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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5lo161rbrv67l6s/The.Vampire.Diaries.S04E05.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0



Jasmine Reigns

Are we getting the reaction of OTH that was dated for Tuesday soon?

Kristen Maddox

Can't wait for the next episodes!!!


I'm sooooooo excited for the next episodes🤭🤭🤫


Stefan wants the cure to help Elena. Elena is a compassionate person, but every vampire go trough what she is going through now, even Caroline kiiled someone and she is a perfect vampire now. But what if they cannot find the cure? Isn't it better to help her to be a vampire and IF they find a cure then she can take it? That is what Damon is saying, he loves her either way, no matter what, and he is willing to teach her to be a vampire and not feel bad about it. Stefan can't and he is putting all his eggs in one cure basket. He feels guilty that he is the one that cause her to be a vampire and wants to mend the situation. I can't wait for the next episode.


"I dont do teen drama" should literally be the tagline to describe hayley's character... Ive legit never seen her arguing with anyone over petty stuff lmao


@Patpet I also think Stefan has lost a key part of his and Elena's relationship. When he talked to Lexi about Elena in 1x8 one of the things he said was that when he's with her he can completely forget what he is. She anchored his humanity. Now that she is a vampire, that's all gone. SO he wants to 'fix' her and doesn't seem to realize that Elena doesn't have to feel broken. Look at her in the last episode. She was so, ALIVE. She was having fun, letting herself enjoy the parts of being a vampire that she can without all the shame and guilt. What Stefan says to Damon in the tunnels about the cure being her ONLY hope is how he sees it. She's not happy right now being a vampire but she COULD be and Stefan doesn't seem to see that as an option because HE is the one who can't be happy being with her or loving her if she is a vampire. EDIT: I'm not saying his ONLY motive is selfish. Clearly Elena wants the cure at this point and Stefan feels horribly guilty for not saving her. I'm just saying he doesn't want to consider that she could be happy as a vampire cause he CAN'T be happy with her if she's a vampire.


I can't wait for you to get to The Originals show!

Andrea Dcosta

I was so happy when finally Stefan told Damon the truth about the cure. I hate all this lies/ secrets it does no1 any good. It's frustrating. Damon- their like danger magnets. Wicked witch of the west How can he be so funny? 🤣


Elena stopped closing the door after she became a vampire? Or did Damon get the keys to the Gilberts ' house after all? 😂


Connor calls himself not just a vampire hunter, but a defender of people from them. But he uses too cruel methods towards people. The murder of April Young (if not for Caroline and Elena, she would have died), the holding of a group of people hostage, the constant threats to people. He really seems crazy. Elena, of course, is a compassionate person, and certainly regrets killing Connor. But he was a threat not only to vampires, but also to ordinary people. How is he different from a vampire or a villain pursuing his own personal goal? Nothing. He also has his own goal and will stop at nothing to achieve it. Protecting people is just a cover. Sofie, thank you for your wonderful reaction! I'm looking forward to the next episode! ❤️


@Libby absolutelly. That is preciselly the difference between the two brothers, and what I was implying by saying what if they don't find the cure? How Stefan is going to deal with that? Is he ever going to face the fact that Elena is a vampire now and has to learn to be happy with that? Because it seams that she can be, the dancing scene proves it. Stefan said that clearly to Caroline that he can let himself go around her, like Damon does, and as you rightfully pointed out, he wanted to know Elena and started a relationship with her because she gave him the opportunity to forget that he is a vampire and pretend to be human, thing that is gone now, and the conflict he has with the acceptance of his vampare side is now fully exposed again. So Stefan wants to cure Elena, surely because he cares about her, but mainly because he wants what he had back the way it was, he wants it for himself. And that's what the writer intetions was when the wrote that scene between Damon and Stefan, to undeline the difference between a self-serving intent and a selfless acceptance of the status quo.


And I might add that Elena confide in Damon and not in Stefan because his attitude with vamparism, his self-righteousness, about the possibility of not to wanting to live on bunny diet, the judgement she will get, that she feels she doesn't get from Damon. Even Lexi said to Stefan when she was drinking blood from the bag in front of him "don't judge me" and she had to justify herself. So it's totally undestandable that Elena, that doesn't want to be a vampire in the first place, feels even more miserable around him.

I Am Not Chamari

I definitely think Stefan is at least being partially selfish about the cure. But, more on this later.

Loved By You

The next episode is truly hearwrenching. Also Stefan is sooo fine this season omg

Keith Engel

Acceptance, Unconditional Love, No matter what, it's what we all want, it's the difference between the two brothers. It's also continue to shows you the inner turmoil between the two brothers. Acceptance being a vampire vs not being able accept the vampire side. Hence the differences that happens in the relationship, Stefan can't accept her Vamprisism, as a mirror of his own unacceptance of that aspect in himself, while Damon can, and thus accept her no matter what, show her unconditional love.


I agree, it's what Damon has said 'I'm fine with her either way', he's not in love with Elena as a human or Elena as a Vampire, he just loves Elena no matter what unconditionally, there's something a little more mature about that which is surprising from Damon and Stefan in a reversed way

Keith Engel

One of the matters that seems to go unnoticed, is with her heightened personality and feelings, is to remember that through out Stefan and Elena history, it started off rocky due to trust issues, him hiding things from her. This trend continued on though, Stefan always hiding things from her about him, that she only discovers her own eventually, like killing Jonathan Gilbert and other matters. Remember how she acted when she found out about Stefan hiding Katherine after the road trip with Damon. Well here you go, all of that aspect of her personality is heightened. Also this comes from Episode 5 of Season 1, this is Episode 5 of Season 4. Matt: Hey. I'm not saying this for you. I'm saying it for her. But she's big on trust. So whatever you're holding back from her, the more you try to hide it, the more she won't stop till she figures it out.

Keith Engel

Season 1 Episode 22 I love it when Stefan projects his own character flaws onto other people. Stefan: Well, see Damon, it's only real when it comes from your desire to do the right thing for nothing in return, and I know that it is an entirely foreign concept to you. I completely understand that you wouldn't get it.

Keith Engel

A deeper analysis of everything... Now we really do find out who Elena is to Stefan, she is Katherine prior to finding out she was a vampire. That he is really basically falling in love all over again with Katherine. Thus bringing us back to the what Elena is to him, his ability to love Katherine again while she was still human and he was still human at the same time. So he can pretend to be back at that time prior to becoming a vampire, after all he can't truly be himself around her, so he can feel better about himself because of all the horrible things he's done since that point in time as a vampire. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheVampireDiaries/comments/mmijx3/delena/gugdcsw?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Lol I haven’t forgotten. I have probably written a dissertation on how Stefan hides things from her and never had any intention of telling her the truth on several subjects. He kept the Katherine thing from her along with him being a vampire. He didn’t seem to have any intention on telling her she was adopted. He saw how Elena reacted to his brother as a vampire and never mentioned that he has eaten and dismembered more people in a few years than Damon has in his entire vampire life. He let her fall for someone who doesn’t exist at a time when she was completely vulnerable. He flat out admitted in 1x19 that Elena wasn’t supposed to find out about his blood issues so when he said he wanted to tell her in 2x14... I was like well it’s about damn time.