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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o2c5v7jcssloa52/Buffy.S03E07.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0



Flora Smith

This thumbnail ❤️🔥

Mattisen Walter

It is so cool that you noticed the lesbian sub-text without any help haha!! I hardly see people pick up on that the first time around. Though there are many theories like that, and of course you can believe what you may, I think that the intent was the Faith was upset for being left out and is jealous of Buffy's "righteousness" in keeping that secret as the biggest baddest slayer - what I mean is more competitiveness because if they aren't working together, its either her or Buffy. Also, Faith had never met Angel, all she's been told about was Angelous. Amazing reaction! I'm so impressed by your attention and retention skills because its rare to find a reactor like that. Thank you so much, so enjoyable!!!

Mattisen Walter

P.S. Its so funny how much you've noticed the stunt double because every time I've rewatched the show, that's all I see and it just makes me giggle :)


I'm on Buffy's side in every argument on the show... I feel like people don't give her enough credit or leniency because they don't understand her life. Except this one. I think she's completely in the wrong here, and yea Xander is being harsh, but it's because they're all scared. If Buffy had been honest, the response would not have been this strong... but they're not just upset that Angel is alive, they're upset that she's spent weeks lying to them about it. She got caught. I love Buffy, but I think she's the bad in this one. But your face when Giles was lecturing her... lmao it looked like you were feeling that just as much as Buffy


Yeah she was wrong to keep it a secret i just don’t like how they all gang up on her at once like this every time without trying to hear her. What i noticed is that Buffy always admits that she did something wrong, she listens to their concerns and their judgments the only thing that she asks in return is that they try to understand where she’s coming from even if she is in the wrong side they could’ve at least empathise with her. She’s not a robot without a heart and she’s still a 17 year old kid she can do mistakes like the rest of them. You know what i mean and i get they were scared and i totally get the rest of them except xander 😂 . I think if buffy did tell them the truth before xander would’ve reacted the same way.

Alexis Cardarella

The only person I thought was way over the line was Xander, even given how understandably shocked and hurt they all were by her. And he continued to act extremely petty and immature with her after them finding Giles. Like we saw him doubt it was Angel in front of Faith, and he put up a front with Buffy like he thought it was Angel. 😠 I think Xander even understands how to separate the Angel and Angelus, he's just ... again, being a petty immature jealous ass. Giles I believe understands, too, but he should have been more clear in his words for the audience, like, "Angel, 'when soulless' tortured me and murdered Jenny. You put us at great risk being around him/having a relationship with him and reverting to this form again." At the end of the day everyone was angry, and Giles and Xander were at opposite ends of the spectrum on how good you could have handled it. Even Willow wasn't handling it well because she was consumed with guilt about her and Xander, and was projecting a lot.

Jim Greer

If I was Buffy, instead of continually saving Xander's arse , I would beat the living daylights out of him & tell him to get out of my life .

Thom Purdy

Yeah, never mind that Xander has effectively saved the world twice(Prophesy Girl & Innocence). He's harsh sometimes ,impulsive, yes, and occasionally a bit petty, but still, he ultimately doe he right thing, and admits his faults after he's had time to reflect. Besides, he's juggling feelings for three girls right now. He's keeping his love for Buffy in check, he's only half responsible for the Willow thing, which was completely unexpected, and he still loves Cordy, the bully who tormented him and Willow for 10+ years (how confusing that has got to be). His problem is that he has these knee jerk reactions with which he expresses his fears and frustrations. I find myself often agreeing with him in principle, but wishing he had better...diplomatic skills.


There can be a variety of explanations for Faith's behavior in this ep, and I honestly think it's a big mix of a bunch of things, but to me this situation makes the most sense if Faith has feelings for Buffy. She gets so mad about Angel. And she's so mad at Buffy at the end for... what? Not telling her about Angel? Why would a totally platonic friend that has never even met Angel be so pissed? I think a big part of it was she was feeling generally betrayed by Mrs. Post and Buffy got an extra helping of resentment that she didn't deserve, since she didn't really betray Faith. But damn, Faith looks so hurt by Buffy specifically. Xander is a monster in this. I think some of his points in the argument are valid (if a bit poorly stated) and I get that the situation is upsetting, but manipulating Faith and still not even really admitting how stupid that was when Buffy confronts him is just so juvenile and selfish. And then the fact that BUFFY has to approach HIM at the end and ask "are we cool?" like she did something specifically to him is just.. ugh. It's the end of Dead Man's Party all over again.


I felt so bad for Buffy in this episode. I hated Xander in this episode as he was being a major jerk. I was mad at the rest of the gang too, but I can understand their feelings, and they were less horrible than Xander.