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Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g65ozmww2bjc3tt/One%20tree%20hill%20S2XE07%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i3873jamjokcbue/One%20tree%20hill%20S2XE07%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0



Jasmine Reigns

I feel like after this episode is when the show kicks off into a series of emotions and just gets better and better in storylines.

I Am Not Chamari

So many douchebags in one town, right? At least Chris Keller is entertaining (or at least, I think he is). Felix is just annoying. I get that he is wary of Lucas because he knows something went down between him, Brooke and Peyton. Also, I think Felix thinks that Luke coerced Anna into the topless photo. These are valid concerns, if Felix wasn't the absolute worst himself. I also wasn't invested in Keith and Jules because I am still pulling for Keith and Karen, although I find Karen and Andy very endearing. I also wonder why Deb would lie to Karen about sleeping with Keith. What did she have to lose? Well, either way, Karen said what we've ALL been thinking about Dan. The way he told Karen that Deb slept with Keith definitely shows to me, he's the same villain that he's always been, he's just changing his tactics. And yes! Haley saving the night with her AMAZING voice. Such an amazing showcase of her talent.