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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rybxf6c7hd0pbfm/The.Vampire.Diaries.S04E07.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




The sirebond thing is the only dislikable thing this season...was entertaining to some extent,but really unnecessary and annoying for me


i HATE how they ruined the delena scene with stefan and caroline talking over it :((( they couldve just put that after the delena scene ugh


I love your reaction 😍 I'm really excited for the next episode🤫

Jasmine Reigns

“This is bullshit” 😂 was pretty much everyone who watched TVD live the moment they brought up sire bond. Nonetheless this season was spectacular, I cannot wait for the next episode


I hate the writers for ruining such a hot Delena scene. Every time I watch this scene, I want to turn off the sound. I know that Julie Plec was a total Stelena fan, but not by that much! We had seen so few scenes like this with Delena before, and when we finally did, they ruined it with such an inappropriate conversation between Caroline and Stefan. If the creators really wanted to introduce this line with the sire bond, then why not do it separately? I hate it so much!


People argue so much about this sire bond thing and becoming a vampire thinking it’s the only reason anything happened when it’s just there as a distraction to keep people guessing the truth about how Elena feels


Why is Caroline so mad about Elena's feelings for Damon? OK, I know he did terrible things to her and she doesn't like him. But it seemed to me that they had recently found a common language. I remember when Caroline talked to Elena and asked her to admit that she had feelings for Damon, saying that it showed that she was human. And Caroline seemed so understanding at the time, and I thought she could try to get into Elena's position and support her. And in the end, Elena received only condemnatory speeches, misunderstandings and dislike from Caroline. I want to note that Elena never condemned the choice of friends. And what I don't understand is that in Caroline's opinion, Elena has become a completely different person. Sofie, you said exactly what I meant in the last episode. Elena did not become a different person, she remained herself. Perhaps some qualities have strengthened, she has become bolder, she has understood what and who she wants. And after Elena tried to let go and not be afraid of what people might think of her, everyone wanted to fix her and bring back that sad girl who lost her parents. And these are her closest people, Stefan and Caroline! And right now, I can't call Stefan's actions completely selfless. He almost openly said that he wanted Elena back, and in his opinion, it would be possible to do it if she became a human again. But, Sofie, you're right, Elena had feelings for Damon when she was human. It's obvious. Otherwise, she would not have doubted it, and there would not have been that trip together for Jeremy.




Well, Joseph Morgan is really charming, wether he is playing Klaus or not, so I totally get you😍


The whole story of the cure, the tattoo, the hunters, and the role that Professor Shane plays in all of this is very exciting and interesting. By the way, I like Professor Shane. It's an amazing combination of creepy and charm. Shane has a pretty good sense of humor, and he was talking quite confidently to Damon. But it still surprises me how easily Bonnie trusts him. Doesn't it seem creepy to her that she spent 7 hours with him and doesn't remember anything about it?


For everybody to fully enjoy the beauty of the delena scene with no interruption....that kiss at the end encompass all the passion, devotion, abandonment and deep love that Damon has for Elena. Such an iconic beautifull kiss!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THBASJpo-TM


@Patpet, thanks! I would like this scene to look like this in the episode. And then they could put the scene with Caroline and Stefan.


It has been two days, after Elena and Stefan split up. The day they split up, the day of dance court preparation and the actual Miss Mistyc Fall Court day, not one day. They have been waiting for ever to make love. The motel kiss, the bathroom scene, the dirty dance moments, were an appetiser to this. It is obvious that the moment she is free and they are finally alone, they dance, who can resist Damon dancing, specially when she is fully aware of the extent of his love for her, that they were going to have sex. Unavoidable, those two are magnets. And you wait to make love when you need to build up trust, but they have everything already, so to me the timing of when it happen is not an issue at all. Elena is not with Stefan anymore and his behaviour has created some further distance between them. And it shouldn't be anybody concern but her and Damon how when and what they are doing. It is not like she didn't state it clearly that she has feeling for Damon, and that he is the main reasons she and Stefan split up. Those feelings have been there for long time.


season 4 is my favorite, but the build up and reveal of the sire bond was just bad, imo. * damon told elena she had to drink from the vein - but she did everything else and not until circumstance forced it and matt offered did she drink. * elena refused to drink from the girl with a sister on campus * connor staked elena - but missed her heart - before she killed him. * the red dress looked very good, why is it weird to say that? agreeing with people you like is sooo weird.. * elena's feelings were intensified for damon after becoming a vampire? it kinda looks more like they have become less considering in season 3 she had to leave the room to stop herself from making out with him. * damon is suddenly not to be trusted and whose advice is bad? elena probably trusted him more than anyone else in season 3. Caroline's realization doesn't make sense to the viewers, imo. I hope you watch next episode soon, it's great :)


You all know how I feel about this episode... the end.

Andrea Dcosta

I love my girl Caroline but she freaking annoys me this episode to another level 😒The Delena sire bond is here hate this at this point yes and I know many of guys just don’t like it but I kinda got ok with it later on after watching the this season a couple of times for a reason which I will tell in time. Right now sire bond no freaking way it completely puts us Delena fans in a frenzy after waiting on for this for such a longg time and Caroline and Stefan specially Caroline interfering in this with her dialogues was so dam irritating. And I don’t think them sleeping was a result of the sire bond I don’t see Damon forcing or asking or demanding her to sleep with him. And as u said she had feelings for him long before becoming a vampire. What irritates and upsets me the most is Damon finally gets to be happy and there you go another blow for him right after loosing Ric can they keep Damon happy for a while? Plus Stefan this ain’t fair for him I also feel their sex scene is too soon she just broke up with Stefan and then this definitely will piss off stelena fans and Stefan fans I hated this myself too. I love Delena so dam much I ship them but all I’m saying it was too soon from Stelena’s breakup. Things like this causes ship wars and negativity in the fandom which I hate to the core. The writers clearly wanted more of the love triangle like come on Mahn 🙄

Andrea Dcosta

Caroline and Klaus oh myyy they are so freaking cute together and Joseph Morgan oh yes he’s way too charming. I find prof Shane cute 🤭 creepy but cute haha. This was a perfect reaction but the end urghh they had to ruin it I knew you would love this episode until the end lol so was waiting for it but also wasn’t if you know what I mean. On a funny note when Matt steps ahead to escort April the face he makes is just so hilarious Sofie while your editing this episode do have a look at it it’s so dam funny🤣🤣That bed sex scene would be perfect just perfect without that sire bond info at the side from Caroline and her interrupting 10 times in between. Next episode rather next few episodes are really really good..

Idun V

While the sire bond thing is annoying as hell, it doesn't truly ruin that Delena scene because it's not like Damon told her to fall for him and get together with him.


They ruined it for me because they made this revelation in the middle of the scene 😂. and I still don't know how this sire bond in Elena's case work, I've been thinking about it and still can't get it. The way they introduced the sire bond before as having faith and taking someone as your master because he saved you from this curse that caused you pain and you feel gratitude so I don't understand how that applies to Elena. Caroline and Stefan made it sound like the reason why Elena was behaving like this since she became a vampire, her breaking up with Stefan, getting closer to Damon, trusting Damon, believing and doing everything he says is because of the sirbond, so I'm like whaat should I really enjoy this.

Muhammad Hassan

Ian and Nina were doing what they usually did at home in that time because they were dating😂😂

Sade L.

Whew...Delena and Klaroline 😩


I really enjoy Damon as a character and I absolutely ship him and Elena. What I don't understand is why people criticize Caroline so harshly. The way she was treated back in season 1 surely justifies her resentment towards him, don't you think? I mean, how do I sugar coat this.. there was frickin physical/mental/sexual abuse involved. Sure, you can say he's changed, but I don't think a girl would ever forgive a guy who borderline r***d her. I think people easily overlook this fact, just because of Damon's looks and personality.


One of the times I wanted to punch Caroline.....The sire thing...I just ignored it....there are many clues as to how Elena feels.

Mara Smith

That rewind 🥰🥺😮


@SoFieReacts LOL I am ONLY writing this cause YOU asked and wanted to hear my opinion. I hated this episode with a burning passion. A couple of things to know to make the rest of my explanation coherent... This was the second LIVE (when it first aired) episode I had watched. I watched the previous three Seasons on Netflix then caught up the first few of Season 4 on the CW site. Watched 4x6 the week before and I was SUPER excited for this episode. There were so many possibilities and I was like oh Thank God I can't wait to see what a SINGLE Stefan looks like! Like I couldn't wait for what I assumed would be an actual relationship building with Damon and Elena and just there is so much opportunity here... Instead the show said hey let's piss off EVERYONE. Let's have Stefan murder people and force Jeremy to murder people. Let's have Elena sleep with Damon ONE FRICKEN DAY after she and Stefan break up. Even better let's make it seem like the only reason Elena likes Damon is because of a SIRE bond and oh even better Let's have Caroline and Stefan talk over the entire thing and then play the creepy danger music when Damon and Elena are getting naked as to give the impression that he is raping her because she doesn't have the ability to consent!!!! They even made me irritated (it faded quickly) with Caroline and I thought that was f*cking impossible. I am in fact a Delena shipper and I felt like this episode was a punch to the face. WORSE I enjoyed NONE of it because I figured out she was sired when Klaus and Caroline had the conversation when they were walking around at the MIss Mystic Pageant. Now at that time I didn't realize they were going to have them sleep together so I was annoyed and yelling at my TV but when it became clear they were actually going all the way here, I wanted to throw things at the TV. I know a lot of people want to defend the episode or explain things in favorable ways especially about Damon and Elena or give the show a pass (and everything people have said in the previous comments about Elena caring about Damon before etc is all true) because we all love it so much but There were only a million and a half ways to do this better. I felt like they WANTED to piss people off. Cause I see VALID reasons for Stelena/Delena shippers Stefan or Damon or Elena and even Caroline Fans all to be mad...

Therese Larsen

Woooww you just described all the things I felt myself that I haven’t been able to put down to words myself. I watched the show live from the second half of season 1, so I was all over the place when I watched it first.

Keith Engel

Now starts the divide, not only among characters, but also the TVD fanbase as a whole.

Keith Engel

Damaon's character is very deep when it comes to Stefan, his willingness to sacrifice himself for him.....

Keith Engel

Lot's of Feelings being projected by Caroline in this situation..all I'll say, but you are keying up on a few different things here.

Keith Engel

I enjoyed it despite the stupid Sire BS they tried to pull, the slow burn that had been building up for seasons, the audience despite how they "tried" to play it off knew it was real, I knew it was real, no matter what type of doubts they wanted to put in the characters minds, or the audience, just like how Elena doesn't doubt it. All this does is plays on the jealousy of Caroline and also the insecurities of Stefan as character.

Keith Engel

Episode 4 Season 1 Bonnie: Yeah, they both dated her, only she chose Damon. And that drove Stefan mad, so he did horrible things to try and break them up.

Keith Engel

An awesome Edit for the episode, even includes flashback scenes to 1x19 during the Miss Mystic Scene. https://youtu.be/fUL9Vj6Aqrw


the delena sire bond is the worst storyline this is around where I started noticing the writers were just stirring up BS for shock value and unnecessary drama in places where it didn't need to be. but... at least it gets better, like the sire bond was the lowest part of the show for me.