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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v8gheoajwymeicx/The.Vampire.Diaries.S04E16.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




omg i hate elena with no humanity

Sade L.

No humanity Elena is so much more annoying than regular Elena lol I hate her like this


Klaus getting it on with Haley must be the hottest scene in the entire show. Fight me.


This episode seams a minor one compare to others, but one very important thing happen here Klaus and Haley....so keep that in mind. Plus Elena humanity off is no fun at all, she is out of control bitchy, she isn't Katherine because the personality of one vampire plays a part on how you are when you switch your humanity off, so Nina is playing another role.

Andrea Dcosta

Elena can get really annoying and mean with her humanity off but it’s also fun and something different we get to see with her character so honestly, I really enjoy her as this emotionless person and she’s straight forward and funny too lol. I find it so funny how Elena tells Stefan is it because I dropped Caroline on her thick head hahah she’s so funny without emotions and it was great watching her have fun and let go seeing Elena smile after a really long time. Although she’s fun right now but at what cost we shall see. I love Stefan and Caroline their so cute I really love how she tells him as your sober coach I’m giving you the green light. They should party together and have more such scenes and have fun they all really need to let go and have some fun. Stefan putting her on his shoulder is so dam cute.

Muhammad Hassan

Damon and Elena 4x07/8 scenes aren't bad😂🔥 If you cut Caroline and Stefan bickering and S5 Delena scenes🔥🔥🔥🔥

Muhammad Hassan

The Scene between Damon and Elena in the end when Elena was saying that you want me to go back to that girl who couldn't admit what she wants clearly tells that Elena wanted to choose Damon at the end of Season 3 but she was afraid to accept it.

Keith Engel

The one thing about emotionless and no humanity Elena, is that well she if very honest and truthful. She is uncompromising in her ability to be honest at times. What did she say about Caroline that wasn't true that entire time. Her butting into other peoples business, True. Her having dirty thoughts about Klaus, True. Her whining after Tyler, true. Her flirting with Stefan true. What did she say about Stefan, true. Her not having feelings for him any more true. Caroline being good for him, true. His entire world revolving around her, true. This is actually an important theme as it were, since well, what the first half the season about, people not want to accept truth and change. Stefan had been told in three different ways that Elena's feelings for Damon were true. First by Elena, who told him to move on, he started to accept that until Caroline butted in and then they figured out the sire bond. Then he learns about how the sire bond works, that she had have human emotions for the person before turning. He didn't accept that. Then for the third time she was compelled, and he still didn't want to accept that. Thus, his denial about reality that he didn't want to accept. No humanity Elena is basically The Cure in reverse, by giving out doses of truth that people haven't want to accept or hear about themselves, about the situation for that last several months. Basically the No Humanity things brings out the opposite of the person. We see this with Stefan who is normally broody and serious, to having more fun and cracking jokes. So Elena, who is compassionate, is the opposite, and with out compassion, comes a brutal mean honesty and the truth, because she doesn't care about others emotions, something that comes with compassion, being more dishonest about what you think of others. Does this mean that everything she says will be true, no since with knowing people you know what to say to hurt them as well the truth they are fearing to hear. This is also a reflection of the deep hurt she is feeling inside and that is behind the wall now that the no humanity switch sets up, so she is making others feel that pain and hurt she has just behind that wall. Oh Also in some cases this also Mirrors Damon, Damon can also be somewhat mean when telling the truth to people. The first instance of that is in season one when he told Caroline she was shallow, useless, and called her stupid. When we first meet Caroline and Elena tells her of her night with Stefan, and all she cared about was sex, this is a sign of a shallow person, because she didn't care about deep conversations, another instance when Bonnie tried to tell her she was a witch. It was only after Damon told her this that Caroline started to change as a character.


People saying they hate emotionless elena, byt elena without humanity is literally the most useful, non annoying, version of elena lol. I love her this way

Keith Engel

Nods, the choice at the end of Season 3 really is related back to what she was going to write in her Diary in Episode 2 of Season 1, when her and Stefan first kiss. Elena: I would write..."Dear diary, today I convinced myself it was ok to give up. Don't take risks. Stick with the status quo. No drama, now is just not the time. But my reasons aren't reasons, they're excuses. All I'm doing is hiding from the truth, and the truth is that..." I'm scared, Stefan. I'm scared that if I let myself be happy for even one moment that...the world's just going to come crashing down, and I...don't know if I can survive that. The beginning of Season 4 is all of this playing out it in various ways once she admitted to the truth she had been hiding to herself, her love for Damon. So much ground work had been set up in Season 1 for the eventual Season 4 change.

Keith Engel

Well no Humanity is the Cure basically to all the events and drama that took place at the start of the season. It's one of the reasons the no Humanity matter takes place in the middle of the season. The start of the season was people not wanting to accept Elena's Change, her Love for Damon, and that Elena was a different person. Truth is often viewed as the Cure with Healing properties. Furthermore, you had several people wanting to live in Denial of the reality that had taking place, Stefan not accepting her love for Damon, Caroline not accepting, and even Damon once learning about the sire bond, having his doubts about everything. This lead us all the episode of her own denial over Jeremy's death and finally accepting that truth leading to the no humanity Elena. Now, in all of this Elena has been the one also trying to get people to accept the truth, once she admitted her own truth, her love for Damon. She tried to get Stefan to accept the truth, which he kept denying, she tried to get Damon to believe her feelings for her were real and true, once the sire bond came into equation. No Humanity Elena represents the simple fact that the Truth sometimes isn't pretty, and that it doesn't care about our feelings, that to live in denial is even worse and only delays the hurt, and the sooner we come to accept the truth, the better everyone will be in the end and happier. The Elena we saw when she admitted her love for Damon and the morning after having sex, before the Sire Bond came into play. The no Humanity issue also removes that issue now. The Truth can be a cold hard stoned bitch difficult to accept and even mean, but the Truth doesn't care. Hence Elena's character portrayal with no Humanity. This season is so masterfully crafted in expressing it's theme of change and having to come to accept that change.

Jay zay

Caroline is like 3 years older than elena? And elena actually learned how to fight and not just rely on her pure vampire strength and speed so I’m not suprised Elena won

Keith Engel

Caroline is only like a year older if that than Elena when it comes to terms of Vampire Age. The first 4 seasons is only a 2 year time span. Season 1 sees them start as Juniors till the end of Season 2. Season 3 sees them starting as Seniors, and Season 4 is about halfway towards the end of the Senior year of High School.


I dunno, I was so annoyed at other characters this season so when Elena became a bitch without emotions I was happy.

Shaniyah Armstrong

This is how the originals start with the scene of Klaus and Haley I’m not sure if that’s a spoiler someone can tell me

Modelo Time

finally lmao. the episode that leads to the originals 😁😂

Modelo Time

this is my favorite version of Elena lmao. she plays this role 10x better than the role of Katherine


I don’t remember the show(s) well enough to comment, but since there’s horrible spoiler issues going on elsewhere at the moment ... if you’re unsure if it’s a spoiler it probably is and should be avoided.

Idun V

Stefan throwing Caroline over his shoulder is one of my favourite Sterilone moments, I just ship them so much, they're so wholesome 🥰

I Am Not Chamari (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 05:14:02 This episode is a full-on blast, I must say. Sure, emotion-less Elena is somewhat annoying, but not any more annoying than Katherine has ever been. It's really interesting and necessary to see Elena like this. I used to not like no-humanity Elena, but it's honestly refreshing. My favorite part of this episode were the Stefan/Caroline moments. I ship them so much <3
2021-04-11 16:49:56 This episode is a full-on blast, I must say. Sure, emotion-less Elena is somewhat annoying, but not any more annoying than Katherine has ever been. It's really interesting and necessary to see Elena like this. I used to not like no-humanity Elena, but it's honestly refreshing. My favorite part of this episode were the Stefan/Caroline moments. I ship them so much <3

This episode is a full-on blast, I must say. Sure, emotion-less Elena is somewhat annoying, but not any more annoying than Katherine has ever been. It's really interesting and necessary to see Elena like this. I used to not like no-humanity Elena, but it's honestly refreshing. My favorite part of this episode were the Stefan/Caroline moments. I ship them so much <3


@Diva Quinzel Right!!! I've hopelessly shipped them since 2x3. I just LOVE who Stefan is around Caroline. I mean I love Caroline pretty much all the time but Stefan is just HAPPY with her. She makes him genuinely smile and I love them.


I am enjoying your analytical posts. Lol I am assuming you are a writer since you fail at brevity like I do. I've tried to be more succinct in comment sections but sometimes I still write novels.


II also think Elena had one advantage that most don't. She doesn't care if she lives or dies. She doesn't care that she's hurting Caroline. Fighting someone with nothing to lose is a whole different ball game. On top of that Caroline clearly doesn't want to hurt Elena so she's not going all out. Humanity is a vampire's greatest weakness ;)

Keith Engel

Nods, I have a degree in English Writing, so analyzing comes naturally to me as well as being able to connect dots and see the literary devices the writers are using. Of course part of that is always to try to back up my points with examples, instead of just expressing my opinion, so why the lengthier posts. I want to show people were my points are coming from and they can go back and see for themselves.

Keith Engel

Nods, it's the same reason I shipped Damon and Elena after the road trip. You see Stefan being less serious and more free around Caroline, that he is able to be more comfortable with his vampire side, were as he was always afraid to do that with Elena.

Idun V

Exactly,! Delena and Steroline are always so much more carefree and fun with each other. It's so nice to see them laugh and just enjoy themselves without any worries.

Keith Engel

Yeah, I mean Damon just brought out a side to Elena that Stefan just couldn't achieve, clearly seen in the first road trip the episode that we first see a different side for each character in the series. We also see that when Stefan is helping Caroline, we actually see him laugh at her teasing.

Loved By You

Elenas most intriguing, captivating, lovable quality is her compassion and empathy for others. If you take that way she becomes just a selfish, self serving brat who uses the people around her. Lol. At least Katherine is driven by purpose, pain, and redemption. I respect her getting the same non humanity storyline, but it’s funny when her and Damon turn it off people understand do it. Stefan gets called “weak” for doing it. L🙄

Loved By You

Really? I see it as her admitting how hard it was for her to admit or even accept her feelings for Damon. Which was like a main storyline for her in season 3, and she’s acknowledging that the back and fourth is exhausting. I do think the boys do bring out different sides to Elena. I do love that even though she’s not with Stefan right now, they have such a sweet emotional connection still. Glad, he’ll be able to move on.

Loved By You

I wish I could’ve been a Sterolihe fan, it’s just I don’t see the chemistry between them.