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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1imqgzu1mp0wtez/The.Vampire.Diaries.S04E08.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0



Shaniyah Armstrong

I love haley I hope you react to the originals..


Sorry I have to say it. I get Stefan is sad because Elena broke up with him, but the level of duescheness with his brother reached in this episode is unexcusable. Using Damon's insecurities to hurt him, where it hurts the most. Then I've been waiting for this episode to come to explain why Damon killed Lexi with no remorse. Becuase she is the one that kept the brothers apart and Damon resented her ever since....and there is more....Yes she is looking after Stefan, but she is putting all the blame for everything that happen to Stefan on Damon, litterally fracturing the relationship between the two brothers and give in to Stefan's false narrative that Damon is to blame for everything bad that happen in his life, making the two brothers resent one another and making Stefan never facing his problems full front. How much we blamed Damon for the brutal killing of Lexi? Well, now we know why Damon never liked Lexi...and that is not all.... I've been waiting to rant about it, since season 1 and now I finally could. That is what we where talking with Manzipop, that we coudn't tell.


Caroline got really annoying this episode


But if we are being honest, back in the days damon wasn't the right company for stefan, and lexi recognised that....he wanted stefan to indulge in hunan blood,and even though he had good intentions, lexi realised that they cant be together...so I really dont blame lexi...


The next episode has my personal favorite vampire diaries moment...cant wait!!


The level of heavy interfearing in Damon and Elena's reletionship, from Caroline and Stefan is beyond believe. I love Caroline but in these few episode the level of gossip and bitchiness, steps way over the boundry of frienship. And Stefan heard that the sire bond effects only actions not feelings. Elena's feelings are clear now, are for Damon and he should achnowledge that and let go. But Caroline is stiring up things encouraging this and it's good for anybody. The face of Elena and Damon at the end....it's heartbreaking.


Oh, how I was for the fact that they ruined 2 scenes of Delena in a row. But I was so relieved when Tyler and the witch explained that being a sired doesn't affect feelings. Although we already knew that Elena had feelings for Damon when she was still human, but it wasn't out of place to hear confirmation of that. It was very painful for Damon to find out that Elena was sired to him. But now he knows for sure that her feelings for him are real. Although this does not negate the complexity of the situation.


Stefan acts in this episode as if Damon knew about this sire bond with Elena and specifically used her to his advantage. What I don't like about these episodes is that both Damon and Elena lost the support of their closest people. Damon was always on Stefan's side, trying to help him when he was feeling bad, always trying to raise him up in Elena's eyes. Elena, in turn, always supported Caroline, and at least tried to understand her and get into her position. And what do Damon and Elena get when they have a difficult situation? Stefan specifically puts pressure on Damon's sore points, making him feel guilty, at a time when it is already difficult and painful for him. Caroline, instead of explaining the whole situation to her friend, throws sarcastic phrases with double entendres, making Elena also feel guilty for her choice and for being happy. No matter what anyone says, both Stefan and Caroline are being selfish, even though they blame Damon for it.


I love this scene with Tyler and the hybrids. I get goosebumps every time I see it. After all, hybrids have the genes of a wolf and they need a pack leader. Tyler did a great job of it.

Therese Larsen

Caroline logic: Sleeping around is much worse than being a ripper 💁🏼‍♀️ She has every right to hate Damon after what he put her through in season 1, but COME ON

I Am Not Chamari

Stefan and Caroline were absolute nuisances this episode. Like, how did they figure that Elena’s sire bond is to blame for everything? It doesn’t make any sense. As Tyler said, sire bonds affect actions, not feelings. There is the excuse that a vamp to vamp sire bond works differently, but the thing is, Damon never told her to: sleep with him kiss him that she’s falling for him or feels something for him break up with Stefan She did all of that on her own. The logic just isn’t there and that’s what’s frustrating. Stefan and Caroline are both acting like Damon orchestrated Elena falling in love with him. So annoying.

Idun V

I usually love Caroline, but during this part of season 4 I just... ugh 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️

Andrea Dcosta

I love Lexi she wants good for Stefan and loves her friend but it’s the fact she literally drove the brothers away. Being away from each other wasn’t an option at all aren’t they doing good now? Didn’t Damon teach Stefan control and I feel this was all possible without Lexi being there as much as I love her. I understand why Damon didn’t like Lexi. Also, I can’t get one thing Stefan served in the WAR like a place where you’re bound to see blood everywhere and in that flashback scene Stefan just seen a little blood on his hands and somehow lost control and was asking Lexi for help how does that make sense? I still don’t get it. Stefan pissed me off this episode but at the end he made up for it. Thank god he at least accepted the fact that Damon loves Elena and he will do the right thing by her but I don’t agree on this freeing her rubbish its not fair to both of them. As the witch said a vampire has human feelings for her sire before being a vampire and it just magnifies after being a vampire. I feel terrible for Damon when he realized about the sire bond It’s happening with elena once she drank from the blood bag the look on his face was so so sad. That end scene with them oh mahn I can’t watch these scenes without getting emotional it just breaks my heart. Also, Stefan saying stuff to Damon like damon is not capable and has not done anything good? No selfless deeds. Like really Stefan? Just back in season 3 we see Damon turns Abby just so his brother isn’t blamed for it even though he could easily let Stefan turn abby but he does this for his brother and for him not to feel guilty for it. Damon always tried to get them together in season 2 season 3 damon telling elena Stefan didn’t screw us over, in season 2 damon telling elena he didn’t drink the ppl blood but he had to anyways I can go on and on. Damon has always tried to get them together even though he could have made things bad between Stefan and Elena but he didn’t. I just wonder does Stefan know his brother at all?? Anyways this was a good episode other than the sire bond thing. Loved watching Bonnie Elena and Caroline together dancing and having fun after so long. Also, caroline dropping the sire bond thing on elena in that way was not done I know it she would be the one to drop it on her. Besides this sire bond someone needs to help bonnie and look up on her like she’s learning a whole new type of magic called Expression this is scary!!


Also the two brothers in uniform....do we want to talk about what a WOW they are? 😂

Heather Hollenbeck

This is where I start to dislike the direction the show takes. The sire bond thing just really bothers me. Elena clearly has strong feelings for Damon, im not disputing that she cares for him and probably loves him, but the sire bond still makes consent an extremely dubious thing, and it isn’t okay. Caroline, while being extremely judgemental, is understandably concerned for her best friend considering she also had her choice taken away by Damon. Not blaming Damon for the sire bond, because it isn't his fault, but Caroline's feelings make sense. I just dislike that the show never brings up what Damon put her through as a human — if it did, her feelings would seem more understandable. But the show doesn't bring it up AT ALL, so her dislike of Elena being with Damon makes her seem unreasonable and unlikable.


And if we all remember when Klaus told Tyler to bite Caroline he strongly voiced his disagreement, he did it later because of the sirebond but he was well capable to know that was wrong and say it. So it doesn't effect your state of mind, not your convictions, not your right or wrong discernment, not your feelings, only your actions. Damon is not Klaus, and knowing that Elena is sired, we would never make Elena do something that is harmful to her.


I LITERALLY CANT STAND THE FACT THAT STEFAN AND CAROLINE DON'T REMEMBER CONSTANTLY TRYING TO GET HUMAN ELENA TO ADMIT SHE LIKES AND IS ATTRACTIVE TO DAMON. BUT SIRE BOND IS NOW THEIR EXCUSE FOR HER FEELINGS. Like the way they choose their direction makes no sense, was elena sired when stefan told her to go on the trip with damon to see how she feels? was elena sired when she was having a hard time picking which brother THROUGHOUT all of season 3. was elena sired when caroline questioned human her if shes attractive to damon. Like seriously the writers forgot their own writing.


am i the only one thinking for a second that the reason why stefan is acting the way, like i get heartbroken but to me he is like passive aggresive and acts like this later on in the season is cuz he isn't use to not being picked over his brother? Every girl stefan has been with wanted him and this one time a girl leaves him and goes to his brother, he acts like this cuz what happened to the stefan who was tryna to understand in season 3x20 where elena says she has something to tell him about damon but he said he rather not know unless she wants to tell him. Or the stefan that asked her in 3x18 to admit she is in love with damon. So when she finally does, stefan's whole character and personality changed shifted into a kinda like a humanity ripper verison of him without ripping heads off. Idk that's my opinion.


I will put this out there first. Elena 100% WANTED TO sleep with Damon. I have to defend ONE point here with Caroline. Because after thinking about it like a billion times I realized WHY she told Elena she was sired to Damon. I really think she was NOT going to tell her until Elena said she was sleeping with Damon. Given my own views on consent and such if I knew my friend may not have ability to consent to something like that I'd let them know. I'd feel completely wrong any other way. Because as we ALL know Elena WANTED to do that but given how guarded Elena has been about her feelings for Damon especially with Caroline I don't believe Caroline is sure of that. I refuse to fault Caroline for that. All the rest of the judgey nasty things she said... she needs to stop but I get WHY she told Elena when she did.


I love season 4. Damon and Elena have amazing chemistry 😍This season (in my opinion) reveals all of Elena's feelings that she did not admit


I was so annoyed at Stefan and Caroline this episode.

Mara Smith

I get that too. “It’s Stefan. It’s always been Stefan”. This time it isn’t and how he handles it is interesting.


I honestly like the sire bond thing a lot because it's a little bit of a payback for all the moments when Damon compelled himself new girlfriends including Caroline (explaining her reaction tbh to Elena appearing compelled), which was honestly really messed up and I'm not even sure you could put that on TV so casually today. It's a little bit like the midas touch. If you compell people all the time to get what you want now you have the opposite problem, you can't have a genuine relationship because of it


I don't think that is what the show ment. We are in season 4 and characters have changed and evolved from season one a great deal, we have to follow the story otherwise we risk to miss entirety what the writers are telling us. Damon deserve to be loved, he earned it, but nobody knows that because when he does good deeds, when he act selflessly and boy he is capable of greatness in that department, he never brags about it. Elena just came out from a relationship with Stefan and has closed a character of her life to embrace the new one. The sire bond is there to make them and others aware that the relationship is chosen, and is as real as it gets and it's Damon and Elena future as adults. The sire bond is there not as punishment but as a trial for Damon and Elena that will need to fight for their love against everything and everybody together, establishing them as a true couple/partnership/unity.


The criticism is not much about why but on how she did it, with violence and rage that are out of place but most of all are damaging to their friendship. Hence Elena's strong reactions. She could have sat her down and calmly explain her concerns and what she believes is happening. It is in character to blab everything anybody tells her, she cannot keep secrets, everybody knows that so if you want something to stay secret you shouldn't tell Caroline.😁


@Andrea Dcosta The whole selfless thing... let's take STEFAN's definition from 1x22: It means doing the right thing and expecting nothing in return. A couple examples of this is like when Damon saved Matt at the Original's Ball. Helped Matt, didn't tell anyone about it, expected nothing. Rose, never told anyone about that.


Thank you @Libby and @Patpet.....you saved me from so much typing...as always :) I agree 100%

Keith Engel

There is one thing you brought up in your understanding of Elena's character from last episode that we do see on display at the start of this episode. The flashbacks you mention bout her waking up happy, turning up the music, throwing her poms poms to onto her uniform. Also remember the person who convinced her to give up cheerleading if it wasn't making her happy anymore? This is what we see in this episode in the morning as she is about ready to go to school, her being happy like that again like in the flashblack. You are one of the few reactors that I have seen that picked up on the importance of that sequence of flashbacks in the last of episode of last season. It was meant as a comparison for her choice in that moment, and what is also taking place currently in this first scene we see her with Damon. There was still a sadness, no matter what she believed, surrounding herself when it came to Stefan, yet as we saw at times with Damon, that was gone during roadtrips, as well as even at dances, the 60s dance when he was able to make her laugh and smile. She is more free around Damon, more able to be herself, like she was before the death of her parents, as you bring up an aspect that Caroline should notice, but doesn't for various reasons, and a part of her that Stefan never knew actually, his insistent, she was never meant to be this person, this is actually the person she was, before her parents death, before she met Stefan, the person that Damon first! This is the beauty that is TVD and eventually the Originals, don't watch Legacies though I implore you.

Keith Engel

Glad you are starting to see how Lexi in some cases actually came between the Brothers, as much as she in this episode was trying to get them back "together". She was the only who knew what was best for Stefan, how to treat him, it's similar to Stefan's own personality of on and off again with the wagon, it's either her way or the highway. Damon was always trying to get Stefan to accept himself, learn control, learn moderation. She judges Damon in this episode for him trying to teach his brother that because of what happened in 1912. There is also the fact of course that Damon did in his mistake ship him off to Lexi back in 1864, instead of staying by his brothers side. So, some of it comes back to that point. As much as Lexi was Stefan's best friend, she was also a certain kind of poison in his life prolonging his on and off again life style. She made him feel the shame of being a vampire deeper in some cases I feel, as well his own holier than thou attitude that we see come from him, came from her influence on Stefan's life, her own attitudes towards Damon, became Stefan's.

Emilia Leidich

In this episodio started my dislike for lexi.

Keith Engel

Nope, it's all part of his superiority complex...we both know when he finally sees his brother again fully, though the audience has seen it all along.

Keith Engel

As much as I hate the sire bond, I do enjoy the aspect of TVD were something merely mentioned in the previous season comes back around. Damon was the one who knew about Tyler's sire bond, but as an audience, we don't really think about how and why does Damon know about this sire bond matter when he brings this up. It's just oh okay, he has information about something. Then we get answers a season later concerning that.

Keith Engel

Season 1 Episode 2 Why She Chose Stefan at the End of Season 3 being put on display now....What truth had she been hiding from that got exposed this season.... Elena: I would write..."Dear diary, today I convinced myself it was ok to give up. Don't take risks. Stick with the status quo. No drama, now is just not the time. But my reasons aren't reasons, they're excuses. All I'm doing is hiding from the truth, and the truth is that..." I'm scared, Stefan. I'm scared that if I let myself be happy for even one moment that...the world's just going to come crashing down, and I...don't know if I can survive that.

Keith Engel

Caroline Season 2, when Stefan pressured him about the where about of Elena when she was talking with Katherine, and Stefan tried to manipulate the answer out from her, she stood up for her best friend and girlfriend by not telling Stefan were she was able to actually kept the damn secret. It's why everyone hates Caroline in these moments, her own feelings for someone are getting in the way.

Keith Engel

One of the things, I have never encountered is an explanation as to why Damon's Blood actually caused two people to become sired to him. Yet, if we look at Damon's character as a whole and how he loved, this makes sense, when it came to Katherine. His love is one of dedication, devotion, loyalty, and willing to do anything for the person he does love. Now of course, we know that the person has to have human feelings for the Vampire that is turned from that blood. Yet, what is the sire bond, an actual reflection of Damon's Character and His Love itself, were the person basically becomes as dedicated to him as he is to them, willing to do anything for the person they love, just like him.