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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/41idxa9fhdy8eps/The.Vampire.Diaries.S04E09.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




I loved Carol. I feel so sorry for Tyler! Caroline Caroline Caroline...It was so not her business to tell Stefan Elena's private business, she is totally taking Stefan side, but she is not doing him a great service, she is feeding him into the narrative that he is the better choice that Elena is making bad decision and that Damon is taking advantage of the situation and we all know how everything is wrong!! What is her goal? To ruin her friendship with Elena? To rip the brothers apart? To gossip over what is not her business? I love Caroline but in these episodes she is so annoyingly over tactless!!!


So basically the 12 people killed in the Pastor Young Farm are the people that are fuelling the Expression Magic that unknowingly Bonnie is using, Hayley and Professor Shadypants (I so love Damon's nicknames) also orchestrated this second slater, making the hybrids turn, to be able, later, to manipulate Klaus, telling him that Tyler unsired them all, knowing that, that information, would go down nicely with him. and he would want them all dead. So 12 humans, 12 hybrid....Why?Just to draw dark magic from it or there is more?

I Am Not Chamari

Klaus killing those hybrids is nothing short of epic! Caroline feeding into this narrative that Damon is the Big Bad taking advantage of Elena in this situation continues to be annoying. We all know her history with him. That isn’t her problem here. Her problem is that Stefan isn’t happy and she wants him to be happy with Elena. We know that Damon didn’t send Elena away. So, yeah, he lied to him. But Elena is the one that invited him to go to the lake house. And they were there in service of Jeremy. (And without Damon there, Jeremy’s reprogramming would have failed). Caroline telling Stefan was so completely selfish, especially because it’s not like he deserved to know, or anything. All this does is create a narrative that Elena’s vampirism/the sire bond is the only reason why she’s with Damon, when we know that her relationship to Stefan has shifted dramatically and they don’t really make sense together anymore.


exactly like did caroline forget she asks elena multiple times when she was human to admit her attraction and feelings for damon. SO DID STEFAN. they are so in denial and hate the idea of elena wanting damon that they choose a different excuse to hide the fact that elena really left stefan for no other reason then the fact that she doesn't feel for stefan the way she feels for damon. Like none of the brothers are perfect and i hate the idea that caroline and other characters pin the brothers together and say that stefan is the pure and better one like ummm neither are. the difference between the two from what we have seen is that stefan hides and ignores his cravings and puts up this role which he then starts to believe is actually him but in reality he is a dark person and has so many secrets and bad habits that he ignores and just puts a front up and then you have damon who acknowleges his feelings and his troubled side to the point where he can admit when he does something wrong or can admit that he is bad in certain situations or he can admit that he felt he wasn't good enough to be with elena. they are different but neither is perfect. caroline needs to get over which one is perfect or the best brother


Sofie you are just as much intuitive as Damon is...😁. Now you know why Damon didn't like Lexi, because in his mind he blames her for keeping him apart from his brother and for making him feel that he is bad and to be avoided at all costs. But you notice something crucial. When Damon arrived in Mystic falls in season one the relationship between the brothers was at its worse. Why? When Damon left in 1942, Stefan was waiting for him to join him, and from Stefan prospective, he just bailed on him, with no explanation, confirming the narrative that Damon is unreliable, not to be trusted and that he is ultimately responsible for everything bad that happened in his life, since it is so much easier to put the blame on your brother of the terrible life you lived, rather than face reality, accept the responsibility of it and deal with it, Lexi also fuelled that narrative too. When Damon arrived to Mystic Falls in season one, he had his humanity on a dimmer switch, Damon, the one that has no problem with being a vampire!! Which means that at some point between 1942 and the present, something unbearable must have happen to him that to cope with it he had to switch his humanity off. So, apparently, there is more...

Andrea Dcosta

You’re right Sofie that was so unnecessary to tell Stefan about them at that time I felt like literally throwing something at the TV at the time. Its none of her business and Elena had told her don’t tell Stefan right now about this but no she had to I understand she thinks Damon is taking advantage of Elena and stuff with the sire bond but she should not interfere in everything and think before she tells stuff that may be, I’m wrong here, I shouldn’t say this but no urghh. Caroline pissed me off these few episodes to another level. What pisses me off most is that just before she blabbers this to Stefan Damon sets her free and invokes the sire bond it’s just terrible, I hate this situation. Anyways let’s get over it I can’t talk too bad about her cause I lover her. Feel terrible for Tyler he is also an orphan now this is really sad. But I have to say Klaus killing those Hybrids is one of my fav badass Klaus moments in TVD. With the Christmas music its even better he looked so sexy all covered in blood this show just gets me so insensitive at times haha. Poor April though this girl is going through such shit. But good thing is she probably will free Rebekah my girl very excited to see her again. I loved it when Damon tells Jeremy find someone else to detach your warm and fuzzy feelings to. Gee I wonder who that could be- Jeremy says it’s you Bonnie and then he’s like this is awkward I’m outta here. Damon is so dam funny. Bonnie tells Caroline Damon is being less mean today another cute thing to hear. I always think of season 2x18 episode with Bonnie and Damon kind of getting close dancing at the school dance and talking I wish there were more such moments between them both. This is one ship I want so bad for my girl Bonnie she secretly likes Damon I’m sure- as a friend 😉 You missed the ending I guess where they show the logo of TVD with the one drop of blood dripping so this episode instead of the blood it’s the snowflake that falls which is so ironic to this episode. Liked that nice touch they did there.

Idun V

Every time I see that scene with Klaus and the Hybrids I just feel kind of awful, the first time I loved that scene, now all I can think of is that those 12 people became slaves and when they finally freed themselves they were brutally murdered by the man who enslaved them. Also, Carole being murdered was just... horrifying. Overall this episode is just full of pain, Delena and Stefan, poor April being thrown into all of this. This episode is amazing.


And let's not forget the pain that Damon must have gone throw by willingly letting the love of his life go.


this episode also makes me wonder if stefan had elena sired to him. would he let elena go? i dont think so consider when elena chose him, he didn't feel the need to protect it from hurting his brother or had the idea of letting her go cuz he too isnt good for her considering what passed or enemies he may have that can hurt her or jeopardized her life. Like he ofc felt bad for his brother cuz he knows damon is in love with her but he never felt the need to let her go for his brother or promised him that he would like how damon kept saying that to elena about promising stefan he would let her go and how he acted throughout this whole episode, distancing himself from her because of the guilt he had about stefan not knowing. I just personally can't see stefan doing what damon did if it was reversed cuz considering seasons 1-early s4 of elena chosing stefan, yes he felt bad for damon but never once consider letting her go in sake of his brotherbond with damon or how damon feels about it


The issue I have with Stefan making Damon "set her free" is he NEVER asked her what SHE wants. Mr. I Respect Your Decisions So Much I Let You DIE... isn't giving her a choice. She clearly wants to be with Damon even though she KNOWS she's sired now. He doesn't respect that. I get Damon wanting to 'set her free' anyways due to his insecurities. He doesn't want it if it's not REAL but Stefan has done a complete 180 (read: one-eighty) about her choices and so it feels self serving.


@bella I think that's fair to say that Stefan may not have let her go and if she was sired to Stefan he'd probably respect that choice cause it's him lol. I am reminded of a line from 2x3 where he is talking to Caroline. Caroline asks Stefan if he thinks he should have walked away from Elena and Stefan says "Oh I know I should have, I just can't." So Stefan has known he should have walked away from Elena long ago but didn't. IF that is the 'right thing to do' he has had 2 years and still hasn't done it. Damon managed to in a day.


This is my favorite Klaus scene


This was my personal favorite vampire diaries episode from the whole show, the last segment was beyond epic, also,I dont like caroline's habit of spilling secrets lmao....but I dont really blame her, irs just who she is...(from my experience girls are terrible at keeping secrets so she is a stereotypical teen girl lol)


Cant really blame her though...we as viewers know that damon has a good side, but caroline doesn't, all she sees is a lunatic and selfish serial killer who also r*ped her.....and who blames her?? Damon doesn't often show his good side to others,so its very obvious that caroline would be team stefan....just because us viewers know that damon is good, doesn't mean all the characters know that....its a weird viewers complex that happens in a lot of shows.....and its annoying, but it is what it is


I dont think he can ask what she wants, because she'll want whatever damon wants lol..I think what stefan needs to hear to move on is an "unsired elena" telling him that she loves damon...but right now he feels like she's with damon because of the sire bond


Shane's character needs to get an award for the greatest mastermind in a tv show...uses everyone as a pawn...he is really an underrated character...especially in a show filled with supernatural beings,he still outsmarted everyone

Keith Engel

Thus the episodes, this one and the ones prior, that destroy whatever good will you have towards Caroline and even Stefan that had been built up in previous seasons. It took me a while to actually come to like their characters again.

Keith Engel

Oh my god Please help me Knee deep in the river tryin' to get clean....

Jay zay

I never liked Caroline and I never will

Keith Engel

One of the things I never see people actually examine or comment on is Klaus painting and how deep it actually is in this episode. Sure it is blunt of the jokes in this episode, yet it offers such a deep insight into Klaus' character and his hidden truth. We see a single lonely snow flake in the background, while in the foreground is what appears to be branches/trees that are all black and dark. The white surrounded by the darkness. The single white snow flake just out of reach in the background. The symbolism in the painting is actually astonishing and the representation of Klaus as a character. Klaus, alone, surrounded by his darkness, searching and reaching for the the white and good that is in him, trying not to be consumed by the darkness as it keeps encroaching in on his life. No one there for him, no one wanting to understand how alone he feels, how abandoned he feels, how unloved he feels. The snow flake representing his love, and the darkness representing his hate and resentment, and how that darkness is starting to consume his love. Conversely, we also see the same happening with Stefan in these episodes.

Keith Engel

The saddest aspect in all of this, is that Elena just wants to jump into the fire now, since she has finally accepted this truth.