, I definitely think it was more than just annoyance at having needed to talk to her and anger over the control Marcel has. I think part of him was sad to see Marcel acting that way, killing so casually and making a huge scene out of it. Which, I know, seems weird considering who Klaus is. But knowing their history, it would definitely make sense for it to make him uncomfortable. I'm so excited for you to watch the Originals, so therefore I am excited for you to finish TVD. It is a shame that you're waiting to watch it, as there are some crossover episodes and I am of course looking forward to the Originals a lot more than TVD. But it makes sense with scheduling and all that. But I am definitely looking forward to your reactions to this show, knowing your feelings on sibling relationships. The focus of the show is on the Mikaelson family bonds. Where TVD is more focused on the love lives of the characters, with the whole Stelena/Delena love triangle and all the relationship drama, TO is more focused on familial and platonic relationships. That's not to say there are no romantic relationships in the show, but they're not the focus. TO is a lot more grown up and the characters are more mature as they're adults rather than teens. But yeah, the relationship I'm most looking forward to your thoughts on is definitely Klaus and Marcel, as I have a feeling you're gonna have much the same feelings about them as me. I just love them so much! And of course I'm looking forward to you seeing Klaus as a Dad, and more brotherly moments between him and Elijah (and Brotherly/Sisterly moments with Rebekah and them.) And Hayley! I'm excited for you to get to know her as a character outside of TVD, as she is a lot more likeable on TO. Haha (Though after watching TO, I watch the episodes she's in of TVD and I just love her and have a new appreciation of her...)