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Nathan 😭

Sorry  guys I'm late, I wasn't feeling good. The next episode is gonna be up tomorrow.

Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8hg6g73zgt76lu4/One%20tree%20hill%20S2xE13%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z81z1arwqooz7up/One%20tree%20hill%20S2xE13%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0




It's a painful time for Naley fans but hang in there. This was pure torture back in the day. Love your reactions


This whole storyline makes me so pissed! I feel awful for Nathan. Like, I get Haley wanting to follow her dream, but Nathan was all for that. What he wasn't okay with was her kissing another guy and then going off on tour with him... I mean, Nathan has been supportive of her music since the start! He was the person who encouraged her to sing to him, he was also the first person she ever sang to or told she enjoyed singing. He bought her the piano to encourage her music, and was always so supportive of her music and wanted her to keep trying with it. But the fact that Chris was involved is what got to him. Because he knew there was an agenda with Chris, he knew that he couldn't be trusted. Then he found out that he and Haley kissed and she wants to go on tour with him... It breaks my heart. He didn't deserve this. And she was the first person he really opened up with. First person he really trusted. And she just destroyed that... Again, I get her wanting to follow her dreams. It's just the fact that she chose to do that with someone who she kissed when she's married...


And that is when I started to get a bit of bad/or forced writing vibes. They want to make drama, by making Haley acting totally out of character and on a plot that doesn't make sense, because she has no impediment in following her dreams, but unless her dream include that dude that is gone away, ( that doesn't make sense anyway , since you are madly in love one minute with your husband and kissing someone else so randomly a minute after) you can easily pursue your dream without him. So.... mmm ...a bit of lacking in character motivations, there.

Nebulous Shooter

Pretty sure both storylines that 'came out of nowhere' are rooted in irl. Chad and Sofia were dating/married by season 2 and pretty popular within the fandom, so they wanted to bank on that popularity. Joy was going on tour, so they had to make up an excuse to have her missing from the show, but I wholeheartedly agree with everyone else that they did a piss-poor job with incorporating those storylines into the show. Alas, the writing gets better and of the top of my head, I don't remember any other moment that came so out of the blue.

Jasmine Reigns

This season was so hard to watch due to the fact that everyone pissed me off for different reason. Season two is basically the storm before the sunshine. I can’t wait for season 3 and 4 they are my personal favorites ❤️

I Am Not Chamari

Although I was explaining Haley’s character motivations earlier, that was for fun. I do blame the writers for how poorly this was executed. I wasn’t a Naley fan at first, so I was attempting to be more objective about it, but this sort of sucks from all angles lol. Sorry to do a complete 180, but, I can tell that this episode was extremely upsetting to watch for more people. Honestly, more than the Naley stuff, what got to me this episode is Lucas/Karen/Dan. We now know the real reason that Luke is moving in with Dan. I can’t imagine that that will go well. I’m sure Karen will find out one way or another, and I feel like it would have just been easier to tell her.


Not to mention the fact that she constantly lied to him. Every episode a different lie about what she was doing and thinking.


I don't think it's random at all. I think most people want to excuse Haley for what she did. For me it makes perfect sense. For the first time, she had a chance to do something she really wanted. Chris helped her make her music greater. Which in turn made Nathan (rightfully jealous). Haley started to lie (which was a slippery slope) and continued until she got busted at the formal. Then things with Nathan got bad and confusing for her (because of the lying) and she had the chance to fulfill a dream (go on tour and sing in a different city every night). Than Chris kissed her and things got even more confusing - because she associated him with all the things she wanted to be: independent, free to go and do anything (like Chris), and wanting the thrill. And that spiraled into a behavior on her part, which made things with Nathan progressively worse. And then she did the ultimate asshole move - she ran away basically (from her problems) instead of doing the harder thing and staying and working on her marriage. What bothers me most is that most of this could be avoided if Haley was honest with Nathan from the beginning, If that were the case, they might have gone on this tour together. Not out of the blue at all.